- To add new lines to any genetics-related tables, fill your data into the appropriate form below, and email it to Jake Gordon
- For nucleic acid samples (DNA or RNA) to be added to the DNA table
Use the DNA Submission Form
- After Jake receives it, he'll return a copy of the form to you, with a DNA ID number, or DID, assigned to each sample in your form.
- For tissue samples to be added to the tissue table
Use the Tissue Submission Form
- For quantifications (e.g. Nanodrop, qPCR) to be added to the nucleicacidquant view
Use the Quantification Submission Form
- You need only state the concentration in pg_ul OR ng_ul, not both. Please use the unit output by your quantification; the view will do the necessary unit conversions.
- It's important for the function of some other views that "method" begin with "NANO" if the quantification was done by Nanodrop, or "QPCR" if it was a qPCR. Failure to adhere to this may prevent your quantification from being seen in some other views
- If recording a qPCR, it's helpful to include information about the qPCR machine used (see example on the submission form)
- For nucleic acid samples (DNA or RNA) to be added to the DNA table
- Conventions/tips for filling out the forms:
- Type text in all caps for any text columns
- For any columns where the appropriate information is unknown, leave blank or type \N to indicate "NULL" (don't type "NULL")
- If you're not sure what information a particular column is supposed to show, don't hesitate to ask Jake