This page contains details of the changes made to the data in Babase. We suggest that you search this page using your browser's 'find' function. Because some of the descriptions of changes only include ranges of numbers, it may be useful to first try searching using only the first few numbers/letters of your datum of interest.

Table of Managers' Initials

Each change is logged with at least one person's initials. Whole names are used elsewhere, so it seems important to have an explanation of whose initials are whose.




Jake Gordon, Duke Data Manager 2013-present. He was involved with the change but was not the person who logged it


Tabby Fenn, Princeton Data Manager 2006-09


Lacey Maryott, later Lacey Roerish. Duke Data Manager 2006-11


Niki Learn, Princeton Data Manager 2009-24


Patrick Onyango, Duke Data Manager 2011-2013. When his initials appear, it is always with someone else's. That other person is almost certainly the actual person who logged the change

Deprecation of this Log

After Patrick Onyango took over data management from Lacey Maryott, for unclear reasons he didn't contribute to this list. (She forgot to tell him to? He chose not to?) Jake Gordon took over in 2013 and was not aware of the existence of this list until the 2020's. Thus, changes from Duke data managers stopped being logged here in mid-2011.

As of 15 May 2024, the log on this page is no longer maintained. These changes are now logged in (location TBD).

The Change Log






one psion file was double entered so the associated rows had to be deleted using 'delete from where between ;' These deletions removed the following id's from babase. SID's 38529 to 38546, IID's 602800 to 602810, pntid's 416895 to 417063, the tables affected are parts, interact_data, neighbors, point_data, fpoints, samples. These id numbers will not be 'query-able' as the have been removed from the database. I just thought it important to note where these numbers disappeared to.



ISO's name was initially OXF, so OXF showed up in Psion data but wasn't in biograph. The neighbors entries were originally changed to 998's but I changed them to ISO after figuring this out (For reference, the associated pntid in neighbors was 428168).



In the census table I previously changed BOR group to 10.00 with code of 'A', this was the wrong way to handle this, to correct it, I went back in and changed the group back to 1.00 and 'A'. This cenid was 1910452. I subsequently added a row using demog_census for BOR as being in group 10.00 (alone) on 28/10/86 this data is also saved as BOR demog notes.txt in Historical Census Folder at Duke. This created a new row with cenid=1927725.



In the census table I previously changed BOR group to 10.00 with code of 'A', this was the wrong way to handle this, to correct it, I went back in and changed the group back to 1.00 and 'A' This cenid was 1899540. I subsequently added a row using demog_census for BOR as being in group 10.00 (alone) on 31/10/85 this data is also saved as BOR demog notes.txt in Historical Census Folder at Duke. This created a new row with cenid 1927724.



It was brought to my attention by T. Fenn that OBR was missed in ALM ranks for 01/2004 and 02/2004. I had to delete the ranks for these two months, which meant deleting rnkid 13969 through 14026. I re-uploaded the ranks for these two months after having added in OBR at rank 13 (end of ADM) as per SCA. The new data are represented in rnkid no's 57590 through 57649.



The upload program found an error corresponding to a sample in which RWA was sampled as a 'FEM' more than 1 year before her Maturedate (which Tabby was trying to enter). In checking this sample, sid 31893 , it became clear that it should have been a 'JUV' sample, and was thus deleted. As RWA was out of sight for the whole sample, there were no rows in any tables except for samples, from which I deleted all information tied to sid 31893. This sample came from raw Psion file 050924P4.The deleted data is as follows: 31893 24/09/2005 \N JKW F 1.22 RWA 5 0 1 3 .



There were a number of individuals in the database with status = 3, or missing. These individuals were all rechecked, and there is no evidence that they are dead, so their status was changed to 0, alive, in an effort to remove the missing code from babase. Affected Individuals are Ivan, Sinister, Crest, Cowlick, BJ ( BJX ), Chip, Max, Xenos, Peter, Seka, Ben, Baron, Wymouth, Raymond, Harvey, Warlock ( WLK ), Pigtail, Fred, Bristle, Teta, Slik ( SLK ), Dorus, Leroy, Kirk, Isaac, Shomo, Slant, Rasta, Styx, Vor, Peanut ( PNT ), Cymbal, Nami, Osborne, Mike, Omen, Thoth, Huxley, Juba, Spike, Fupi, Putz, Kuza, Fatso, Lemur, Ozzie, Giza, Wang, Manfred, Kobol, Hans ( HNS ), Ndimu, Tiptip, Jewel, Ross, Jomba, Sezna, Refu, Keith, Orlon, Nugu, and Dennis.



In order to complete the previous change, a few individuals needed to have their statdates changed from an interpolated date to a real statdate. Those animals and the old and new statdates follow. FRE old = 11/02/1984 and new = 10/02/1984; BRI old = 14/02/1984 and new = 11/02/1984; TET old = 04/08/1984 and new = 03/08/1984; DOR old = 16/10/1985 and new = 15/10/1985; KIR old = 19/04/1986 and new = 18/04/1986; ISA old = 06/06/1986 and new = 05/06/1986; SHO old = 07/06/1986 and new = 05/06/1986; SLA old = 10/12/1986 and new = 05/12/1986; VOR old = 08/08/1987 and new = 05/08/1987; PNT old = 18-09-1987 and new = 16-09-1987; CYM old = 28/10/1987 and new = 22/10/1987; OME old = 03/05/1988 and new = 26/04/1988; THO old = 06/08/1988 and new = 03/08/1988.



Jeanne noticed a number of males missing their mature and dispersedates that should have been entered during recent updates. This was due to a a maladapted FoxPro query that I was running in the new system. I checked the data for males age 4+ during the 06B and later updates and fixed the syntax of the query. The only male dispersedate I had to add from 06B was for WOL. I had to enter maturedates for the following individuals: NOZ DAS KOR WUA KUT (06B) BUC and SEB (07B).



There were a number of individuals in the database with status = 2 (Suspected Dead) All of these individuals had dcause of 8(under review) with the exception of POWELL whose dcause was 2(conspecific). In order to get rid of this code, SCA and LKM reviewed the notebooks and were able to assign individuals to alive, or dead, and to assign d-causes to those who are dead. The following were changed to status 0, dcause 0: JAKE, MSWAKI, ALY, KUKU. FAVAS was changed to status 1, dcause 4; AMIGO to status 1 dcause 4; MOLLOY to dcause 3, status 1; PEPO to status 1, dcause 4; and POWELL to status 1 dcause 2.



Other individuals who needed to be changed from suspected dead to alive or dead require their statdates be changed. These individuals and their changes are as follows: DELTA: to status 0 dcause 0, old stat=1996-04-02 new stat=1996-03-23; HAHA to status 0 dcause 0, old stat=1996-04-02, new stat=1996-03-23; TUZO: to status 0, dcause 0, old stat= 1999-05-11, new stat= 1999-5-10.



The last of the individuals with status of suspected dead were changed to dead with the following dcauses: NOG to status 1 dcause 1; STU to status 1 dcause 7; EDWARD to status 1 dcause 7; FAREX to status 1 dcause7; HEGEL to status 1 dcause 7; VATICAN to status 1 dcause 7.



Susan and I stumbled upon some errors in the way that disperse dates were assigned during the period of 1992-1999. The exact error varies from case to case, but basically the assignment rule wasn't followed. Therefore, the disperse dates for 5 individuals had to be changed to reflect the day that they dispersed, and the disperse dates for 2 individuals were removed as it could not be determined that they did not simply reflect the end of observation or a fission. WAL disperse date was changed from 1993-02-03 to 1999-02-04; TUZ disp date was changed from 1993-07-11 to 1993-06-14; DAV disp date was changed from 1996-03-26 to 1996-02-16; BEA disp date was changed from 1996-09-04 to 1996-01-03; DIV disp date changed from 1999-08-03 to 1999-07-08. DAL and JIK disperse dates were removed as per SCA.



Patrick O. discovered that a pid for LAD7 (LAQUER) had not been entered in BIOGRAPH. This was due to the fact that the conception and birth ended up being entered in the same demog update and the pid was omitted initially to allow the BIOGRAPH record to load. I should have updated the pid subsequently but did not for some reason. I used an update statement to enter the pid into BIOGRAPH. I also queried BIOGRAPH for all other pid's that are null. There did not seem to be any other omission errors of known mothers from our 5 study groups. All the other unknown pids came from grps 1,2,3 or 9 in much earlier decades.



DIC1 and WIR3 had blanks instead of NULL in the name column of BIOGRAPH. I changed these to NULL and checked for other similar situations, changing all blanks to NULLS. There were only a few others.



OFR had a row in samples for 9Feb08, a day when she was not in the group. The whole sample was out of sight so, there were no rows in any tables except for samples, from which I deleted all information tied to sid 50688. This sample came from raw Psion file 080209P3.The deleted data is as follows: 50688 09/02/2008 11:21:00 SNS F 1.21 OFR 10 0 2 4 3.



LKM deleted a row in samples for OFR on 9Feb08, allowing me to updated OFR statdate from 2009-02-09 to 2009-02-08. This was her assigned deathdate, but due to the empty SAMPLES row, her statdate did not correctly input at the time of the last update. Earlier corrections to statdate for ABB and OBO were also made on 9 December 2008. ABB statdate was changed to 2008-02-08 and OBO statdate was changed to 2008-03-04. In each case their statdates had defaulted to the following day because there was a demog note saying that a thorough search was done on the first date that their absence was noted. I deleted these demog notes since they were unnecessary and created false census data. On 9 December 2008 I also searched for and changed any blank names in BIOGRAPH to null values where the sname was also already null.



RE: the changes made above for OFR, ABB, OBO. I rebuilt CYCSTATS because OFR had incorrect information for April 2008. She was D almost the entire month even though MTD_CYCLES showed her tdate of 5 April and ddate of 19 April. This error probably had something to do with her incorrect statdate. When I rebuilt the table, (after corrections above to her statdate) her CYCSTATS state for April was altered to correctly show the S and D and O that should have been triggered by the MTD_CYCLES data. I also rebuilt Babase_test CYCSTATS. REPSTATS, MMINTERVALS, MDINTERVALS should also be rebuild but as I am currently working on the 08b update, this will be done shortly. CYCSTATS was rebuilt immediately because P. Onyango needed the data.



I added a demog Note for SHOMO for 11 June 1986, per a discovery of the missing note by L.Maryott. I updated his status and dcause to 0 (formerly 3 and 8).



I changed JIL's matgrp from 9.00 (unknown) to 6.00 (Ositeti), as she is a member of Ositeti and females do not disperse.



Morris' bstatus should not have been 9 and was changed to 2. Investigation also uncovered some anomalies in demography data, which were corrected in Babase on 3 Sep 2009. Morris should not have been marked present in Nyayo's group via demography note on 25 July 2001 - he was just visiting the group from Sinya; the male ranks for Nyayo's group for that month were adjusted accordingly. Census entries marking him present in group 9 (unknown group) on 20 Oct 1997 and 28 Jul 2001 were also removed. Corrected demography notes were added. Update: Further correction was made on 30 Nov 2016 when his Oct 1997 census data in Linda's group were found to have been incorrectly entered in Nov instead.



HEE and GEM had incorrect sexes listed in babase. HEE is male, GEM is female. These were corrected and HEE's female ranks reassigned to GEM.

Winter 2009/2010


Baboons from groups no longer being monitored and males that have not been seen in at least one update cycle were censored for the first time. They have been given a status of 2 in biograph and dcause 99 so that they appear dead to babase. This will prevent accidental upload of data for these animals while indicating that we have no data on their current status. Males that return to a study group after an absence will be uncensored prior to upload. Some animals that should be censored threw samples errors and will be censored following resolution of those errors.



Ositeti group is now officially recognized as two distinct groups. Ositeti census data for Feb - Jun 2009 was adjusted to reflect the split during the 09B census update. Groups 6.1 (Jill's), 6.2 (Ceejay's - initially called Latin's but updated in May 2010 once a marker female was chosen), and 6.9 (unidentified Ositeti group) are now recognized.



While censoring animals, census records were compared with wounds and pathologies reports (now in babase_pending) to check for animals that likely died but were not previously declared dead. The following individuals were declared dead: Vipi, Adriano, Zidi, Khan, Nugu, and Ole. Additionally, demography notes indicated that Nod's deathdate should be changed from 21 Oct to 24 Oct 1997. These changes were all made with the 09B demographic update.



All rankdates and all male maturedates were rolled back to the first of the month such that older rankdates and maturedates would be brought in line with current protocols.



Billy and Amok were determined to be the same baboon. Billy's birth and early census data were added unto Amok and Billy was deleted from babase.



Rankdates for WEU and DEA were corrected. VIP was moved below all adult males for Weaver's group in Mar and Apr 2000. ARS was added to the ADM ranks in Viola's group at the bottom of the list in Feb 2004.



Adjustments were made to cycpoints to include a missing cycle (Lizzy) and to better align ddates with consortship data as follows: Lizzy's ddate corresponding to the conceive data for LIZ6 was changed from 20 Jul 2008 to 18 Aug 2008 and the correct end of the prior resume cycle and beginning of this cycle were added; Nap's ddate was moved forward two days to 4 Jan 2002, Wheatear's forward three days to 23 Jul 2002, and Kelly's forward two days to 3 Sep 2006.



The following changes had to be made to their neighbors table to correct for Males being neighbors after their statdates. All ID numbers correspond to NGHID in the neighbors table. All changes confirmed by SCA. 559484 - MAN was changed to MAH as per surrounding samples. 561996 - VER was changed to VEX as per surrounding samples. 622978 - NEL was changed to NER as per surrounding samples. 657856 - DAN was changed to DAM as per surrounding samples. 693529 - ZAI was changed to ZAN as per surrounding samples. The following neighbor rows were changed to 998 for WYL as an alternative could not be easily discerned; 630098 630101 630104 582684 582686 582688 582690. The following neighbor rows were changed to 998 for DIG as an alternative could not easily be discerned; 647713 643715 647717 645070 645071 645072 645073 645074 645019 642802 642804 642780 610064 610062 554224 554225 554227 554229.



Birth estimates and bstatuses for MOZ and TOR were originally entered in reverse (i.e., with TOR instead of MOZ as the older animal). The birth and bstatus columns were corrected.



Maturedate for LEC revised from 1 Nov 2009 to 1 Feb 2010 when he first consistently was marked as "E".



Several errors in the early 1994 census data for Hook's, and consequently in the male ranks for Hook's, were discovered. Felix and Alex were present in Hook's beginning in Jan 1994, not March. Orlon was present beginning in February, not April. None appeared in the male ranks for those months. Dennis was also present in February though he was not listed as such in Babase; he was, however, ranked. Census data for Felix, Alex, Orlon, and Dennis were added. Kitok was not present in Hook's in February as previously indicated in Babase; his census and rank data for Feb 1994 were deleted. Male ranks for Jan - Mar were adjusted accordingly. Maturedates for Felix and Alex were adjusted from 1 Feb 1994 to 1 Jan 1994.



30 Mar 1994 census data for Dotty's group was previously entered into Babase as being for 30 Apr 1994, which was not a census day. This has been corrected. Ajabu was incorrectly deleted from the Alto's census on 5 Mar 1994 in Nov 1994 per a somewhat unclear and belated note from the team about him, Orange, and Villa. Ajabu was present per census, demog notes, and the wounds report for his broken leg. Since he is absent from ranks and was following the group at a distance on the only census day he was live in March, I have left him marked absent but created a demography note (to be uploaded with the other 1993-1996 Alto's demog notes soon) stating that he was alone and following the group and updated his deathdate from 21 Feb to 7 Mar 1994. Orange was similarly deleted from the census in April per the same corrections note but was also really present for the first two census days per the census and a grooming event and was noted as absent on the 27th in demog notes. He showed up in April ranks anyway (perhaps due to the 30 April census error) so ranks is okay. His census data was restored and his deathdate was changed from 12 Sep 1994 (where did that date come from???) to 25 Apr 1994. The assigned dcauses were correct.

06 Jan 2011


ZEN had incorrectly assigned matured and ranked dates. ZEN's ranked by and matured by dates were backed up to the time at which he entered a study group, 1993-08-01. No rankings were affected by this change.

06 Jan 2011


LUD was never assigned a matured date. Somehow, the team allowed him to fall off of the scrotal enlargement sheets. At last observation in Nov 07, He had been almost E for 5 months. Susan felt it was safe to assume that 2 months after his last monitored month at Almost E was a safe Matured BY date. So, he was assigned a BY date of 2008-01-01

06 Jan 2011


COO and DEF were both missed for ranked by dates when they entered or reenetered study groups. DEF was also missing a matured date as a result of being missed. For COO, a ranked on of 2008-12-01 was added. For DEF, mat and ranked by dates of 2008-09-01 were added.

21 Jan 2011


ORI3 was added to biograph. This fetus was missed when Orion died in 2007.

21 Jan 2011


Lenga's dcause was changed from 3 to 2 due to evidence of conspecific origin of the wounds in notes.

21 Jan 2011


More ddates adjusted to reflect consortship data: Dunlin's zdate changed from 16 to 17 Feb 2005 - Dunlin was consorted on the 16th and was T on that date. Yogi's zdate changed from 1 to 2 Sep 2007 - Yogi was consorted on the 1st and had a short cycle with rapid increase and decrease in turgescence. Limau's zdate changed from 19 to 20 Aug 2003 - Limau was consorted by Vipi on the 19th but was not seen doing so prior and Vipi is Luo's father; repro notes indicate that Limau had some wrinkles but was being consorted by Vipi.

27 Jan 2011


A number of consort errors were discovered through a thorough search done by NL. After discussion with SCA/JA/NL (see email from N Learn 17 Jun 2010 and subsequent email exchanges) the following changes were made in Jan 2011. iid 654028 was a consort between TOG and WAD. WAD was lactating during this time. The decision was made to change this to NAP.

27 Jan 2011


iid 736916 was a consort between KAG and LAN that started at 15:38 and ended at 12:30. This is obviously an error. JA and SCA suspect this is a swahili time converstion problem and the end time was changed to 18:32 as per GPS records.

27 Jan 2011


iid 737014 was a consort between ZAN and COB for which the start time was 16:10 and the stop was 12:30. Again, this was an obvious error. GPS start and stop times were 8:01 and 12:32. Start time for this file was changed to 10:10. subsequently, there was another consort between THU and COB from 930-1610 this day. Using the same information,the stop time here was changed to 10:10(iid 737013). an E record between ZAN and COB recorded at 16:23 was also changed to 10:23 (iid 737004).

27 Jan 2011


iid 453924 was a consort between LIB and DOV starting at 07:58 and stopping at 18:15. This is an unusually long time for a consort. GPS data start at 7:58 and end at 8:15, so the stop time for this was changed to 8:15.

27 Jan 2011


iid 492866 was a consort between HIB and LIW starting at 6:42 and stopping at 15:58. There was also a consort between MOR and KAT with the same stop time (iid 492867). Swerb records ended at 12:30, so the stop time for both of these was changed to 12:30.

27 Jan 2011


iid 653944 This was a consort between TOG and NAP starting at 6:44 and stopping at 18:29. Swerb data ended at 12:32, so stop time was changed to 12:29.

27 Jan 2011


iid 654020 was a consort between KAG and WIP starting at 7:34 and stopping at 19:16. swerb data ended at 9:16, and so the stop time was changed to 9:16.

27 Jan 2011


iid 736941 was a consort between RAJ and WIF starting at 7:12 and stopping at 18:21. Swerb data didn't start until 12:45 this day, and so assuming a swahili time conversion error, start time was changed to 13:12, which fits other data for the day

27 Jan 2011


The next group of consort errors were all on darting days, and it is likely the team just didn't keep track of stops and starts. iid 654055 starts at 7:04 and stops at 17:04. Swerb data stop at 10:56, and resume at 14:48, continuing until 17:04, so this was split into two consorts, one from 704-1056 and another from 1448-1704.

27 Jan 2011


iids 711981 711982 and 711983 (TAP DRO, YOB HYM, and AYU HUC)started at 7:09, 7:10, and 8:38 respectively and all ended at 18:10. Swerb for this day stopped at 9:38 and resumed at 16:11 with another small break from 17:21 to 18:03. SCA decided all C's should stop at 09:38, start back up and 16:11, and continue through the second, short break, with stop times of 18:10.

27 Jan 2011


iid 711983 was also originally recorded between AYU and HYM, but as hym was already being consorted, it was decided that this was likely HUC. HYM was changed to HUC

27 Jan 2011


iid 654552 was a consort between LOZ and WED stating at 7:12 and stopping at 16:25. Swerb go from 6:26-11:03 and then 16:03-16:25. This was split into two consorts which reflect swerb times

27 Jan 2011


The following consort errors are errors in that the females being consorted were in reproductive states that would not elicit consortship. iids 544296 and 544298 were Consorts for DUD who was over a month post-swelling. These records were deleted.

27 Jan 2011


iid 621961 was for WIF who was Menstrating. this was deleted.

27 Jan 2011


iid 621996 was for LAO who was menstrating. this was deleted.

27 Jan 2011


The following consorts seemed too early in a females' swelling to be real. The changes were made accordingly. iid 566652 (as well as iid 566645) were between GAN and YAI on 2 Nov 2005. This day was not a census day and so date for these interactions as well as iid 566653 for ARS and VAI changed to 3 Nov 2005 as per census

27 Jan 2011


iid 622480 EDU C RHO and 622479 GYP C VEX. RHO was not nearly swollen enough to be consorted at this point, and after further review it was noted that this whole (original data) page of consorts was a bit messy. EDU RHO was changed to the 25th of the month, as well as another consort added for GYP and DIC. Another C for the 13th was missed as well for QUA and VAA and that was added as well. the interaction between GYP and VEX was the only correct one.

27 Jan 2011


iid 493137 was a consort between KER and SCE. she was only on day 4 of her swelling and was unlikely being consorted.It is unclear who may have been the consort female, but the interaction was deleted due to uncertainty.

27 Jan 2011


iids 454940 and 601130 were consorts with LIZ and LYE when both were 3 days deturgesent. These interactions were deleted.

27 Jan 2011


iids 622805 and 622806 were consorts for KEL as well as iid 622781 which was an E for KEL all on 5 Sep 2006 when she was D+3. It was deduced that this was KIW and all three were changed to KIW

27 Jan 2011


iid 544968 was a consort for IAG and VOG(who was lactating). This was deduced to be and was changed to YOG

27 Jan 2011


iid 622612 was a consort between GAN and VIN(who is pregnant). This was deduced to be VIG and was changed to VIG

27 Jan 2011


iid 654426 was a consort between GAN and YAI(who is lactating). No obvious mistake was found, so this interaction was deleted from the database.

21 Mar 2011


sid 55934 was a point sample for LOP. However, this was a F sample during the time when LOP was still a Juvenile. The logs indicated the sample should have been for her mom LOL, and so the samples table was updated to reflect this.

30 Mar 2011


A census/agonism/rank error was discovered for Waka in August 1994. iid 252067 was changed to WAC A LUN instead of WAK A LUN. Incorrect manual census entries for WAK at the end of July and beginning of August were removed and her statdate adjusted from 5 Aug to 31 Jul 1994 to in accordance with her absence on the first census in Aug; this also required that WAK be removed from the female ranks (only ADF exists for this year) for that month. NHL also noticed at that time that WAK suddenly went from rank 2 to rank 16 and back to rank 2 - the April 1992 Hook's female ranks were incorrect, apparently the age-default version of ranks was uploaded. Investigation showed that April ranks should be the same as March's so this was corrected. Also Wema was suddenly rank 23 in May 1992 instead of rank 5 - she was moved to her correct position.

26 Apr 2011


Zawadi, a nonnatal male, had been incorrectly assigned a dispersedate of 31 March 2009. Zawadi's entry has been deleted from dispersedates.

11 May 2011


Kiss' matgrp was incorrectly entered during the 10B update as Linda's. It has been corrected to Weaver's.

12 Jul 2011


Zinc's absences on 27 and 30 Dec 1999 were removed from the database. These census days were very brief and performed by a new observer who did not know Zinc and Zinc is wanted in the potential_dads table for Woody. Thus these dates are considered to be incomplete censuses with no data for Zinc.

17 Jul - 9 Aug 2011


When scoring the sexskins we realized that Poa is a female, not a male as originally recorded. The correction to Poa's sex was not conveyed when the initial field error was realized. Poa has been added to the female ranks for Weaver's group from her birth in March 2007 through 2009 and removed from the male ranks for 2007 and 2008 (2009 male ranks were delayed by an issue with ranker so Poa will never appear in those or the 2010 male ranks and will be assigned 2010 female ranks with the rest of her group in the coming weeks).

17 Aug 2011


LEB was accidentally placed in Viola's census during August 2005 which placed him in ALM ranks for this time period. We have removed him from his position (Rank 8) in viola's group ranks for that month. This shifts all lower ranked males up one position for a total of 19 rank positions. Niki Will make subsequent membership changes --> Done! ~NHL

24 Aug 2011


sname = TER was incorrectly entered into biograph initially as Terrence, rather than Terry. His name was changed to Terry today.

24 Aug 2011


Doja had been dropped off the census list for Nyayo's from July through October 2007. She is still in the group and has been presumed present during all complete census days during that period. This absence resulted in errors to ALF ranks - Doja had no rank in Aug or Sep 2007 and was returned to the bottom of the list when she reappeared in Oct, putting her 9 ranks lower, under baby Hiza rather than under agemate Dojo. Hoja rank corrections place her under Doja from Aug 2007 through June 2009. In July SAC > HOJ 1:0 so SAC was promoted over HOJ. In Oct GRA > HOJ 1:0 so GRA was promoted over HOJ. Hoja was still immature so ADF ranks were not affected.

24 Aug 2011


Durian's promotion over Cabana in Jan 2007 was revoked. She is now just over Hokey throughout 2007, just as she was at the end of 2006 and the start of 2008. ALF and ADF ranks were affected.

24 Aug 2011


I had originally placed the Nyayo's members in their fission products on 20 Oct 2009, the day of the group split. Due to the consequences of this on ranks for members who were still with Hokey's at end of observation but slept with Snap's that night, and on the analysis of interaction data overall, this was changed to mark all present in Nyayo's, as they were at the start of the day. As a result, Dry's matgrp was also changed from 1.11 to 1.1 to match his group membership on 20 Oct, the day of his birth.

24 Aug 2011


Three discrepancies in the statdates of females and the birth of their offspring were corrected. CS1 was born to CAS shortly after the last 1993 census of Proton's in June. CAS' statdate was updated from 11 June to 20 June to match CS1's birth. CAS was also given a manual census entry to place her in Proton's group on that date. She was in fact still present on the last census in Oct 1998. WAC5 was recorded as born on 20 Aug 1994 but should have been born/died on 18 Aug 1994, the date assigned to WAC's death. WAC5's birth and statdate were corrected. LEL4 was recorded as born on 22 Feb 1995 but should have been born/died on 22 Jan 1995, the date assigned to LEL's death. LEL4's birth and statdate were corrected.

Oct 2011


Three genetic confirmations of tissue collected from previously unidentified baboon remains resulted in adjustments to Babase records. Leonard was killed by a predator, deathdate 20 Sep 1994. Celeste was very likely killed by a predator and should have been marked absent beginning on 28 Aug 1996, rather than starting on 5 Sep; her census record has been adjusted and her deathdate assigned as 25 Aug 1996. Uhuru had been very sick for some time and disappeared during the drought but his body was not discovered until about two weeks later; there was a similar, also ill-looking male in a Sinya group that the Team decided in 2011 was not Uhuru but it appears that they had thought he was Uhuru in 2010 - two demog notes placing Uhuru in Sinya in 2010 were removed and Uhuru declared dead from pathology on 15 Jan 2009.

30 Nov 2011


In October it was determined that four pairs of males were genetically identical. The following males were merged in babase, fecal, and babase_pending today: Edu was merged into Happy (with all of Happy's original event dates and his pid), Desmond was merged into Aphid (since both were bstatus 9, the mean birthdate was used; Desmond's matured by and ranked by dates were used, as they were earlier), Bakari merged into Defoe (using Bakari's birthdate, which was earlier than Defoe's, and using Bakari's earlier matured by and ranked by dates), and Icon was merged into Blue (using Blue's original birthdate, which was earlier than Icon's, but keeping Icon's earlier matured by and ranked by dates). Jake made the necessary changes in the genetic tables. Laurence, Patrick, and I adjusted our original files for tables now in fecal or babase_pending or existing solely in Excel to ensure that Edu, Bakari, Desmond, and Icon do not accidentally migrate back in.

9 Dec 2011


I changed the six mothers with dcause =5 (loss of mother) to dcause = 8 (under review) until I reach them in backfill. These were Fluff, Ring, Gin, Scherzo, Alfa, and Venus. Their infants remain as dcause 5 for now.

21 Dec 2011


Various census corrections were made for males without startpoint or endpoint absences to prevent them from interpolating present in the prior months. Some required removal of the male from the ranks in the prior month. Two cases (ROC and TYC) also required addition of the male to ranks due to missing census data; these additions will be performed at a later date by Duke. Affected males were ASA, APO, BOL, GAS, IMA, IND, JNB, KAG, KRA, MOG, MOR, OCE, OJU, ORB, ROC, SHY, SUJ, TIA, TC, VEG, YAB, ZAW, AND ZAM. See babase list email of this date for additional details.

23 Jan 2012


The timing of two old aborts was adjusted. WEN11's birth and death dates were moved from 25 Dec 2006 to 10 Dec 2006. HEL5's birth and death dates were moved from 14 Mar 2004 to 28 Feb 2004.

27 Feb 2012


The spelling of baboon with sname HAZ was corrected from HAZY to HAZZY in biograph. Corresponding spelling updates to other tables were also made this week with Jake @ Duke taking care of any genetics entries HAZ may have.

7 May 2012


Hook's census backfill for May 1983 through Dec 1992 was completed. Old members-style points were replaced with the real census data. A few changes were made as a result. Noggin was no longer present in Dec 1988, as well as parts of the adjacent months, and was removed from the Dec 1988 ranks. Fuji was last present during an incomplete census that was not previously entered; his statdate was adjusted to 31 Dec 1989. Ken was incorrectly marked present in the old census data through 11 June 1993 when he went missing in May 1990 at age 2; his statdate was adjusted to 26 May 1990 and he was removed from the male ranks data for the next three years. Mswaki has been newly assigned a dispersedate. Dennis interpolated present in Dec 1990 and was added to the bottom of the male ranks for that month. Punish's birthdate was ten days later than it should have been; it has been corected and his first few census points added. Some males will need to be added to Hook's ranks in particular months as well but this will be done after demog note backfill is complete.

21 May 2012


The following changes were made during the 12a update: Weaver's membership for Oct-Dec 2011 was reassigned to the fission products, Kelly's and Laza's groups; old pregs/births were added for VIV12 (parity 11), HYM8 (parity 4), DRO10 (parity 7), WOB5 (parity 2), WHE8 (parity 5); Vera's maturedate was adjusted from March 1986 to 13 Jan 1986 and her first cycle added (previously the maturedate was based on her second cycle); adult focal samples and associated data for Laquer (sid = 58351, pntids 592130-592139) and Cayenne (sid = 66488) taken more than one year prior to their recent maturities have been stripped from the database; Wivu was removed as a neighbor for Wopper for 4 of 10 points in June 2011, as he was not with the group and it was clearly supposed to be Wopper's brother Woven, who was the neighbor for the other 6 points.

3 Jul 2012


Based on Shannon's assessment of Wendy's skeletal remains, Wendy's dcause, dcausestatus, and death description were updated. Initially the cause of death was somewhat ambiguous and was posited to be likely pathology due to Wendy's age and poor health; however, in addition to signs of scavenging by the bat-eared foxed, the skeleton showed signs of damage to the head from a sharp instrument, as well as of blunt trauma to the head and torso. The cause of death has been updated to very likely human action.

23 Jul 2012


Some revisions were made to female ranks over the past week as the 2011 ranks were uploaded. Please see the Babase list for details.

7 Aug 2012


Pound was removed from Weaver's group male ranks for Jan and Feb 2007. He was incorrectly recorded present in Weaver's on 27 January when he was in Olkenya group.

31 Aug 2012


I updated Sei's dcause from 1 to 4. She was quite ill when she disappeared. We'll set a dcauseconfidence when I backfill Nyayo's demog notes/confidences.

19 Sep 2012


Edgy and Eclipse were misidentified in the aftermath of the Viola's group massacre that took place on 14 March 2009. Of the two, the animal who died in the massacre was actually Vow's daughter Eclipse, not Velcro's daughter Edgy but since Velcro's daughter has been called Eclipse for over three years now we decided it was best to keep the live animal as Eclipse; thus we have switched their pre-massacre identities, transforming Edgy into Vow's daughter and Eclipse into Velcro's daughter. All data prior to 14 March 2009 have been reversed such that data originally recorded as being Edgy's now belongs to Eclipse and vice versa.

21 Sep 2012


Tiago and Addison were genetically determined to be the same male. Today I merged Tiago into Addison. In the process I also discovered that Addison and Zizi's birth estimates were reversed when they were originally entered so I also corrected their estimated birth dates.

6 Nov 2012


In 2012 two males that looked like Aardvark were seen. One entered the study population and was called Aardvark but then another was sighted in Ceejay's group. Genetic analyses showed that the one in Ceejay's group was the real Aardvark and the male in the study groups was actually Defoe (also formerly known as Bakari). All 2012 Aardvark data except for the Ceejay's group sightings were switched over to Defoe.

7 Nov 2012


Bekah is indeed Satin as the Team initially suspected. Bekah was merged into Satin today.

14 Nov 2012


ADF ranks for Viola's group in Feb 2009 were totally wrong ("default" ranks used?). They have now been fixed (and so has ranker).

4 Jan 2013


Backfill of Proton's group was completed. This involved removal of fake census data for 1993, upload of census data and demography/other groups notes for 1993-1998, addition of the immigrant male Zodiac and 11 Proton's infants born during this period to biograph, inclusion of new cygap points for conceptions, upload of new pregs corresponding to the new births, and an update to SCI5 whose name and other info had not previously been entered though SCI5 was in Babase. Additionally, matured by dates were entered for Joto, Pony, and Parrot; Sita's matured by date was updated; Vera was declared dead; and a number of statdates were updated. Old Sinya other groups census data were also backfilled this week, which also resulted in some changed statdates.

7 Jan 2013


While uploading Sinya OG backfill I discovered that Sudi was incorrectly marked present in Hook's group throughout July 1994 when he had permanently left the group in May 1994. As a result he was incorrectly listed as the #2 male in Hook's in June and July. Today he was removed from the ranks and the census for these months.

27 Feb 2013


I updated dcauses of fetal deaths that corresponded with the mother's death so that all are now dcause 5. Previously only DUD10, LID5, OXY4, WEM11, and WRA1 were listed as loss of mother. Previously most were listed as dcause 8 though two (ORI3 and WAG7) were dcause 7, two (DUI7 and SCE6) as dcause 6, and one (LYC3) as dcause 1. Most died prior to the introduction of dcauseconfidences and were thus assigned a confidence of 8 until they can be backfilled. LYC3, OXY4, and SCE6 were assigned a confidence of 1 and DUI7 a 3.

20 Aug 2013


Based on his having an enlarged scrotum at entry, followed by a ranked on date two years later, Alex's birthdate and bstatus have been updated from 3 Feb 1987 with bstatus = 2 to 1 Aug 1988 with bstatus = 1.

26 Aug 2013


I discovered that for unknown reasons Acacia's resume date for ACA10 was not attached to the pregnancy in the pregs table. Consequently, in repstats Acacia went from pregnant with ACA10 to lactating to pregnant with ACA11, despite two cycles being present following the death of ACA10 and prior to the conception of ACA11. Most puzzling as Babase attaches resume dates to pregs automatically. I don't see how it could have been the fault of the cycgap but maybe? No similar cases were found. I attached the appropriate tcpid to the preg and rebuilt repstats.

5 Sep 2013


Updates were made to dispersedates to bring tricky male dispersals in line with the 3-census rule and/or make adjustments due to special cases following fissions or young travelers visiting relatives following the deaths of their mothers. See the babaseannounce message for this date for more details.

26 Sep 2013


The full name of the infant male COI was changed from Coil to Coila.

26 Sep 2013


We decided recently in a Babase call that dcauseconfidence should always be 4 when a fetus dies with the mother. All cases where sname is NULL and dcause is 5 were updated to have a dcauseconfidence of 4. Except for the four cases mentioned in the 27 Feb 2013 change above, all had been listed as dcauseconfidence = 8 (unassigned).

27 Sep 2013


Demography note backfill (including backfill of dcauseconfidence and dispconfidence, as well as adjustments to dcauses where one had not been previously assigned or where details in demography notes or wounds and pathologies indicated a different cause than previously assigned) for Linda's group for all years (and for Weaver's group in 1995 and 1996 only) has been completed in Babase.

1-2 Oct 2013


Dcauseconfidences, dispconfidences, insertion of manual census points on statdate, and movement of deathnotes to the date of death for all groups in the 10a (Jan - Jun 2010) update period have now also been updated in Babase. Dcauseconfidences were also filled in for the 10b (Jul - Dec 2010) update and insertion of manual census points on departure date and movement of deathnotes to the deathdate were completed for 10b and the first three quarters of 2011, bringing these in line with current practices.

7 Oct 2013


Adjustments to male ranks due to above backfill. January 1995, Linda's group: KOP added. June 1995, Weaver's group: LEW added. July 1996, Linda's group: ZEN added.

10 Oct 2013


Also due to the above demography note backfill, juvenile female Puma was added to ALF ranks for Linda's group in April 1995 and for Weaver's group for March through September 1995.

13 Nov 2013


Upon receipt of an age estimate for Veve, a male in dropped Mica's group, his birth estimate was updated from 10 April 2003 with bstatus 9 to 12 Oct 1998 with bstatus 2. Also we thought Wajemi had aborted after bleeding and losing pink in Aug and Sep but she gave birth in Oct. I deleted the abort and updated Wajemi's repstats record to reflect that the pregnancy was ongoing at the end of the 13c update.

15 May 2014


Status 2 (censored) in biograph has been split into two statuses, 2 for baboon-driven events (i.e., dispersal) and 3 for obserer-driven events (i.e., dropping groups, losing IDs, etc.

2 Jun 2014


Dcause 3 is now restricted only to wounds or other injuries suspected or known to be derived from an accident, such as a fall or encounter with a nonpredatory mammal. All cases of dcause 3 were evaluated and more than half were changed to dcause 2 or 7. Weeta, Sputnik, and Modem were assigned a dcause of 2 while Wahoo, Adriano, Khan, Nzige, Molloy, Nucleus, Oven, Chyulu, and E22 were assigned a dcause of 7.

17 Jun 2014


According to hormone data Cobra was not pregnant in July 2012. She had resumed in May and just had one cycle with a ddate in June before ceasing cycling until 10 Sep. She never turned pink and June was an early resume. She seems to have shutdown temporarily. She had been listed as pregnant with an abort but that now seems incorrect. COB8 was removed from biograph.

8 Sep 2014


Edward, Job, and Damien were changed from dead to censored. Consequently Damien was also assigned a dispersedate. Edward had been listed with a dcause of 7, while Job was a presumed human action and Damien a presumed predation. We determined that we did not have adequate evidence for their deaths.

16 Sep 2014


I backfilled the group designations for the Kelly's subgroups to the May 2014 censuses of those groups, marking Alex absent from both groups on both dates, per the information provided on the OG collar cheklists for May.

10 Oct 2014


We had thought we had found Rikoi's skull shortly after he disappeared (see copy of old demography note dated 18 Aug 2013 at the end of this changelog entry) but upon closer examination of his teeth we determined that it could not be Rikoi's skull due to one canine being sharper than his, and more conclusively, due to the skull not having holes for two incisors when Rikoi had all of his incisors. Consequently his death note and dcause have been revoked and his statdate changed from 18 Aug 2013 to 7 Aug 2013. Rikoi is now censored. "RIK's head was found on 21 Aug. RIK was a hybrid male who had been moving between groups. The head was a few metres from Sinya hill and the Team estimated that the baboon had been dead for about 3 days. Much of the flesh from the head was gone, except for a small part of the scalp and a little muscle on the lower jaw. Judging with the fur left behind we were able to guess that the baboon was a hybrid male. He was middle aged, between 13 and 17 years old, based on his teeth. The teeth were all stained black and the canines had blunt tips with the left upper canine broken. It's hard to tell what killed him. No obvious evidence was found. Muscle and hair samples were taken. Per the monthly report, the Team recalls Rikoi having the same canine broken."

29 Oct 2014


A few updates were made to Nyayo's birth estimates during the TZ loss period. Holland's birth estimate of 9 Jan 1994 did not jive with the demography note on 19 Feb 1994 stating that Hali had a black infant that was fairly new, maybe a few days old so her birth estimate and associated zdate were adjusted, along with her bstatus, which could now be 0 instead of 1. Holland is also now marked present on 19 Feb. Hali's next infant's birth estimate was also a bit off. The zdate for HAL2 is based on data and is solid but for some reason the birth estimate was short of the mean gestation age of 178 days though Humble was born during a large observation gap - her birth estimate was adjusted to make it 178 days from the zdate. We also reviewed the case of Hibiscus and determined that the birth estimate already assigned to him was the most likely but allowed for the possibility that the infant due in April 1993 was lost and Hibiscus was born in late 1993. [It's also conceivable that Heko and Huru were confused on this date and it was really Heko that was seen with an infant, Hibiscus, on 11 June while Huru was still P/B.] Due to this uncertainty we changed the bstatus for Hibiscus from 1 to 2 out of an abundance of caution. After all, if the infant due in April was not Hibiscus but was stillborn or died shortly after birth, Hbiscus would likely have been about 7 months younger than his birth estimate indicates, which would best be covered by a bstatus of 2. He now also has manual census points marking him present during the small number of censuses taken between his estimated birth and when he was actually named over a year later.

6 Feb 2015


Mob's matgrp was corrected from 3.1 to 3.2.

24 Feb 2015


Dux's birth estimate in biograph was updated from 5 Sep to 10 Oct 1995.

24 through 30 Apr 2015


A number of updates were made to Babase along with the quarterly demography and reproduction update. \\\/// A new bstatus, 0.5, was added to the bstatus table specifically for use with infants born during census gaps and/or during challenging census conditions where there is some uncertainty about the (sometimes limited) data available. This allows us to easily distinguish birthdates that are really known within a few days of the estimated date from those that were known within ~5-6 days to three months in either direction. Previously infants in this nebulous region might be assigned a bstatus of 0 or 1, neither of which was particularly satisfying. As a result a number of bstatuses were updated from 0 to 0.5 while others were updated from 1 to 0.5. The following individuals (by sname for live births and pid for those not seen alive) were updated from bstatus = 0 to bstatus = 0.5: JNT, DOT, FAN, NAZ, CET, MOJ, TAT, LON, KPM, RON, PIN101, LAM, SYB, RUK104, SIK5, CAT, SEA, COL, VIM, HUR1, HAM, FOT, HAH, CRA, STO, VIP, CEL1, ASH, OST, OFR, HOP, CAK, VIE, SOU, PUF, VAN, VAS, SAP, FAC, ELL2, VET, SIM, HAB, CS1, SPR, SWE, PAC, FUZ, SKU, DUI, COB, NYL, HIM, VOD, HUM, JES, REG, MWE, ULT, ZOO, B11, R14, RH9, DM1, D13, MYT, UT4, MN1, MT5, ZOM, LFA, CUU. The following individuals were updated from bstatus = 1 to bstatus = 0.5: JAK, SUR, COC, PAL, PHO, CED, DUX, FLA, HOL (though she was bstatus 0 briefly this spring before being changed to 0.5), LM6, BI2, WY8, LY7, CA7, SE2, FI2, WI1, QN6, QN7, LI1, QW8, QY1, TA1, WR8, CY2, CB6, SN6, LE5, PK9, WH1, QJ1, WO5, DE2, QA5, QT2, QQ1, BI1, PE8, WA1, LM5, WY7, WB6, LY6, PO1, KO1, DUC, CES, SOP, WE2, MI4. Also WWA’s bstatus was corrected from 1 to 0 in light of the neonatal sheet from a day with no census data that was sent from the field late. \\\/// The source in cycpoints was also updated for many conceptions so that, as above, a source of D will mean that the conception date is reasonably known within a few days in either direction while an E indicates that the data does not give a clear indication of where the conception date lies. The following moms' zdates were changed from D to E for the kids indicated: JUD's JNT, ALT's DOT, OVA's FAN, MOM's STR, TTX's TTX102, JAN's JAK, PRE's NAZ, SCA's CET, EST's EDX, SIS's SYB, HEI's HEL, VIX's VIP, ORE's OST, HUR's HOP, SID's SHA, SCI's CAK, VEN's VIE, SAN's SOU, DOT's DIV, PRO's PUF, VOI's VAS, PAK's PAK1, SPE's SAP, HAL's HOL, DRO's DUX, FED's FLA. The following moms' zdates were changed from E to D for the kids indicated: PAT's PAP, VOI's VIS, VER's VUL, SUN's SPH, SCI's SKU, SIT's SAK. \\\/// In the process of doing the above, several cases were re-evaluated (and some entry errors spotted), resulting in the changes to conception and birthdates. CET's birth changed from 25 Nov 1973 to 10 Dec 1973, LOO's birth changed from 4 Dec 1980 to 11 Dec 1980, WIL1's birth changed from 25 Apr 1981 to 26 Apr 1981, HEL's birth changed from 5 Aug 1991 to 11 Aug 1981, VIP's birth changed from 29 Nov 1991 to 15 Dec 1991, HOP's conception changed from 17 Jun 1991 to 24 Jul 1991 and her birth from 18 Jan 1992 to 23 Feb 1992, ELL2's conception changed from 14 Jul 1992 to 22 Aug 1992, VET's conception changed from 15 Jul 1992 to 10 Jul 1992, AJA's conception changed from 5 Jul 1992 to 5 Aug 1992, VIV3's conception changed from 2 Jun 1994 to 12 May 1994, FLA's conception changed from 11 Mar 1995 to 15 Apr 1995, RAH2's conception changed from 28 Sep 1988 to 21 Sep 1988, R14's birth changed from 24 Sep 1997 to 9 Oct 1997, MYT's conception changed from 29 Oct 1996 to 31 Aug 1996 and her birth from 5 Mar 1997 to 1 Mar 1997 \\\/// Also, ROG's name was corrected from Rogers to Roger.

1 Apr 2015


Three "duplicate" cycles were corrected (see Babase list, 4 Apr). Apple's cycles with cid = 35841 and 36184 were incorrect due to the second accidentally being entered as being in July instead of August, resulting in two mangled rows for 35841 and only a ddate (and automdate) in the wrong month for 36184. The same issue occurred with Echo's cycles where cid = 35126 and 35320. Wajemi also had two rows for cycle 33178 because the mdate for a cycle a year later was entered with the wrong year, giving her two data-based mdates for cycle 33178. The mdate was removed and added to the correct cycle, with cid = 36184.

22 May 2015


Females in Joy's and Nzige's were given end of observation rows in cycgaps, generally on 21 Sep 1997 (though five females in Nzige's group were missing data for Sep 1997 so their end rows are in Aug 1997). Females who were pregnant or lactating were up to date through Sep 1997 while females who were cycling at that time usually only had their puberty or resume cycles (or sometimes just the tdates) included in Babase. The missing cycles were added to bring the records of these females into alignment with those of the pregnant and lactating females. This also required that a pregnancy for Rita be added in Sep and the birth of her infant RT6 be added to Babase.

2 Jun 2015


Omo's demography backfill was completed. In addition to adding missing demography notes, animals with previously unassigned dcauses or dcauseconfidences were assigned real ones, a few dcauses were adjusted (specifically, Azania’s dcause was changed from 4 to 2, Orion’s from 7 to 1, Octagon’s and Osama’s from 1 to 7), Ooze was changed from dead to possibly dispersed, death information was added, manual census points on exit date were added, and a few death and dispersal dates were tweaked to better align with the midpoint rule or other evidence that was not obvious at the time the original date was assigned. Also, we determined that Vogue should not be added to female ranks during her visits to Omo's in Jun 2004 due to a lack of basis for assigning a rank; by the same token Ceejay should not have been ranked in Linda's group during her visit there in Mar 2010 so she was removed from the ranks (she had been at the bottom).

11 Jun 2015


ZOR and JOB joined Nyayo's about a week apart in Apr-to-May 2006. The first male to join was named ZOR and fecal samples were collected for him on that very first day but that sample matches all of Job's later samples and none of ZOR's. The initial age estimate was also consistent with Job's later age estimates. After examining other data and completing the remaining paternity analyses from that period we determined that it is likely the two males were mixed up when the second on joined the group. Thus we switched the age estimates/entry dates and reassigned the data from those first couple census days to Job.

12 Nov 2015


APH's missing prior absence from Proton's was added and his entrydate according adjusted to 2 Aug 1994. DIS, a male known as a subadult when he was still in his probably natal group, Olkenya, had an incorrect type I entrydate of 14 Sep 1989 when he joined Hook's group - this has been corrected to a type O entrydate of 11 May 1989, matching when he was first named on an Olkenya census. DWA had a census point in Sinya for a "dwarf male" incorrectly assigned to him for 9 May 2006; this point was deleted and his matured by date deleted (since he was only known as an infant in Lodge group).

13 Nov 2015


EDW, AMI, and ZOD were also missing prior absences in Proton's and their entrydates were adjusted from 26 Feb 1994 to 3 Mar 1994.

18-20 Nov 2015


Some missing prior absences were sussed out and added to the database. This changes the membership record of the baboons in question only slightly, however, in some cases it also required a change to ranks. Two other cases (Spy due to backfilled Proton's census data and Vipi due to a change in birthdate) also require removal of one month's ranks. The following male ranks were removed: SPY grp 1.1 Nov 1994 rank 6; BRO grp 1.1 Sep 2008 rank 15; VIP grp 1.2 Nov 1991 rank 12; LEW grp 2 Dec 1993 rank 15 (*pending other changes to Hook's ranks during this period); AMA grp 2.1 Aug 1998 rank 4; ICA grp 2.1 Oct 1998 rank 4. Additionally, entrydates were updated for these nine individuals whose birthdates were tweaked earlier this year: CET, LOO, VIP, HOP, HOL, HUM, MYT, R14, and WWA. Missing entrydates have been determined and will be uploaded with the fourth quarter 2015 data. And also fixed Tycho's ranks, referenced above but Rocky (and with him Lewis) turned out to be complicated by Alex (see change to birth estimate above) and his fellow subadults, Naye and Mlozi.

27 Nov 2015


Male matured by dates that were assigned based on the incorrect median matage of 6yrs, 8mo were revised to reflect the most recently published median of 5yrs, 5mo. Some matured by/ranked by dates and entrydates for immigrant males were tweaked to make sure they both reflect when the males entered the group according to members so that by dates and entrydates are now in the same month. A few errors in these dates were also corrected along the way. SAM and SUZ entrydates from 19&22 Aug 1991 to 19 Sep 1991 and matured by dates from Oct 1991 to Sep 1991. VIP entrydate adjusted to match new birth estimate of 15 Dec 1991. NJU's matured by date was adjusted from Jun 2003 to Apr 2003, WOP from Nov 2014 to Jul 2014, ISO from Aug 2012 to Feb 2012, MES from Nov 2014 to Mar 2014, DIW from Jan 2015 to Mar 2014, SQU from Jan 2015 to Feb 2014, HYR from Jan 1996 to Mar 1995, HOS from Nov 2014 to Oct 2013, LOJ from Dec 2014 to Sep 2013, BOW from Sep 2000 to Jun 1999, SAT from Jul 2010 to Apr 2009, JET from Jun 1999 to Mar 1998, LAA from Oct 2012 to Aug 2011, ABI from Oct 2002 to Jul 2001, MIL from Dec 2001 to Sep 2000, COK from Dec 2014 to Sep 2013, ULN from Aug 1999 to May 1998, GAB from Sep 2007 to Aug 2007. EDW matured by from Aug 1994 to Mar 1994 (when he entered Proton's), ranked by left the same since he may have been a subadult in Proton's, and his birthdate was moved to one year earlier. YOR matured by moved from Jan 1995 to Jul 1994, his entrydate corrected from 21 Jan 1998 to 26 May 1994, and his birhtdate (which had been estimated from his maturedate) from 21 May 1988 to 18 Feb 1989. TIP tweaked from Oct 1989 to Jan 1990. GAR and TAN tweaked from Sep 1991 and Mar 1990 to Aug 1991 and entrydates tweaked from 1 Aug and 26 Jul 1991 to 27 Aug 1991, all to match members. ALA and EBO matured by dates tweaked from Jul to Jun 1994 to match members/entrydate. KRA matured and ranked by dates changed from Nov 2002 to Dec 2002 (an interpolation error having been removed by inserting a prior absence). MEC matured by date changed from matching his (median) ranked by date (Jun 2001) to the median matured by date of 1 Jun 1999. KAG matured and ranked by dates moved from Aug to Sep 2005 to fix prior interpolation error. PER matured and ranked by dates changed from Oct 1987 to entry in Dec 1986. ORB matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Dec 1997 to Jan 1998 to match entry after a prior interpolation error. THU matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Mar to Apr 2008 to match entry. APH matured and ranked by dates moved from Oct 1994 to Aug 1994 to match entry. SHO matured and ranked by dates moved from entry to Alto's in Feb 1984 to entry to Stud's in May 1983. ROC matured and ranked by dates moved back to entry (to correct formerly absent census data in Oct-Dec) from Dec 1993 to Oct 1993. ZEN matured by moved from Aug 1993 to Mar 1993 to match entry (unknown whether he was an adult from Mar-Jul 1993 so ranked by unchanged). PIG entrydate changed from 14 Jun 1983 to 27 May 1982 to match members and matured by tweaked from Jun to May 1982 to match members/entry. ADA matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Jun to May 1991 to match entry. GAS matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Oct to Nov 1996 to adjust for correction of a prior interpolation error. AMI matured and ranked by dates moved from Aug 1994 to Mar 1994 to match entry into Proton's group. SUJ matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Sep to Oct 2000 to match members/entry. ZOD matured by and ranked by dates moved from May 1994 to Mar 1994 to match members/entry. YAB matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Aug to Jul 2010 to match members/entry. YEP matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Jul to Jun 2014 to match members/entry. APO matured and ranked by dates tweaked from Nov to Dec 2003 to match entry after correction of interpolation error. YAK matured and ranked by moved from Aug to Jul 2009 to match members/entry. VEV matured and ranked by tweaked from Apr to Mar 2013 to match members/entry. KIZ matured and ranked by tweaked from Aug to Jul 2009 to match members/entry. The following males who attained the median matage (but not the incorrect old one) were assigned matured by dates: SHR, BUL, PAE, BOT, and LEU.

20 Jan 2016


Thinking of them as being part of Weaver's group along with the Laza's members in Acacia's group and therefore sort of as animals floating between fission products, I unwisely placed YOK, LYE, LEF, KOA, and LYE and KOA's infants in Acacia's group when these Kelly's members were found sleeping with Acacia's group on 15 Apr 2013. The demography notes do not actually say when the two groups separated but no interactions are described and the Kelly's members were not involved in any dyadic interactions. I have moved them to Kelly's group and deleted YOK from the male ranks (where he had been at the bottom of the adults, a.k.a. rank 8) and LYE, LEF, and KOA from the ALF and ADF ranks (and under more recently established rules they would not have been ranked in Acacia's even if they had really mingled with the group, which they appear not to have done at any rate). I also created a Kelly's subgroup note and an intergroup_encounter entry. At this time matured by dates for females in dropped groups were also adjusted to meet the new standard (similar to that for males) of being assigned a matured by date when attaining median matage in a nonstudy group (whereas previously I had assigned them at the first sign of cycling). The following changes were made for females from recently dropped groups: APP from 23 Aug 2011 to 21 Jul 2011, CRI from 21 Sep 2013 to 17 Jun 2013, FER from 21 Sep 2013 to 4 Mar 2013, GOS from 16 May 2014 to 25 Apr 2013, LAF from 11 Jun 2013 to 1 Jan 2013 (LAF had already passed the median matage by the time the group was dropped so I assigned hers as the first day of the following month), TAB from 7 Jul 2012 to 1 Aug 2012 (TAB also had passed the median matage before her group was dropped), TIV from 23 Aug 2014 to 6 Jun 2013. Additionally, ZUC, who still has no recorded reproductive activity, was for the first time assigned a matured by date on the date at which she achieved the median matage of 4.50yo. Note: LEF, LIV, MAC, and PIX have matured by dates earlier than the median matage because they were observed with swellings prior to the median age and have cycgaps points rows prior to the median matage (and 3 of 4 were observed with these swellings within the first two months of their group being dropped and were seen cycling more than once so the data are convincing). Cases for Lodge and Proton's groups were also examined. PAR, PON, and JOT do have matured by dates past the median age and past the last_reg_census date for Proton's but they were all seen cycling a month after the last_reg_census date. The other females with matured by date past the median age and their group's last_reg_census are all from the Lodge groups and 13 of the 15 have maturedates prior to age 4.50yo - since these are based on data, if imperfect, I left them alone. But matages for ULA and MAS at ~5.4yo from Nzige's have little support; therefore, I updated them to the median matage, changing ULA from 14 Oct 1998 to 8 Nov 1997 and MAS from 20 Nov 2000 to 20 Dec 1999. ULA's date is based on sighting of a swelling she could easily have had other cycles prior and MAS's matdate appears to have been backdated by one year from a sighting of her with a brown infant on 20 Nov 2001.

25 Jan 2016


David Jansen noticed that SER was ranked in ADF but not ALF ranks for Nyayo's in Aug 2005. SER was present for the first two weeks of that month before dying. She was interacting normally and there is no evidence that she was no longer alpha female (and she has been rank 1 in the ADF ranks). We can find no record that she was deliberately left out of the ALF ranks and are forced to conclude that it was some kind of entry error. Today she was added to the ALF ranks as alpha female.

21-22 Jan 2016


Demography note/dcauseconfidence backfill for Viola's group was completed. Infants and juveniles who died in 2000 and the first half of 2001 were assigned dcauses for the first time. Dcauseconfidences were assigned for deaths in Viola's between 1999 and 2009. The following changes to dcause were made based on demography notes, our updated dcause definitions, and our current knowledge of baboon life: VIZ from 7 to 4, EMM 1 to 2, VAV 1 to 2, DEK 7 to 4, REI 7 to 4, VIO 1 to 7 (due to gap), ETH 1 to 7 (also gap), ENE 2 to 4, RIM 1 to 4, VOH 4 to 3. VAT was changed from dead (with dcause 7) to a low-confidence dispersal, as per our dispersal decision tree. The following statdates were moved based on information in the notes: VAV from 28 to 27 Jul 2004, VIU from 15 to 17 Jul 2006, ENE from 1 Jan to 2 Jan 2008, ELE from 21 to 22 Dec 2008. Infants TUR and ENE were added to ALF ranks in the months of their deaths (as they are now present for the first day or two). Jake will also add DEK and REI to the male ranks in the month of their births (Nov 2004) and HAP to the Nov 2008 ranks now that demog notes place him in Viola's part of that month.

22 Apr 2016


Upon reviewing the reproductive hormone data of potential pregnancies where females were never recorded as P/B, the following pregnancies were added or deleted: RWA6 was added, as RWA was confirmed to be pregnant on 23 Jan 2014; LIW3 was deleted as it seemed more like a shutdown; EAS2 was deleted (as it also seemed likely to be a shutdown); VIV11's birth/deathdate was revised from 1 Jun to 24 Feb 2009 because hormone data showed that she was pregnant on 2 Jan but not on 18 Apr or 18 May and she was seen with perineal bleeding on 24 Feb.

9 May 2016


Spot's bstatus was changed from 1 to 0.5 per leaders in Babase call.

10 May 2016


Since A21 (pid = ALT101) existed only in a murky period prior to Alto's 1 Jul 1971 permanent date and in fact did not even have any census or interaction data, we removed A21 from Babase as we felt that all individuals in Babase should have an entrydate and that the entrydate should not be prior to the permanent date of the individual's group. The 10 other individuals in Babase who were conceived prior to Alto's permanent date all survived past the permanent date and have census data in Babase. A21's bioid was 657, his birth estimate 1 Jul 1968, his bstatus 1, his sex M, his matgrp 1, his statdate 1 Jan 1970, his status 1, his dcause 8 (and thus conf = 0), and he had no alternate snames listed. Alongside this, Alto's former seq 1 cycle with cid = 24953 and Estimated ddate of 5 Jan 1968 was also removed with the pregnancy. For the record, according to the "Notes transcribed from JA tapes: Background Info" at the beginning of the Princeton binder titled "Alto's Demography Through 1978", Alto was seen with an i2 in Jul and Aug 1969, which is consistent with A21.

12 May 2016


The new warning system threw two warnings for maturity before age 3y, both for females from Lodge group. Mwezi actually checks out pretty well but some errors were found for Juu. A 0.5 swelling on 25 Feb 1987 was used as her matdate and the start of her first cycle but she was then flat for over two weeks before going to a 1T (starting a decent cycle) on 17 Mar 1987 and today a 0.5 like that would not be considered part of the first real cycle so the first tdate and matured were moved to 17 Mar. While looking I also discovered that, when entered, the ddate for this cycle was missed, as well as the clearly indicated mdate and obvious tdate that should go with the next ddate (on 14 May), which has hitherto been indicated as the ddate for the puberty cycle. So I adjusted the maturedate and the first tdate and added the correct ddate for that cycle and the mdate and tdate for the next cycle. (But we decided not to second guess Juu's birth estimate since data are slim and more may have been mentally retained when the estimate was made and her matage will never be used in calculating a mean anyway since her bstatus is 1; thus she still throws a warning along with Mwezi.)

21 Jun 2016


In order to add missing census data for Pepo in Nyayo's group in Nov 1994, we had to remove Pepo from male ranks in Hook's group in Dec 1994 where he was interpolated present incorrectly due to his Nyayo's census data being missing.

20 Jul 2016


Upon dealing with the new warnings/errors from the warning system involving entrydates, the following adjustments were made due to data that was backfilled sometime after these entrydates were assigned but before they were available in Babase. Olkenya group's permanent date was moved back 10 days to 21 Jan 1983. SEK's entrydate was updated from 30 Sep 1977 to 21 Jul 1977, CLE's from 12 Jun 1983 to 7 Jan 1983, and CUI's from 6 Oct 1986 to 24 Apr 1983.

29 Jul 2016


I discovered a parity bug in which the dec_parity function doesn't cascade like it should so it only adjusts the parity past the adjacent preg. Note: inc_parity does not seem to suffer from this problem. Jake and I aren't sure what is causing this lack of cascading so for now we are putting in a warning. In the meantime, East, Liwaza, and Alto (who all had an old preg deleted in 16a) each had messed up parities that have now been corrected. While looking into this problem, combined with a recent request about how to tell when parity is uncertain, I realized that I should have assigned 100-series pids and parities to females in dropped groups (except for a small number of cases where there is enough evidence to suggest that nothing was missed) so Jake temporarily turned off the rule that you can't change pid while I was doing the 16b update so I could change these pids and parities together for females in Kelly's (including A and B), Mica's, and Snap's.

15-16 Aug 2016


The following changes were made to deal with warnings produced by members/census vs entrydates: The entrydates of HIB, SUR, JAK, DUX, PAL were tweaked to match their members records (or census in Hibiscus' case); based on bstatus the entrytype was changed from O to B for SUR, JAK, DUX, PAL (but COC was left as O since that is an unusual case similar to that of HIB and PHO was also left as O and his bstatus changed back to 1) and changed from B to O for BE1, CC2, CC3, KO2, LE6, LU1, LX5, QA6, WU1, WW4, ZO5; HAR, SLK, WYM were given backfill census rows on 5 Jul 1979 and their entrydates changed accordingly, as well as their entrytypes being changed from O to I; BON, LER, DOR required slight demographic adjustments and entrydate tweaks; and SLA's entrydate had not been updated to reflect Olkenya backfill nor were any of his Stud's rows counting toward his entrydate since they were all L rows so I backfilled his Stud's row a few weeks before the sighting in Olkenya group and removed all the surrounding L rows so that he would interpolate correctly, updated his entrydate accordingly, and, since he is thought to be a natal Stud's male, changed his entrytype to O from I, now that his entrydate matches a presence in Stud's.

14 Sep 2016


Noggin's wounds reports for 26 May 1983, 9 May 1984, and 20 Mar 1986 had been incorrectly entered under the sname NOG and have been corrected to NGG.

5 Jan 2017

NHL and JG

The new dcause schema was implemented today and the dcausenatureconfidence and dcauseagentconfidence columns introduced to biograph. Assignment of new nature and agent confidences is still in progress so for now many are unassigned or tentative and the old dcauseconfidence column will temporarily be maintained. Deaths info has not been backfilled for the oldest groups, as demography backfill has not been completed for them but all deaths in current and already-backfilled groups should have confidences assigned soon.

25 Jan 2017


We decided in today's Babase call to collapse the problematic pathology:environmental dcause into pathology:noninfectious. Today the new dcause schema was adjusted to remove this dcause and bring all dcauses with a larger value in the dcause column down one dcause. Today we also discussed the genetic sample purportedly for Delta that we know does not match Delta. It is a match for Safi so we discussed the possibility of whether the real owner of the Delta sample could be Safi's grandson Sean but the statistical probability of that is low. It's much more likely that it is Safi's son Soda, who was in Proton's group, while Delta and Sean were in Nyayo's group. According to SWERB, however, both Proton's and Nyayo's (and even Dotty's) were visited on the date the sample was collected (19 Aug 1994) so it's possible that it was collected in Proton's group and therefore could be Soda's. Unfortunately we cannot confirm where the sample was collected because that is not listed on the tube and our record sheets for genetic samples only go back to 1995.

23 Feb 2017


Nyayo's demography backfill was completed, beginning with Mar 1992 census data (the first month after the Alto's fission in which membership is indicated on the census sheets). This included fixing the census data for Nyayo's, Dotty's, and Proton's for Mar-Dec 1992 to input the real census data and remove extraneous members-style census rows (but leaving M rows as needed to keep group members interpolating in their groups during large gaps). Charlie, and to a lesser extent Soda, was frequently in the wrong group in the historic census data. These two young males have been corrected in census and ranks. There is a small number of adult males who will need to be added to or subtracted from male ranks once historic agonisms are complete. Many demography and other groups notes for Nyayo's (as well as for Dotty's and Proton's in 1992 only) were updated or uploaded for the first time, which also extended our records on some males who were sighted in nonstudy groups. All deaths and dispersals were reviewed and dcauses and associated confidences assigned where they had been absent. Subgroup and intergroup encounter notes and wounds and pathologies reports were also added or updated as needed.

14 Sep 2017


The age estimates for Iwobi and Puppy were adjusted. Iwobi's initial age estimate was a bit confusing as he was compared to Ntawuasa but then the age listed was different from Ntawuasa's. Later Puppy was mistakenly aged based on a size comparison with Iwobi rather than with a known-aged male (there being none of similar age in Puppy's group), which we realized when we darted Puppy and he seemed younger than Babase indicated. The Team was asked to provide new estimates for both and said today that they were both estimated to be 6yo give or take 6mo and that they were about the size of Eartha (who is a bit over six years but six seemed more appropriate based on their scrotal development) and reiterated that Iwobi and Puppy are about the same size.

26 Dec 2017


During backfill of verious text fields and some healing updates for old wounds reports, a number of changes were made including deleting duplicates, combining sheets for wounds that were found at the same time (when missed by the original enterer), adding bodypart 45 (nonspecific) where no particular body part is implicated, and fixing miscellaneous typos or entry errors. For more specific details, the database manager can check the comment boxes in the master Excel file. A few dramatic changes are noted specifically: Two wounds were found for Hans that were originally entered under the sname of HAN (which sname belongs to Handle) and these were corrected to HNS. These wounds were dated 21 Jan 1983 (wid 6388) and 21 Jul 1983 (wid 6270). A 2 Sep 1983 wound was incorrectly assigned to Omo (apparently due to poor interpretation of handwriting) and was corrected to Oreo.

15 Feb 2018


Due to difficulties determining what should qualify as a confirmed cause of death and given that we have always said we would treat confidences 3 and 4 the same when discussing dcauses, we decided to roll confidence 4 into confidence 3 for dcausenatureconfidence and dcauseagentconfidence. Because the confidences table is shared with the matgrpconfidence column (also in biograph) and the dispconfidence column (in dispersedates), we have left confidence 4 in place with the caveat that, where dcauses are concerned, it is the confidence not to be used. This is not ideal but seemed preferable to creating a new table for half of these columns and also allows us the flexibility to reintroduce confidence 4 at a later date. An error (DCAUSECONF_OF_4) has been added to the integrity warning system to enforce this moratorium.

16 Feb 2018


Atlanta's noninterpolating N census row on his dispersedate incorrectly placed him in grp 1.221 instead of 1.211. As a result he was also incorrectly ranked in Dibble's group in Jun 2014. This was corrected today.

20 Feb 2018


Some issues with entrydates/entrytypes were resolved, mostly revolving around infants with bstatus 0.5. These were typically entered as entrytype B and entrydate = birth regardless of when they were first recorded present. We decided earlier this year that they should have entrytype O and entrydates tied to our first recorded sighting of them (with the entrydate = to the first date in members on which the infant appears in the group, not including birth and the 14 days after birth), like infants with higher bstatuses, but with the exception that bstatus 0.5 infants who interpolate present in their natal group continuously (i.e., the first sighting is within 29 days of the estimated date of birth) should remain with an entrytype of B and entrydate = birth since birth is their only point of entry in members. For older cases where members-style census data are still in place, the census sheets were examined to determine the correct date of entry.

23 Feb 2018


The Team confirmed today that Wuvable was in fact male as the photos and videos of his illness illustrated so he was changed from female to male in biograph. This also prompted me to compare sexes between biograph and neonatals, at which time I discovered some errors. Most were cases where the sex of the infant was initially recorded incorrectly and was later changed and in all these cases biograph was clearly correct so the sex was simply updated in the neonatals table in babase_pending (and in the master file in Excel). But there was one case where the neonatals appeared to be correct. This was Whydah, a premature infant born in Sep 1989 in Hook's group. Whydah only lived a few days but everything in the notebook indicates that she was female and that the sex should have been clearly observable (and SCA even remembers picking the name Whydah because she was female). It was pre-email and prior to monthly reports and no corrections appear to have been made at the time, yet she was listed as male in biograph. We all agreed to remove Whydah from the bottom of Hook's ALM ranks and change her to female. (There are no ALF ranks for 1989.) The entry error predates Babase 2.0 and maybe Babase 1.0 as well, because Whydah is recorded as male on the Hook's matriline hanging in the hall (which appears to cover demographic events through 2002 and thus was probably created and printed in 2003). Cadet, who was among the males originally recorded as female (and now corrected in neonatals), was entered female on that matriline but then corrected by hand, whereas Wrinkle was also entered as female but not corrected by hand. (Ego, however, had been noticed to be male by that point and is listed as such on the Alto's matriline.)

2 Jul 2018


While backfilling the text of healing updates in wounds and pathologies, I have been adding tidbits of information and making occasional corrections. A more substantial correction was made today, correcting the sname on WID 6550, a wound for Kupima that had been entered with sname KUP (for Kupita) when Kupima's sname is KPM.

31 Jul 2018


Vyema's matgrp was corrected from the originally entered 1.222 to her post-fission matgrp of 1.2222. The Vogue's fission needs to be updated in the groups table but first swerb has to be updated for Dec 2017 through Jan 2018 to reflect the daughter groups. Also QJ2's matgrp was corrected from 1.12 to 2.12 and a number of corrections were made to hybridity-rawmorpho (in babase_pending) over the last few days in preparation for the data to be used by an ABRP student.

15 Oct 2018


Zidi was changed from dead with dcause 8 and confidences 2,0 to censored. We determined that the pathology sheet purportedly belonging to him could not be his, as it is dated 19 Mar with the first healing update on 26 Mar when he was marked absent on both dates, noted to be absent in demog notes on both dates, even searched for and not found on 26 Mar, and recorded as having emigrated from Nzige's on the March 1997 monthly report sheet. The pathology sheet might belong to Duka, who was initially indicated to be the subject of the report (but which was at some point crossed out and changed to Zidi, with Zidi only occurring in the April healing update indicating that he was no longer with the group).

24 Jun 2019


Dibble's female ranks were adjusted for Apr-Dec 2017 to reflect Rafiki's Apr credit over Riese.

28 Jun 2019


In preparation for bringing residency live in members, we put the members of Alto's group [previously artificially meted out to the daughter groups from Jan 1989-Mar 1990] back into Alto's and removed Alto's female ranks for Apr 1990-20 Mar 1991 [though they are stored in babase_pending for future reference] so that we can remove an exception that allowed baboons to be ranked in the supergroup (in this case the parent group) during a fission even if they do not appear in that group in members during the month in question.

21 Aug 2019


In order to ensure that all resident members of Laza's group transition their residency to Acacia's group when the fusion occurs, the census was updated to reflect that all members of Omo's group and any Laza's members who were with them during the brief fusion period are now considered to be in the daughter group, Acacia's, rather than in Omo's as they had been previously.

19 Nov 2019


Last_reg_census changed to NULL for all fissions and fusions (gids = 1, 1.2, 1.21, 1.1, 1.22, 1.222, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.22*, 3), thus reserving the column for dropped groups, a change needed for the upcoming implementation of residency in members. This makes the definition of last_reg_census crisper as well. Omo's was also assigned a new behave_gap for the period when they were dropped. *2.22's last_reg_census was removed belatedly on 29 Mar 2022.

18 Jan 2020


Tyrant was inexplicably marked present in Dibble's group when her mom Vet was in the (unseen) Vogue's subgroup on 1 Jan 2014 and Tyrant was missing from both groups starting on 2 Jan. This presence was deleted, the deathdate M row and statdate updated (as well as the dcause since this put the census gap to 5 days so she now has a dcause 11 instead of 1), and she was removed from the Viola's and Dibble's ranks for Jan 2014 with the two younger female infants each moved up by one rank.

19 Jan 2020


Arielle discovered that Hook's ADF ranks for Aug 1991 were mysteriously missing so they were replaced. Evolve's matgrp was corrected from 1.222 to 1.2222 (Vogue's fission).

22 Jun 2020


Huawey was originally marked as female but turned out to be male. Biograph and neonatals have now been updated. Update: HUA was removed from ALF ranks on 26 Jun 2020 and addition to the ALM ranks will be forthcoming.

10 Jul 2020


Fecal samples collected on 25 Apr 2002 and labeled Mecca were genetically determined to belong to Rambo, who had not been marked present on the other groups census of dropped Nzige's group that day. Since Rambo was clearly present, he has now been assigned a demography note for that day, which resulted in his statdate advancing from 14 Dec 1997 when he was last marked present in Joy's group (though there might be some Lodge groups data from this transition period missing from the database). It is unclear what the ramifications should be for Mecca's 2002-3 census rows, so for now these have been left alone. Update: This change to Rambo's statdate also required him to receive matured by and ranked by dates, which were assigned with the 20b quarterly update.

25 Aug 2020


Pursuant to changes made to left censor entrydates for O and I individuals in order to enact new triggers on entrydates having to do with addition of latestbirth to biograph (this was back in Feb 2020 and was mostly performed by JG - to sum up the entrydates for these baboons went from being on the first day present in members to the first day present in census so that no O individuals could have a latestbirth before entry [and so I individuals would be logically consistent with O individuals]), a number of immigrant males now had matured dates and (more often than not also) ranked dates in the month prior to their new entrydates, which set off warnings in the warning system. Thus, the affected maturedates and rankdates were moved forward a month to come into compliance with being in the same month in which they entered (but note that younger males already had later ranked by dates and Gabriel oddly already had a ranked by date in Sep of the same year in which his matured by date was Aug so his ranked by date didn't actually move). I also brought into compliance a few entrydates for Unknowns that were missed or otherwise overlooked earlier in the year.

11 Dec 2020


Wounds and pathologies corrections: The year in the date of Yvonne's report with wid 7375 was corrected from 2015 to 2016. The year in the date of Viva's last healing update for report with wid 2173 was corrected to 1987 from 1997. The year in the date of the first healing update for Scion's report with wid 2222 was corrected to 1988 from 1998. The year in the date of the last healing update for Uto's report with wid 7134 was corrected from 1998 to 1991.

1 Feb 2021


1990-1993 Hook's group demography/other groups notes were backfilled today with the 20D update. This also required replacing members-style census data for most members with true census data throughout 1993. Corrections were also made, the largest being that Lewis was mysteriously missing from the members-style data in Sep-Dec 1993. Some statdates were also tweaked and dcauses reviewed, as some where unassigned and most also did not yet have nature and agent confidences assigned. Dispersals that aren't confirmed also required assignment of a confidence.

2 Feb 2021


David Jansen discovered a female ranks oddity in which Wombat was ranked #1 in the ADF ranks for Weaver's in August 1998 when she should have been #7, as she was in adjacent months and which placed her in the same position relative to other adult females as she stood all along in the ALF ranks. The error appears to have existed all along based on the rnkids.

30 Apr 2021


1994 Hook's backfill was completed, including real-time census data for the Hook's fission. Some baboons who died that year were assigned dcauses and/or dcause confidences (other than "unassigned") for the first time. Swerb and ranks were also updated to reflect the existence of Linda's and Weaver's groups in late 1994. Hook's ranks for Dec 1994 were removed as no members were present in Hook's that month, though the group's cease_to_exist date was placed in December due to the low frequency of census data but clear continuation of frequent member exchange during that time; this allows more members to remain resident following the fission. Linda's and Weaver's ranks were added for both Nov and Dec 1994. Two other ranks corrections were also made. Wave was incorrectly ranked in Aug 1994 when he died in Jul with his mother. This may have been due to two groomings that were incorrectly assigned to him Stateside instead of to Navy. Wombat was also removed from the Linda's ADF ranks for Jan 1994 ADF ranks where she had been rank 1 based on an incorrect M row in census when she was only in Weaver's group that month and was not ranked in the ALF ranks for Linda's.

19 May 2021


During sequencing concerning hybridity it was determined that infant Dao was male, not female as previously recorded. Dao's sex was updated and he was moved from the ALF ranks to the ALM ranks for Dec 2008 through Mar 2009.

24 Sep 2021


In resolving warnings having to do with size 0 swellings during the turgescent phase of a cycle, a small number of old entry errors were corrected and a small group of apparent recording errors by observers (where the surrounding swelling sizes were large enough and close enough in time that it seemed clear it was an error and not a real dip in swelling size) were deleted. These small changes are noted in the notebooks and in the sex skin Excel files. The only change that directly affects the core cycling tables will be made with the 21C quarterly update and involves moving Lido's tdate from 18 Jun to 21 Jun 1998.

11 Oct 2021


JG pointed out that almost from the outset the Team has been spelling BAI's name BAILEY instead of the BAILY they originally recorded so we agreed to update it to BAILEY in Babase. The Team also always spells RIQ's name RIQUEZA, the original spelling, rather than RIQUESA so the spelling was reverted to RIQUEZA in Babase.

22 Nov 2021


Genetic sequencing demonstrated that a few males who re-entered the study population after large residency gaps were not who we thought they were. On this date three such cases were sorted out in Babase. 1) The male being called Nera when darted in Narasha's group on 6 Jul 2016 was genetically determined not to be the male born as Nera. In fact he is essentially unrelated to other members of the study population. Since this newer iteration of Nera, who entered the study population in Apr 2015, was still known to be in a nonstudy group, he retained the name and the sname NER while the original Nera, a son of Nobel, whose whereabouts are unknown was renamed Nrtea (NRT). 2) The male being called Copper when darted in Acacia's group on 17 Jul 2017 was genetically determined not to be the male born as Copper. In fact he appears to be (a quite late-in-life) son of Binti from Joy's group. This new Copper (who entered in Feb 2017) was still living in Acacia's group for most of 2021 so he retained the name and the sname COP and was assigned the pid BIN112, which required making Binti's statdate later than the last time she was identified in Joy's group. The original Copper, a son of Cabana, whose whereabouts are unknown was renamed Cthreepo (CTH). 3) The male being called Diwani when darted in Vogue's group on 12 Jul 2017 was genetically determined not to be the male born as Diwani (we think we know who this male really is but we need to sequence another close relative first). Meanwhile the male initially called Xbox who joined Vogue's the month after new Diwani and was darted in Yoda's group on 18 Jun 2018 turned out to be the male originally called Diwani. Note: Both males were together in Vogue's and then Yoda's when they were darted. The new Diwani has since died while Xbox is still living in a study group; thus to avoid renaming a current group member, the data for the original Diwani was rolled into Xbox such that Xbox is now a son of Dux, and until such time as we confirm the identity of new Diwani the other male will keep the sname DIW.

11 Feb 2022


A comparison of min_maxs with WeatherHawk revealed an error in an odd rain reading on 4-5 Nov 2010. The 5 Nov row indicated additional rain of 20.2 @0828 (beyond the 7.6 recorded at 5:20). This was originally recorded in a separate row on 5 Nov at 8:28 but it was plain from the WeatherHawk rain readings that this 8:28 reading took place at 8:28 on 4 Nov, after the regular reading on the 4th and should have just been included in the regular reading for the 5th. Raingauges and min_maxs were updated accordingly.

3 Aug 2022


JG dug up three old cycling errors (unrelated to the numerous others involving cycgaps and known periods where some cycling dates, mostly tdates, are missing) while fixing cycling table code. Wema's Nov-Dec 1994 cycle was missing the ddate, despite the fact that a ddate had been assigned in the notebook. The assigned ddate was added. Then there were two cases where an mdate was uploaded despite taking place after the tdate, which is against the rules and prompted Babase to split the cycles into two cycles each, one with an automdate and the tdate and the other with the assigned mdate and the ddate. To fix each of these the assigned mdate had to be removed and the tdate and ddate consolidated into one cycle. These two cycles were Lulu's Mar 1973 cycle and Plum's Jan-Feb 1986 cycle.

15-17, 24 Aug 2022


A number of discrepancies were discovered between ALF and ADF ranks, mostly for 1995-2000 and 2005. After review of the matrices and rank realignment sheets to ensure that the correct ranks were known we were able to resolve them. Most of the errors were in ADF ranks but some were in ALF ranks. In ADF GIF had been accidentally promoted over GUF a month early in Sep 2019 instead of Oct. In Feb 2018 two adults and two juveniles were accidentally promoted a month early in ALF; ranks for IGU, IRE, RUZ, DIB, ENK, IZA, and IPH were affected. When SOU matured in Oct 1996 she was wrongly placed over DUD in ADF when she was already ranked below DUD; this continued through Mar 1997. When HOL matured in Feb 1998 she was likewise placed below HAM instead of above in ADF, which continued through May 1998. In Jun 1998 HAM was correctly below HOL in ADF but incorrectly also below FED and FUM; they were all correct in July. When DUX matured in DEC 1999 she was wrongly placed above DUD in ADF instead of below; they remained in the wrong order in Jan 1999 but in Feb DUX was promoted over DUD, bringing their ADF ranks back into allignment with their ALF ranks. When FLA matured in Nov 2000 she was incorrectly placed above FAC in ADF; this persisted through Dec 2000. When NUT matured in Dec 2000 she was mistakenly placed above NYO in ADF; this error was isolated to that month. In Aug 2005 HOK, HON, and HUM were rarranged in the ADF ranks, perhaps in response to a with HUM had over HOK, a win that was not credited in ALF ranks because of new reversals it would cause; they remained incorrect through Dec 2005. When OBI matured in Oct 2000 she was wrongly placed below OST in ADF; this persisted through Dec 2000. In Jan 1997 when ALF ranks were first produced for Dotty's group, VET was incorrectly promoted over VIV a month early in ALF (but correctly not promoted over VIV in ADF that Jan) - this affected ALF ranks for VIO, VET, VIV, VAA, and VIX. Then in Feb-May 1997 the ALF ranks for Dotty's are correct but the ADF ranks are incorrect - best guess is this was a result of not giving credit to some wins in the ALF ranks that were somehow nonetheless given credit in the ADF ranks, affecting VET, VIV, and VIX. In Jan 1998 VIN>VET>VEL is the correct order (always found in ALF) but in ADF they appear in the order they had been in back in Jan 1997 (VEL>VIN>VET); this error only lasted for the one month. When VIO matured in May 1998 she got mixed up with those same three females in ADF, appearing as VIN>VEL>VIO>VET instead of VIO>VIN>VET>VEL, again for only one month. From Jun-Dec 2000 VEL>VIO>VIN (and they were interacting a lot, a bit triangularly) but in ADF they somehow ended up in the incorrect order VIN>VEL>VIO. In Aug-Nov 2005 we should see VEL>VIN>VOW but in ADF they were incorrectly listed as VIN>VOW>VEL. In Nov 1996 NIG had a win over NIX and was given credit but the credit was not reflected in the ADF ranks; the error continued through Aug 1997. In Feb 1998 NIX was intentionally promoted over NAP and KAT (though she didn't have wins over either until Mar) when her daughter NAP was promoted over NIG (because it was clear that NIX was still over her daughter) but this complex decision was not reflected in the ADF ranks (leaving them in the order they'd been the prior month) and then in Mar and Apr they are just plain in the wrong order (NIG>NIX>KAT) in ADF; oddly it all got sorted out when NAP matured in May 1998 and everyone went back to being in the correct order in ADF. When NOB matured in Dec 1998 she was incorrectly placed above KAT in ADF; this incorrect ordering continued through Feb 2000, only getting righted in Mar 2000 when NOB began to have wins over KAT. When LAI matured in Mar 1995 she was incorrectly placed above LIM; this remained true in Apr 1995 as well, during which month LAI died. Then when LAS matured in May 1995 she was placed below LIM instead of above her in ADF and they remained in the wrong order through Nov 1995. In Dec 1996 LAZ was promoted over WOM but the promotion was not reflected in the ADF ranks; this error persisted through May 1997. In Nov 1997 in ALFs LAV was denied credit for two wins over PUM because Puma had nine wins coming up, beginning in Feb 1998 but she was erroneously given the credit in ADF ranks and they remained in the wrong order there through Jan 1998. When LOC matured in May 1999 she was incorrectly placed below LIM in ADF and they remained in the wrong order through Dec 1999. When WHE matured in Jan 2000 she was incorrectly placed above WAG in ADFs; this persisted through Dec 2000. Overlapping with that one, when LIZ matured in Sep 2000 she was incorrectly placed below LIM (who she'd begun beating in Jul) in ADF and this error also persisted through Dec 2000.

13 Oct 2022


The Team forgot to let us know they changed Nuhu from female to male. Sex updated in biograph and neonatals and ALF/ALM ranks adjusted accordingly.

9 May 2023


The Team initially spelled URI's name Uria but had removed the "a" by the time they sent us the data for that month. Yet in their official record they kept the "a" and have been consistently spelling his name Uria. So we added the "a" to his name in biograph and neonatals for consistency.

26 May 2023


While I was correcting some obvious date errors in the neonatals table in babase_pending I noticed there were also a few disconnects between birth and the early census record. Moustic's birthdate was incorrectly entered in Babase as 1 Dec 2004 instead of 10 Dec; the census record was correct. On 30 May I corrected the early census records of Yeller, Wyggie, Spackle, and Raza who were incorrectly marked absent on dates on or shortly after their birthdates. (Fundi, Sifa, Notch, and Tyzula also come up as absent on a date within the first six days of birth. In Tyzula's case it's because she and her mother were marked absent that day. Fundi, Sifa, and Notch's issues are all around their deathdates, an issue that will be resolved upon backfill with assignment of status = M rows on their dates of death.)

23 Jun 2023


Later whole genome work showed that Jik and Molloy were switched during darting in 1989. They were young juveniles at the time and we are confident that their IDs did not remain permanently confused due to the effect that would have on their maturedates and the very strong evidence that in adulthood Molloy consorted Jik's mom on several occasions prior to the dropping of the Lodge groups. As such we determined that only their dartings, tissue samples, and related genetic information needed to be switched. The darting records and tissue samples for "Jik" on 27 Sep 1989 were updated to belong to Molloy and those for "Molloy" on 4 Oct 1989 were updated to belong to Jik. For tissues tids 6655, 6910, 6455, 58181 were reassigned to Molloy and tids 6543, 6603, 6606, 6650, 6429, 58235 to Jik and the misid_status for these rows changed to 1. Those tissues generated a hybridgene score for "Molloy" (now reassigned to Jik), an msat_genotypes row for "Jik" (now reassigned to Molloy), and a dad_data row for "Jik" (deleted because Molloy was not the son of Juha as supposed at the time so the analysis is invalid, though we now know that Radi was in fact the father of both Jik and Molloy).

5 Jul 2023


Hejira's ranked by date was corrected from 1 Apr 2022 to 1 Jun 2022, after he stopped floating back to Hokey's group. Tutu's matured by date was corrected from 1 Nov 2022 to 1 Oct 2022.

23 Aug 2023


VES11 was deleted. Exhumation of Vesper's skeleton confirmed that she was not three-months pregnant at the time of death. Likely she shutdown in response to the drought conditions and did not conceive in May 2022 as originally supposed.

26 Oct 2023


Mica's 15 May to 1 Jun cycle was originally missed. This was her first cycle so her maturedate was updated when the cycle was added. Additionally, Telly's maturedate was updated when a stretch of time where she had a size 0.5 swelling was added onto the beginning of her first cycle.

6 Dec 2023


The Alto's fission backfill was completed. Most of the membership changes were live in late Oct 2023 just before the Joint Lab Meeting but some small tweaks and updates to subgroup, intergroup encounter, and death notes were completed in Dec. Previously considered one three-way fission (grp 1 became grps 1.1 Nyayo’s, 1.2 Dotty’s, and 1.3 Proton’s), this is now recorded as two overlapping fissions (grp 1 becomes grps 1.3 and 1.4 and grp 1.4 becomes groups 1.1 and 1.2). This was necessary in order to enter subgroup membership in real time. Proton’s subgroup began ranging away far earlier than Nyayo’s or Dotty’s became distinguishable entities. When future Nyayo’s and Dotty’s members are together apart from Proton’s they are referred to as grp 1.4 (Alto’s split group), a temporary group that does not have a permanent date in the groups table since it was already fissioning itself before its parent group (Alto’s, grp 1) had ceased to exist. Proton’s group was pretty settled by July 1990 when Alto’s split group began to form recognizable, if infrequent subgroups. In Nov 1990 all the subgroups were together both times they were seen (thus extending the end of the fission of grp 1 to 1 Dec 1990) but thereafter Proton’s was always separate (though occasionally nearby). Dotty’s and Nyayo’s began to be seen apart regularly beginning in Feb 1991 and were always separate by Jul 1991. The latter part of this period has less-than-ideal census coverage and demography and subgroup notes were not always perfect but most individuals could reliably be placed in the correct group based on notes or, occasionally, on interaction or focal sampling data. Demography notes and manual census rows were employed whenever membership of individuals (usually juveniles) was unclear.

29 Feb 2024


Missing tdates and mdates in the late '80s and early '90s were added to Babase. This also included moving the cygaps in the Alto's groups forward in time, which resulted in deleting all cycgaps for Vee, Eno, and Siku since they died prior to the new begin date for the cycling gaps. Cycgaps point rows will also be added for the rest of the Alto's fission and TZ loss period.

4 Mar 2024


The censuses for the two-week Linda's fission in April 2011 were separated into the daughter groups, where applicable/possible. Swerb, subgroup notes, and intergroup encounters will also be updated.

11 Mar 2024


Due to a large gap in census data, it is unknown whether CEL1 resulted in a live birth. It was originally recorded as a fetal loss, which there is some evidence to support but that evidence is not strong and would indicate an early birth/death date than the one currently recorded (which matches the due date). To reflect this uncertainty, CEL1's biograph.status was changed from 1 to 4.

1 Apr 2024


Cycgaps point rows for the end of the Alto's/Alto's split fissions and Nyayo's group during the TZ loss were uploaded to better record reproductive status for females during this low-observation period. Members of Dotty's group also received cycgaps point rows for parts of this period but Dotty's had better data coverage than Nyayo's for most months so the one long period of no observation was reduced to smaller periods of no observation and cycling dates were added during the periods when data were adequate to warrant a period of observation. During this process I found that Ochre actually matured a month earlier than had previously been indicated in Babase because the January cycle had been missed; therefore Ochre's maturedate was updated.

2 Apr 2024


As agreed to during the 21 Feb 2024 Babase call, the beginning of Viola's fission (i.e., the impermanent date for Viola's and the start and study_grp dates for Dibble's and Vogue's) was moved from the last day of 2012 to 16 Oct 2013 to better differentiate between the regular (though intense) formation of Logan's subgroup throughout the earlier months of the year and the beginning of a shift in membership that eventually led to the formation of Dibble's and Vogue's groups. Up to this point the subgroups had not been separated in census prior to the beginning of 2014. The groups will next be separated in census for 16 Oct-Dec 2013 as well.

12 Apr 2024


The cycling gaps for Alto's group through May 1974 had myriad problems. I *think* cycgaps was created before repstats existed, as this would explain some of these early cycgaps choices and might also contribute to the errant rule that sometimes forces the wrong state to be used in the code S row that begins a new period of observation (i.e., ends a gap). Some females didn’t have any cycgaps rows at all, others had fewer gaps than they should (females who were mature and alive the entire time ought to have three - an initial one covering a period prior to the initial onset of observation - 6 Jul 1971 for original Alto's members and 24 Nov 1971 for HighTail's members, another from 3 Sep 1972 to 28 Jun 1973 for original Alto's members or 13 Jun 1972 to 28 Jun 1973 for HighTail's members, and a final gap for 15 Sep 1973 to 17 or 18 May 1974; some females who lacked one or more of these gaps had erroneous cycles created by putting together a tdate with a distant and unrelated ddate), others had periods of observation that were encompassed in a larger gap covering both the 1972-73 and 1973-74 gaps (because they were not cycling at all during the period of observation in the middle but they were in fact under observation), others had wildly wrong code S rows that were placed on a zdate instead of at the onset of observation at the end of the gap (perhaps we didn't initially have code P available in cycgaps?). All of these issues were fixed. High Tail's females were also missing some cycles or partial cycles, which have now been filled in. A few additional notes that might be helpful prior to any backfilling of this time period. There are some sparse but unorthodox sex skin data during these observation gaps but it is difficult to assign cycles from. According to notes HighTail's was last seen by itself on 19 Sep 1973 and was first seen merged with Alto's on 23 Sep so the groups might be considered to have fused on 21 Sep 1973. Less clear is whether that is both the start and end of the fusion. There are sex skin data on three females from High Tail's who were no longer present at the fusion and who are not in biograph. These are Big, Corrie, and Crook. There might be additional High Tail's members who were not included because they also did not survive to join Alto's group. There are at least occasional notes on consortships in what would now be considered the Reproductive Notes.

23 May 2024


The 16 Oct - 31 Dec 2013 Viola's census was divided as appropriate into Dibble's and Vogue's groups with additional demography notes added when members changed group during observation, when Viola's formed subgroups after the start of observation for the day, or when the subgroups were so weird/numerous they could not reasonably be assigned as either Dibble's or Vogue's. The intergroup encounter notes and subgroup notes were also updated as appropriate and swerb was adjusted for this period, as well as Jan-Feb 2014.

BabaseChangelog (last edited 2024-05-23 23:57:08 by NikiLearn)

Wiki content based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0323553 and 0323596. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the wiki contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.