The different programs used to retrieve data from the digital weather instrument. Important notes about a program's strengths or weaknesses (e.g. "this program only records its data as integers") should also be noted here.
As discussed earlier , this table has been renamed from its original name: WEATHERHAWK_SOFTWARES.
WEATHER_SOFTWARES defines values for the DIGITAL_WEATHER.WSoftware column.
The different weather stations from which meteorological data are obtained. A weather station can be a collection of instruments at a single location or a single instrument. The content of the table therefore determines whether each WSTATIONS row represents a physical location or a particular instrument. See the content of the table and the Protocol for Data Management: Amboseli Baboon Project for an explanation of the existing practice.[247]
It is a matter of usage whether an existing WSTATIONS code is retired and a new one created when replacing an instrument, or whether the existing code is re-used. See the Protocol for Data Management: Amboseli Baboon Project.
In the XYLoc column, this
table provides the option to record X and Y WGS
1984 UTM Zone 37South
coordinates for the weather station. When such coordinates
are recorded, the source of these coordinates must also be
recorded, in the Loc_Source
column. That is, the XYLoc and
Loc_Source columns must both be
, or both non-NULL
To convert an XYLoc value into discrete X and Y coordinates, use the ST_X() and ST_Y() functions, respectively.
To create a new XYLoc value from known X and Y coordinates, use the bb_makepoint() function.
The X and Y WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37South coordinates of this weather station.
This column may be NULL
, when no such coordinates are
known or available.
[247] At some future time it may be desirable to extend the database by adding a location code to the WSTATIONS table. This would allow for aggregation of weather station data by location. A number of problems would have to be resolved first, notably what constitutes a location and how to reconcile any differences in the weather station instrumentation. There would also have to be a need. In the meantime simplicity is the best choice.