
This is the [ Babase] Wiki. The Babase project uses this wiki to document tips and tricks for using Babase and to otherwise collaborate, share documents, etc.

More Detail On Babase

Obtaining Wiki Access

Anybody can view the pages in this wiki. Anybody can make themselves a login, but having a login grants you no additional privliges. Only the users in theBabaseWikiAdminGroupcan grant you access to edit this wiki. They do that by adding your name to theBabaseWikiEditorsGroup. If they want to they can readHelpOnAccessControlListsand make more groups and have finer control over who can do what.KarlPinccanreconfigure the wiki to support other security policies if we want to go there. When making yourself a login it is best to choose aWikiName(likeFirstnameLastname) as username to get your changes and signatures link back to yourWikiHomepage. Make yourself a login by clicking the "Login" text in the far upper left of this page.

Using The Wiki

All changes are recorded and can be undone with a click so don't be shy about changing things!

The Babase VPN (Virtual Private Network)

The [:BabaseVPN:Babase VPN] is available to those people who have a Unix Login on Papio. It is primarly used to run the ranker program.


The Psion Data Format

The Psions are handheld data collection devices. They output their data in a [:PsionFormat:custom format].

Sanbox page for shareing code remotely


Wiki content based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0323553 and 0323596. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the wiki contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.