
bb_makepoint_longlat — produce a PostGIS geometry point in the WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37South coordinate system from longitude and latitude coordinates


geometry bb_makepoint_longlat ( Long,  
double precision Long ;
double precision Lat ;



The Longitude of the point in the WGS 1984 2D CRS, in decimal degrees. A double precision number, or any other data type that can be interpreted as a number and converted to double precision.


The Latitude of the point in the WGS 1984 2D CRS, in decimal degrees. A double precision number, or any other data type that can be interpreted as a number and converted to double precision.


Return a PostGIS geometry point in the WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37South coordinate system, the geolocation coordinate system used within Babase. Returning a PostGIS geometry point in the WGS 1984 2D CRS — the system used in the provided coordinates — would not be especially helpful, because no tables in Babase use that system.

This is a convenience function that is shorthand for the PostGIS expression: ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long, lat), 4326), 32737). However, unlike ST_MakePoint(), bb_makepoint_longlat() requires that either both long and lat be NULL or neither be NULL.

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