Automatic Mdate Generation

CYCPOINTS is special in that the presence of a Ddate row can trigger the automatic generation of a Mdate row 13 days later. Automatically generated Mdates are distinguished by having a CYCPOINTS.Source of A. As Ddate rows are inserted, updated, or deleted Babase makes appropriate changes to ensure that automatically generated Mdate rows exist on the 13th day following a qualified Ddate. The exception is when a Tdate follows a Ddate by less than 13 days (and there are no intervening gaps in observation.) In this case the automatically generated Mdate will have the Tdate's date and be less than 13 days after the previous Ddate.

An Mdate will be generated from a Ddate when all of the following conditions are met:

A Mdate automatically generated from a Ddate will be removed when any of the above conditions are no longer met, or when another Mdate is automatically generated for the Ddate.[210]More precisely, it is not a Mdate automatically generated from a Ddate that will be removed but rather any Mdate will be removed that has a Source of A, and that post-dates the Ddate, and that has no Mdates, Tdates, or Ddates, or periods of no observation (see CYCGAPS) on the interval between the Ddate and the automatic Mdate. Babase cannot distinguish manually entered Mdates with a Source of A from automatically generated Mdates. Therefore it is not just automatically generated Mdates that will be removed.

Automatically assigned Mdates, those with a Cycpoints-Source of A, have NULL Edates and Ldates.

[209] This means that automatic Mdates may occur after an individual's Statdate, so long as the individual is alive.

[210] So, there does not have to be a special rule to change the date of automatically generated Mdates in response to changes in the Ddates that generated them. Altering the Ddate creates a new Mdate, and in response the old Mdate is removed.

Page generated: 2016-07-22T23:08:20-04:00.