These are the programs that are used in the entry and maintenance of the Babase Master tables. Their use is fully documented in the procedure manual. The summary written here provides a statement of purpose and a mention of all updated data. The operation and behavior of the programs supports the table and program characteristics documented in this manual. For more information on the actual capabilities of the programs see the documentation in the programs' headers.
The programs are designed to upload data in “batch” -- each run of a program uploads a single file containing multiple lines of data, each of which is then inserted into the database as a row of data in one (or more[295]) database tables.
Most of the upload programs, the exception being the Psionload program, take as input a file of data arranged in tabular format. The file is expected to contain plain text, with rows on separate lines and columns separated by a single tab character. This data structure can be produced by exporting data from a spreadsheet as tab delimited text.
The programs upload the data into the database in an all-or-nothing fashion. Ether all the data in a uploaded file is inserted into the database or, should any error occur, none of it is. After an error each program continues to process the uploaded file so as to catch additional errors. However the input line containing the erroneous data is ignored so the “trial”[296] insertion into the database of the subsequent lines in the uploaded file may result in spurious errors due to the “missing” data. It is left to the operator to distinguish the real errors from the false positives.
When in doubt simply correct the errors that are clearly problems, notably the first error reported, and re-run the program.
For reasons of security most browsers will remove pathnames from forms. Should a program which imports data into Babase from a file find an error in the data, rather than re-enter the pathname of the file to be uploaded simply press the browser's "reload" button. This (usually, depending on the browser) redoes the upload using the previously entered file name -- but with the new, now-corrected, data content.
Each time any of the Babase web programs successfully uploads a file into a database Babase remembers the name of the file and the database. None of the Babase programs will allow the same user to re-upload a file of the same name into the same database, until either a file with a different name is loaded into that database or until the user logs out and back in.
For more information on whether data is required to present, as well as other required characteristics of the data values, see the documentation of the specific column into which the data is stored.
The SWERB_UPLOAD view takes the place of an upload program. The Upload program can be used to insert data into this view and thence into the various SWERB Data tables.
The upcen program updates the CENSUS table. It is accessed over the web and can be found on the Babase Web site.
The upcen program updates the CENSUS table on a group-by-group basis. A single run of upcen can update CENSUS with multiple days of data on multiple individuals, but all the data must be for a single group.
Rows inserted into the CENSUS table by
upcen have a CENSUS.Cen value of TRUE
Should a data validation error occur during the execution of upcen the CENSUS table will not be updated at all. Upcen runs in an all or nothing fashion, either all of the data supplied to it is entered into the database or none is.
Upcen takes a single file of census data arranged in tabular format, a format very similar to the data sheets filled out in the field. The file is expected to contain plain text, with rows on separate lines and columns separated by a single tab character. This data structure can be produced by exporting data from a spreadsheet as tab delimited text.
The layout of the data in the file is as follows:
The first cell of data, the one in the first column of the first row, must contain the GROUPS.Gid code for the group.
The remainder of the first row of data, the entire first row excepting the first cell, must contain the dates on which the census was taken.
In order to avoid confusion between European and American date styles, and other sorts of foolery with Excel dates, it may be a good idea to have the spreadsheet format this data as text rather than as dates.
The remainder of the first column of data, the entire first column excepting the first cell, must contain the Snames of the censused individuals.
The remainder of the table, everything excepting the first row and first column, contains the census data. Each cell represents the census taken of an individual, who's Sname appears in the first column, on a census date, the date appearing in the first row. Each cell can contain one of three possible values:
When N
(upper case
letter N, meaning “No data”)
appears in the cell there was no census of
the given individual on the given date.
Upcen does nothing to the CENSUS table.
When no data appears in the cell the
individual was censused present. The CENSUS
table is updated with a Status code of
for that
When a 0
zero) appears in the cell then individual
was censused absent. The CENSUS table is
updated with a Status code of
for that
The upmpi program uploads multiparty interaction data into the MPIS, MPI_DATA, MPI_PARTS, and CONSORTS tables.
As with the other data entry programs all data in the uploaded file is recorded in the database in an all or nothing fashion; the database is unchanged if any errors occur.
Each line in the uploaded file corresponds to one or more dyadic interactions. Each multiparty interaction is represented in the input file by contiguous lines, with these lines ordered so that earlier interactions appear first in the file. The context of the multiparty interaction and the result of any consort context must appear on the first line, and only the first line, of those uploaded lines that make up the MPI.
A single row in the file usually corresponds to a
single dyadic interaction. The exception is when the first
interaction of the multiparty inaction has an MPI_DATA.MPIAct value
indicating that multiple initial interactions are allowed.
In this case the row represents multiple dyadic
interactions, one for each combination of the Snames in the actor
and actee
columns. For example, if there
are 3 actors and 2 actees there will be a total of
6[297] dyadic interactions.
The uploaded file may contain leading or trailing empty lines. No data must be indicated by an empty cell.
The uploaded file must begin with a line of column headings with the names given below in the order given below. The column headings are validated but otherwise unused. This is to assist in the detection of data entry errors. The content of each column is as described.
A number that identifies the row within the uploaded file. These numbers must increase with each row and must be sequential within any one multiparty interaction. Gaps are allowed between multiparty interactions.
This column must contain a value.
This data is not recorded in the database but is checked for validity to assist in detection of data entry errors.
A number that identifies the coalition within the uploaded file. All the rows associated with a given multiparty interaction must share the same number. These numbers must not otherwise be re-used within the uploaded file.[298]
This column must contain a value.
This data is not recorded in the database but is checked for validity to assist in detection of data entry errors.
A GROUPS.Gid value. This data is not recorded in the database but is checked to ensure that each input line for a given multiparty interaction contains the same value. This check is done to assist in detection of data entry errors. The data in this column is not otherwise validated.
The date of the multiparty interaction. This data is stored in the MPIS.Date database column.
All the rows associated with a given multiparty interaction must contain the same date value. This check is done to assist in detection of data entry errors.
The Snames of the
actor(s) that is/are interacting. When there is more
than one actor (see above) the Snames of the actors are
separated by a comma (,
This data is stored in the MPI_PARTS.Sname database column, unless the value is is one of those in PARTUNKS.Unksname in which case it is stored in the MPI_PARTS.Unksname column.
A code indicating the act performed. These codes are generally MPIACTS values, with the following exceptions.[299]
A +
is changed into
A ?
is changed into
is changed into a
The Snames of the
actee(s) that is/are interacting. When there is more
than one actee (see above) the Snames of the actees are
separated by a comma (,
This data is stored in the MPI_PARTS.Sname database column, unless the value is is one of those in PARTUNKS.Unksname in which case it is stored in the MPI_PARTS.Unksname column.
The result of a request for help. The allowed values are:
Indicates no data -- the action was not a
request for help. A blank entry results in
values for MPI_DATA.Helped and MPI_DATA.Active.
Indicates that active help was given in
response to the help request. MPI_DATA.Helped and MPI_DATA.Active are set to
Indicates an unsuccessful request for
help. MPI_DATA.Helped and MPI_DATA.Active are set to
Indicates that passive help was given in
response to the help request. MPI_DATA.Helped is set to TRUE
MPI_DATA.Active set to
The values in this column are ignored.
The MPIS.MPIS-Context value. A value may only
appear on the first line of the lines making up the
multiparty interaction. When the context_type is
the context value must be
and a NULL
will be the
value entered into the database. This check is done
to assist detection of data entry errors.
A record of the result of consortship context, if any. A value may only appear on the first line of the lines making up the multiparty interaction. If not blank the consort value has the form: “male1 WITH female;male2 GET female”, or the form “male1 WITH female;male2 KEEP female”. In either case upmpi checks to see that both occurrences in the “female” placeholder are identical. When any of the participants are unknown the individual should be a PARTUNKS.Unksname value. When the “KEEP” form is used upmpi checks to see that the “male1” and “male2” values are identical.[300]
The “male1” value is recorded in the CONSORTS.Had database column. The “male2” value is recorded in the CONSORTS.Got database column.
The MPIS.Context_type code. A value may only appear on the first line of the lines making up the multiparty interaction.
The updart program uploads darting data into Babase.
As with the other data entry programs all data in the uploaded file is recorded in the database in an all or nothing fashion; the database is unchanged if any errors occur.
The updart program accepts a variety of data formats depending on the type of darting data uploaded. The format of the uploaded data is determined by the menu selection used to invoke the updart program.
For any given darting logistic data must be uploaded first. The remaining data can be uploaded in any order.
The updart program will not overwrite data on the DARTINGS table. The textual note columns on DARTINGS must be NULL
before being replaced with
a value. In some cases this will help prevent the uploading
of duplicate data.[301] Updart also reports an error when successive
lines in the uploaded file have identical
and dartdate
Because much of the darting data can involve collection of multiple sets of repeated data per darting there are few checks which prevent duplicate data.
By way of example, there are no restrictions which require that all the data which pertain to a given darting be recorded in contiguous rows so repetition of a darting in a later part of an uploaded file is not detected. Care must be taken not to upload the same data twice.
Each line in the uploaded file corresponds to the darting of a single individual. The uploaded file may contain leading or trailing empty lines. No data must be indicated by an empty cell.
The uploaded file must begin with a line of column headings with the names given in each section below in the order given in the sections below. The column headings are validated but otherwise unused, with the exception of the “numbered” columns that appear in sets as described in the next paragraph. The checking of column names is to assist in the detection of data entry errors. The content of each column is as described.
The “numbered” columns, such as the
columns labeled extra_anesthN
, and
, must be supplied in
matching sets. The N
in the column name
is presented here as a placeholder and the counting numbers
, 2
, etc., must be substituted in actual
use. The set of columns may be repeated as many times as
needed, or not used at all, the restriction being that the
first occurrence must use column names ending in the number
with successive repetitions
incrementing the “column number” by one. When
the uploaded data has more sets of columns than are needed
for a given line, a given darting, the unneeded columns are
to be left empty.
Every data format accepted by the updart program begins with the following columns in the order written here:
The name of the darted individual. The given value is compared in a case-insensitive fashion with BIOGRAPH.Name but is otherwise unused.
This column must contain a value.
This data is not recorded in the database but is checked for validity to assist in detection of data entry errors.
The BIOGRAPH.Sname of the darted individual.
This column must contain a value.
When supplied with other darting logistic data
this data is stored in the DARTINGS.Sname
column. Otherwise it is used together with the dartdate
column to identify the related
The sex of the darted individual, either
for male or F
for female.
This column must contain a value.
This data is not recorded in the database but is checked against BIOGRAPH.Sex to assist in detection of data entry errors. The data in this column is not otherwise used.
The date the individual was darted. When
supplied with other darting logistic data this data is
stored in the DARTINGS.Date database column. Otherwise
it is used together with the sname
column to identify the
related DARTINGS row.
Logistic data is uploaded into the DARTINGS, and ANESTHS tables.
In addition to the initial columns common to all the updart upload formats the logistic data format contains the following columns:
The time the individual was darted. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Darttime database column.
The time the individual succumbed to the anesthetic, the DARTINGS.Downtime value.
The time the individual was picked up by the darting team. This value is stored in the DARTINGS.Pickuptime column.
The ANESTHS.Drug of the anesthetic delivered by dart. This value is stored in the DARTINGS.Drug column.
The type of extra anesthetic administered, an DRUGS.Drug value. This value is stored in the ANESTHS.Drug column.
The time extra anesthetic was administered. This value is stored in the ANESTHS.Antime column.
The amount of extra anesthetic administered. This value is stored in the ANESTHS.Anamount column.
Textual notes related to darting logistics. This value is stored in the DARTINGS.Logisticnotes column.
General comments on the darting. This value is stored in the DARTINGS.Dartcomments column.
Morphology data is uploaded into the DARTINGS, CROWNRUMPS, CHESTS, ULNAS, and HUMERUSES tables.
In addition to the initial columns common to all the updart upload formats the morphology data format contains the following columns:
The individual's mass. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Mass database column.
The crownrump measurement. This data is stored in the CROWNRUMPS.CRlength database column.
The observer who took the crownrump measurement. This data is stored in the CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver database column.
The chest circumference measurement. This data is stored in the CHESTS.Chcircum database column.
The unadjusted chest circumference measurement. This data is stored in the CHESTS.Chunadjusted database column.
The observer who took the chest circumference measurement. This data is stored in the CHESTS.Chobserver database column.
The ulna measurement. This data is stored in the ULNAS.Ullength database column.
The unadjusted ulna measurement. This data is stored in the ULNAS.Ulunadjusted database column.
The observer who took the ulna measurement. This data is stored in the ULNAS.Ulobserver database column.
The humerus measurement. This data is stored in the HUMERUSES.Hulength database column.
The unadjusted humerus measurement. This data is stored in the HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted database column.
The observer who took the humerus measurement. This data is stored in the HUMERUSES.Huobserver database column.
Notes on the crownrump measurements This data is stored in the DARTINGS.CRnotes database column.
Notes on the chest circumference measurements This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Chnotes database column.
Notes on the ulna measurements This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Ulnotes database column.
Notes on the humerus measurements This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Hunotes database column.
Physiology data is uploaded into the DARTINGS, DPHYS, PCVS, and BODYTEMPS tables.
In addition to the initial columns common to all the updart upload formats the physiology data format contains the following columns:
The individual's PVC. This data is stored in the PCVS.PCV database column.
The individual's body temperature. This data is stored in the BODYTEMPS.Btemp database column.
Time the individual's body temperature was taken. This data is stored in the BODYTEMPS.Bttime database column.
Individual's pulse. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Pulse database column.
Individual's respiration. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Respiration database column.
State of the individual's right inguinal lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Ringnode database column.
State of the individual's left inguinal lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Lingnode database column.
State of the individual's right axillary lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Raxnode database column.
State of the individual's left axillary lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Laxnode database column.
State of the individual's right submandibular lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Rsubmandnode database column.
State of the individual's left submandibular lymph node. This data is stored in the DPHYS.Lsubmandnode database column.
Notes on physiological features. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Dphysnotes database column.
Notes on PVC measurements. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.PCVnotes database column.
Notes on body temperature measurements. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Bodytempnotes database column.
This program is no longer functional. It was used to add data to the DSAMPLES table, which has been replaced by the DART_SAMPLES table and DSAMPLES view.
Physical sample related data is uploaded into the DARTINGS and DSAMPLES tables.
In addition to the initial columns common to all the updart upload formats the physical sample data format contains the following columns:
(In progress, to be added later)
Data related to teeth is uploaded into the DARTINGS and TEETH tables.
In addition to the
initial columns common to all the updart upload
formats the teeth data format contains the following
columns. Most of these columns are “special”
in that the column name is used to designate a related TOOTHCODES row, indicating the position of the
tooth within the mouth. The text written into the upload
file's column names shown here as
must be replaced with the
actual tooth code. Data related to each tooth code is
presented as a set comprising the tooth's state (TSTATES) and the tooth's condition (TCONDITIONS).
Unlike the “numbered” column headers used with other sorts of repeating data all of the TEETH related columns need not be present. Their order is also not significant. However all of the columns pertaining to a particular tooth code must be adjacent.
The state of the tooth. (E.g. present, erupting, missing, etc.) This data is stored in the TEETH.Tstate database column.
The condition of the tooth. (E.g. healthy, decayed, etc.) This data is stored in the TEETH.Tstate database column.
General notes on the teeth. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Teethnotes database column.
General notes on the canines. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Caninenotes database column.
Testes related data is uploaded into the DARTINGS, TESTES_ARC, and TESTES_DIAM tables.
The determination of left or right testicle is not made based on the name of the column but by the value of the Testside or Testside column.
The left and right side measurements are separate and distinct “numbered column” set. This means there need not be as many left as right side measurements.[303]
In addition to the initial columns common to all the updart upload formats the testes data format contains the following columns:
The length of the (left) testicle. This data is stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testlength and TESTES_DIAM.Testlength database columns.
The width of the (left) testicle. This data is stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testwidth and TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth database columns.
Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
be supplied indicating the length
and width are of the left testicle. This data is
stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testside and TESTES_DIAM.Testside database
The length of the (right) testicle. This data is stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testlength and TESTES_DIAM.Testlength database columns.
The width of the (right) testicle. This data is stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testwidth and TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth database columns.
Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
be supplied indicating the length
and width are of the right testicle. This data is
stored in the TESTES_ARC.Testside and TESTES_DIAM.Testside database
Notes regarding testicle measurements. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Testesnotes database column.
The uptick program uploads into Babase data on parasite infestation collected during dartings. For any given darting it must be run after the darting logistic data is uploaded.
Each line of the uploaded file corresponds to a parasite count of a particular body part taken during a specific darting -- corresponds to a row in the TICKS table.
As with the other data entry programs all data in the uploaded file is recorded in the database in an all or nothing fashion; the database is unchanged if any errors occur.
The uptick program will not overwrite data in the DARTINGS.Ticknotes
column. This column must be NULL
before being replaced with
a value. In some cases this will help prevent the uploading
of duplicate data.
Because much of the darting data can involve collection of multiple sets of repeated data per darting there are few checks which prevent duplicate data.
By way of example, there are no restrictions which require that all the data which pertain to a given darting be recorded in contiguous rows so repetition of a darting in a later part of an uploaded file is not detected. Care must be taken not to upload the same data twice.
The uploaded file may contain leading or trailing empty lines. No data must be indicated by an empty cell.
The uploaded file must begin with a line of column headings with the names given below in the order given below. The column headings are validated but otherwise unused. This is to assist in the detection of data entry errors. The content of each column is as described.
Aside from the line containing the column headings the
uploaded rows can be ordered in any fashion. There is no
requirement that the rows pertaining to a single darting be
contiguous. However, because DARTINGS.Ticknotes cannot be overwritten only one
uploaded row per darting may have a non-empty
As described in Updart.
As described in Updart.
As described in Updart.
As described in Updart.
The number of parasites found on the designated body part. This data is stored in the TICKS.Tickcount database column.
The body part examined for parasites. This data is stored in the TICKS.Bodypart database column.
The kind of parasite counted. This data is stored in the TICKS.Tickkind database column.
The classification of the count itself. This data is stored in the TICKS.Tickstatus database column.
Notes on the counting of the parasites. This data is stored in the TICKS.Tickbpnotes database column.
General notes on the counting of ticks and other parasites. This data is stored in the DARTINGS.Ticknotes database column.
Because the
column is stored
on DARTINGS there can only be one per
darting. To ensure this only the first row for any
given darting may contain a value for
, the remaining
cells for the darting must be empty.
Psionload transfers the output of the Psion palmtop computers' focal point sampling data into Babase.
The Psionload program only knows how to load data with
the semantics of the data structure described by DATA_STRUCTURES.Data_Structure value
. This format is
documented on the Psion Data Format
page of the Babase
Note that the time recorded in a Psion ad-lib row is stored in both the Start and Stop columns of the INTERACT_DATA table.
This program makes a lot of assumptions about the contents of the STYPES, ACTIVITIES, POSTURES, and NCODES tables. It was written when those tables were laden with special values[304] to support two and only two sample types: samples on adult females and samples on juveniles of any sex. In the production database, these tables are appropriately configured and this program should function normally. But if installed in a new, "clean" database, this program will certainly NOT work.
The psionload program assumes that every program[305] that uses a setupfile[306] produces an output file having identical structure and semantics. If this assumption is violated then the data will either not load, or worse yet, will load in an incorrect fashion.
Any changes in the form or semantics of the data collected with the Psions must be indicated in the Psion data by way of a change in the Psion setup id string and the DATA_STRUCTURES row referenced thereby. If the setup id string does not reflect changes in the Psion data then the data will either not load, or worse yet, will load in an incorrect fashion.
Upload uploads data into any table or view. Its primary purpose is to upload data into views; at the time of this writing PostgreSQL and its various front ends are unable to import data into views.
The name of the table may be qualified with a schema name to upload data into tables or views that are not in the babase schema.
There are 2 ways to upload NULL
data values. The
easiest is to omit the column. Columns without some other
default value will be given NULL
values. The second is to
check the checkbox labeled "Upload NULL Values"
and supply a input value for NULL
. Data values that match
the given NULL
representation will then be given a NULL
value in the database.
The default NULL
representation is the empty string,
no data at all. When this representation is used data that
are omitted in the input file becomes NULL
when uploaded
into the database.
A space (or multiple spaces) may be chosen as the
representation. This can be difficult to discern
while operating the program.
Data to be uploaded must be in tab delimited format. The first line of the input file must contain the column names, each separated by a tab. The remaining lines of the file contain the data to be uploaded. Each line is a row of data, each column is separated from its neighbor with a tab character.
A line need not contain as many tab separated data elements as there are column names given in the first line. All unspecified data elements will be given a blank value, the empty string, just as if the tabs occurred but no data were specified.[307]
A line must not have more tab separated data elements than there are column names given in the first line.
[295] Uploading into a single row of a view can update multiple tables, and programs designed to handle specialized input data formats may update arbitrary portions of the database as needed.
[296] Once an error occurs no changes will be committed to the database.
[297] 3 * 2 = 6 (Doh!)
[298] Typically the coalition id numbers increase sequentially, but the program does not require this.
[299] It is not usually a good idea to have the upload program perform such simple transformations because it eliminates any flexibility in the codes chosen for use. However in this case there is advantage in having the uploaded files more closely resemble the field data. Right?
[300] Other integrity checks are left to the database to perform.
[301] This check will not detect duplicate darting logistic data because uploading darting logistic data creates new rows in DARTINGS.
[302] Note that the test is against the text of the
and dartdate
as entered in the uploaded file, not, e.g., the actual
date. So this test fails when the same date is written in
two different, but valid, forms.
[303] Alternately, as usual, the uploaded cells can be empty and nothing will be added to the database.
[305] See PID_String
[306] See SID_String
[307] This may or may not result in a NULL
value in
the database, depending on how the program is