
Technical Specifications for the Amboseli Baboon Project Data Management System

Jeanne Altmann, PhD.

Susan C. Alberts, PhD.

Jacob B. Gordon

Leah Gerber

ER Diagram conversion to Dia 

Leah Gerber

ER Diagram layout 

Karl O. Pinc

ER Diagram layout 

Anne Ndeti Hubbard

ER Diagram layout 

Anne Ndeti Hubbard

DocBook formatting 

Karl O. Pinc

DocBook formatting 

Document generated: 2016-07-22 23:08:03.

Copyright Notices

March 2, 2005

Revision History
Revision 0.0 March, 2 2004
Initial document
Revision 1.0 November 23, 2007
Many revisions towards a final Babase 2.0 documentation. Addition of multiparty interaction tables.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation for the supporting the collection of the majority of the data stored in the database; in the past decade in particular we acknowledge support from IBN 9985910, IBN 0322613, IBN 0322781, BCS 0323553, BCS 0323596, DEB 0846286, DEB 0846532 and DEB 0919200. We are also very grateful for support from the National Institute of Aging (R01AG034513-01 and P01AG031719) and the Princeton Center for the Demography of Aging (P30AG024361). We also thank the Chicago Zoological Society, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation and the National Geographic Society for support at various times over the years. In addition, we thank the National Institute of Aging (R03-AG045459-01) for supporting recent work extending the database to incorporate genetic and genomic data.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Aging, the Princeton Center for the Demography of Aging, the Chicago Zoological Society, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, the National Geographic Society, or any other organization which has supplied support for this work.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
This Document
Conventions Used In This Document
A Guide for the Reader
System Design
To Start Babase
Other Resources
2. Babase System Architecture
The babase Database
The babase_copy Database
The babase_test Database
Users, Groups and Database Permissions
The babase_readers group
The babase_editors group
The babase schema
The babase_something_views schemas
The babase_pending schema
The sandbox schema
The devel schema
The per-user schemas
Table Overview
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Special Values
The Babase Program Code
3. Baboon Data: Primary Source Material
Group Membership and Life Events
ALTERNATE_SNAMES (Alternate Short Names)
BEHAVE_GAPS (Gaps in Behavior Observations)
BIOGRAPH (Baboon Biographical Data)
CENSUS (Group Membership)
CONSORTDATES (First Consortship Dates)
DEMOG (Demography Notes)
DISPERSEDATES (Dispersal Dates)
GROUPS (Groups)
MATUREDATES (Sexual Maturity Dates)
RANKDATES (Adult Rank Attainment Dates)
Sexual Cycles
CYCGAPS (Gaps in Female Cycle Observations)
CYCLES (Female Sexual Cycles)
CYCPOINTS (Female Sexual Cycle Events)
PCSKINS (ParaCallosal Skin observations)
PREGS (Pregnancies)
SEXSKINS (Sexskin Turgesence Measurements)
Social and Multiparty Interactions
ALLMISCS (Ad-libitum sample data)
CONSORTS (multiparty disputes over CONSORTshipS)
FPOINTS (Point data on Females)
INTERACT_DATA (Interactions)
MPIS (Multiparty InteractionS)
MPI_DATA (Multiparty dyadic Interactions)
MPI_PARTS (Multiparty Interaction PARTicipantS)
PARTS (Participants in interactions)
POINT_DATA (Point observation data)
NEIGHBORS (point observation data on Neighbors)
SAMPLES (all-occurrences Samples)
ANESTHS (Extra Sedation Administered During Darting)
BODYTEMPS (Darting Body Temperature Measurements)
CHESTS (Darting Chest Circumference Measurements)
CROWNRUMPS (Darting Crown-to-Rump Measurements)
DARTINGS (Baboon Darting Events)
DPHYS (Darting Physiological Measurements)
DSAMPLES (Darting Tissue Sample Records)
DTCULTURES (Darting Tissue Culture Sample Records)
HUMERUSES (Darting Humerus Length Measurements)
PCVS (Darting Blood Measurements)
TEETH (Darting Tooth Data)
TESTES_ARC (Darting Testes circumference Data)
TESTES_DIAM (Darting Testes Diameter Data)
TICKS (Darting Tick and Parasite Data)
ULNAS (Darting Ulna Length Measurements)
SWERB Data (Group-level Geolocation Data)
AERIALS (Aerial photos)
GPS_UNITS (Individual GPS Devices)
QUAD_DATA (map Quadrants)
SWERB_BES (Begin/Ends: Uninterrupted bouts of group-level observation)
SWERB_DATA (Group Level GPS Point Samples)
SWERB_DEPARTS_DATA (Observation team departures from camp)
SWERB_GWS (SWERB Grove and Waterholes)
SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA (SWERB Grove/Waterhole Location Data)
Weather Data
RAINGAUGES (Rain Measurements)
RGSETUPS (Rain Gauge Setups)
TEMPMINS (Minimum Temperature Measurements)
TEMPMAXS (Maximum Temperature Measurements)
WHAWKS (WeatherHawk Data)
WREADINGS (Weather Readings)
4. Baboon Data: Analyzed
Group Membership and Life Events
DAD_DATA (Paternity analysis results)
MEMBERS (Day-by-day Group Membership)
RANKS (Rankings Within Groups)
Hybrid Scores
Interpolation's 3 Fundamentals
Interpolation Visualized
The Interpolation Rules
Expectations and Implications
The Sexual Cycle Day-By-Day Tables
CYCGAPDAYS (Day-by-day Periods of No Observation)
CYCSTATS (Female Fertility Cycle States)
MDINTERVALS (Mdate to Ddate Intervals)
MMINTERVALS (Mdate to Mdate Intervals)
REPSTATS (Female Reproductive States)
Sexual Cycle Determination
Automatic Sequencing
Automatic Mdate Generation
5. Support Tables
General Support Tables
OBSERVERS (Data Collection Staff)
UNKSNAMES (problem in identifying focal's neighbor or a lone male)
Group Membership and Life Events
BSTATUSES (Birth Accuracy Indicators)
CONFIDENCES (death, dispersal, and matgrp Confidence levels)
DCAUSES (Causes of Death)
DEMOG_REFERENCES (Demography Note References)
ENTRYTYPES (Categories of Entry to Study Population)
GAP_END_STATUSES (Explanations for Behavior Gap Ends)
MSTATUSES (Maturity Marker Statuses)
RNKTYPES (Ranking Categories)
STATUSES (Indicators of Record and Baboon Vividity)
Hybrid Scores
Social And Multiparty Interactions
ACTS (Interaction Types)
DATA_STRUCTURES (Data structures produced by the palmtop)
CONTEXT_TYPES (multiparty Interaction Context Categories)
FOODCODES (Food item Codes)
FOODTYPES (Food Types)
KIDCONTACTS (spatial relationship between mother and infant)
MPIACTS (Multiparty Interaction Types)
NCODES (Neighbor classifications)
PALMTOPS (the Palmtop hand-held data collection units)
PARTUNKS (problem identifying a multiparty interaction participant)
PROGRAMIDS (Program versions used on the palmtop)
SETUPIDS (Setup files used on the palmtop)
SUCKLES (infant suckling activity)
Sexual Cycles and The Sexual Cycle Day-By-Day Tables
PCSCOLORS (ParaCallosal Skin Colors)
DRUGS (darting anesthetics)
LYMPHSTATES (Lymph node conditions)
PARASITES (Parasites and their indicators)
TCONDITIONS (Tooth Conditions)
TICKSTATUSES (parasite count classifications)
TOOTHCODES (kinds of teeth)
TOOTHSITES (Locations of deciduous or adult teeth)
TSTATES (State of Tooth existence)
ADCODES (SWERB Ascent and Descent relationships)
PLACE_TYPES (codes for various landscape features)
SWERB_LOC_CONFS (SWERB sleeping grove Confidences)
Weather Data
WSTATIONS (Weather Stations)
6. The Babase Views
Group Membership and Life Events
CENSUS_DEMOG (CENSUS extended with DEMOG information)
CYCPOINTS_CYCLES (CYCPOINTS extended with CYCLES information)
DEMOG_CENSUS (DEMOG, showing CENSUS information)
POTENTIAL_DADS (Potential Dads)
Sexual Cycles
CYCLES_SEXSKINS (CYCLES extended with SEXSKINS information)
MATERNITIES (completed reproductive events)
MTD_CYCLES (CYCLES and Mdate, Tdate, and Ddate CYCPOINTS data)
PCSKINS_SORTED (PCSKINS, sorted for maintenance purposes)
SEXSKINS_CYCLES (CYCLES extended with SEXSKINS information)
Social and Multiparty Interactions
ACTOR_ACTEES (Complete social interactions, INTERACT_DATA extended twice with PARTS)
ACTOR_ACTEES_EX (ACTOR_ACTEES, EXtended with computed columns)
INTERACT (INTERACT_DATA, with enhanced dates and times)
MPI_EVENTS (Dyadic social interactions that comprise multiparty interaction collections, MPIS joined with MPI_DATA extended twice with MPI_PARTS)
POINTS (POINT_DATA, with enhanced times)
SAMPLES_GOFF (SAMPLES, with the Group OF the Focal)
ANESTH_STATS (darting additional Anesthetic Statistics)
BODYTEMP_STATS (darting Body Temperature Statistics)
CHEST_STATS (darting Chest circumference Statistics)
CROWNRUMP_STATS (darting Crown-to-Rump Statistics)
DENT_CODES (darting Dentition records with columns for each Toothcode)
DENT_SITES (darting Dentition records with columns for each Toothsite)
HUMERUS_STATS (darting Humerus length Statistics)
PCV_STATS (darting PCV Statistics)
TESTES_ARC_STATS (darting Testes circumference Statistics)
TESTES_DIAM_STATS (darting Testes Diameter Statistics)
ULNA_STATS (darting Ulna length Statistics)
SWERB Data (Group-level Geolocation Data)
QUADS (map Quadrants)
SWERB (Group level gps point samples)
SWERB_DATA_XY (The SWERB_DATA table with separate X and Y coordinates)
SWERB_DEPARTS (SWERB observation team Departures from camp)
SWERB_GW_LOCS (SWERB Grove and Waterhole Locations)
SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA_XY (The SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA table with separate X and Y coordinates)
SWERB_LOC_GPS_XY (The SWERB_LOC_GPS table with separate X and Y coordinates)
SWERB_LOCS (placement of a group at a landscape feature)
SWERB_UPLOAD (facility for uploading data into SWERB)
Weather Data
MIN_MAXS (Manually collected minimum and maximum temperature and rain data)
Views Which Add Gid To Tables
7. Data Entry
Data Entry Overview
Automatically Generated IDs
8. Babase Programs
Data Maintenance Programs
SWERB_UPLOAD: View to upload into SWERB
Upcen: Update CENSUS table
Upmpi: Upload Multiparty Interactions
Updart: Upload Darting Data
Uptick: Load darting parasite data
Psionload: Load Psion point/sample data
Upload: Upload Into Any Table or View
Useful Programs and Functions
Logout: Logout From Babase Custom Programs
Wwwdiff: World Wide Web based Difference program
Overview of Data Analysis Procedures
A. Manipulating Date and Time Values
B. Querying-All-Occurrences-Interactions
C. Alteration Of Sexual Cycle Ids (Cid)
D. Babase Revision History
Changes to Babase since 3.0
Backward in-compatible changes
Changes to Babase between 2.0 and 3.0
Backward in-compatible changes
Changes to Babase between 1.0 and 2.0
Interpolation and MEMBERS
The Sexual Cycle Information
Time Representation
The All-Occurrences Focal Point Data
Support Tables
The Addition of Views
E. DocBook, Styling and other issues
F. Restrictions: Things Not To Do
G. Database Transactions Explained
H. The Warning Sub-System
Introduction to the Warning Sub-System
An Overview of the Warning Sub-System Data Structures
The Warning Sub-System Main Tables
INTEGRITY_WARNINGS (Warning Sub-System Results)
Warning Sub-System Support Tables
IQTYPES (Integrity Query Types)
WARNING_REMARKS (Remarks Regards Warning Results)
The Warning Sub-System Functions (Activating The Warning Sub-System)
run_integrity_queries — execute one or more of the queries stored in the INTEGRITY_QUERIES table

List of Figures

2.1. Key to the Babase Entity Relationship Diagrams
2.2. Babase Group Membership Entity Relationship Diagram
2.3. Babase Life Events Entity Relationship Diagram
2.4. Babase Sexual Cycle Entity Relationship Diagram
2.5. Babase Sexual Cycle Day-To-Day Tables Entity Relationship Diagram
2.6. Babase Social Interactions Entity Relationship Diagram
2.7. Babase Multiparty Interactions Entity Relationship Diagram
2.8. Babase Darting Logistics and Morphology Entity and Relationship Diagram
2.9. Babase Darting Physiology Entity and Relationship Diagram
2.10. Babase Darting Samples Entity and Relationship Diagram
2.11. Babase Darting Teeth and Ticks Entity and Relationship Diagram
2.12. Babase SWERB Core Tables Entity Relationship Diagram
2.13. Babase SWERB Grove/Waterhole Location Tables Entity Relationship Diagram
2.14. Babase Manual Weather Data Entity Relationship Diagram
2.15. Babase WeatherHawk Data Entity Relationship Diagram
4.1. An Individual is Censused Present and Absent
4.2. Interpolating From Presences and Absences
4.3. Interpolating Group Membership
4.4. Computing Interp Values
4.5. The 14 Day Interpolation Limit
4.6. Interpolation at Birth
4.7. Alive and Present When Last Censused
4.8. Alive and Absent in Last Census
4.9. Interpolation to Statdate When Dead
4.10. Midpoint Days
4.11. The Midpoint Rule Adjusts Intervals
4.12. An Individual is Censused in 2 Groups
4.13. Interpolating Each Group Separately
4.14. A Closer Look at Intervals
4.15. Presence and Absence Interpolated Separately
4.16. Combining Presence and Absence Intervals
4.17. Group Membership Given Multiple Groups
4.18. Pre-Analyzed Data Truncates Interpolation Intervals
4.19. Pre-Analyzed Data Interrupts Interpolation
6.1. Query Defining the CENSUS_DEMOG View
6.2. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CENSUS_DEMOG View
6.3. Query Defining the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View
6.4. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View
6.5. Query Defining the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View
6.6. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View
6.7. Query Defining the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.8. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.9. Query Defining the DEMOG_CENSUS View
6.10. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DEMOG_CENSUS View
6.11. Query Defining the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View
6.12. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View
6.13. Query Defining the GROUPS_HISTORY View
6.14. Entity Relationship Diagram of the GROUPS_HISTORY View
6.15. Query Defining the PARENTS View
6.16. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PARENTS View
6.17. Query Defining the POTENTIAL_DADS View
6.18. Entity Relationship Diagram of the foundation of the POTENTIAL_DADS View
6.19. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View which places the mother and potential father in the same group during the fertile period
6.20. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View having easily computed columns
6.21. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View involving social interactions
6.22. Query Defining the CYCLES_SEXSKINS View
6.23. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCLES_SEXSKINS View
6.24. Query Defining the CYCLES_SEXSKINS_SORTED View
6.25. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCLES_SEXSKINS_SORTED View
6.26. Query Defining the MATERNITIES View
6.27. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MATERNITIES View
6.28. Query Defining the MTD_CYCLES View
6.29. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MTD_CYCLES View
6.30. Query Defining the PCSKINS_SORTED View
6.31. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PCSKINS_SORTED View
6.32. Query Defining the SEXSKINS_CYCLES View
6.33. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SEXSKINS_CYCLES View
6.34. Query Defining the SEXSKINS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.35. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SEXSKINS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.36. Query Defining the ACTOR_ACTEES View
6.37. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ACTOR_ACTEES View
6.38. Query Defining the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX View
6.39. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX View
6.40. Query Defining the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX_SORTED View
6.41. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX_SORTED View
6.42. Query Defining the ACTOR_ACTEES_SORTED View
6.43. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ACTOR_ACTEES_SORTED View
6.44. Query Defining the INTERACT View
6.45. Entity Relationship Diagram of the INTERACT View
6.46. Query Defining the INTERACT_SORTED View
6.47. Entity Relationship Diagram of the INTERACT_SORTED View
6.48. Query Defining the MPI_EVENTS View
6.49. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MPI_EVENTS View
6.50. Query Defining the POINTS View
6.51. Entity Relationship Diagram of the POINTS View
6.52. Query Defining the POINTS_SORTED View
6.53. Entity Relationship Diagram of the POINTS_SORTED View
6.54. Query Defining the SAMPLES_GOFF View
6.55. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SAMPLES_GOFF View
6.56. Query Defining the ANESTH_STATS View
6.57. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ANESTH_STATS View
6.58. Query Defining the BODYTEMP_STATS View
6.59. Entity Relationship Diagram of the BODYTEMP_STATS View
6.60. Query Defining the CHEST_STATS View
6.61. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CHEST_STATS View
6.62. Query Defining the CROWNRUMP_STATS View
6.63. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CROWNRUMP_STATS View
6.64. Query Defining the DENT_CODES View
6.65. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DENT_CODES View
6.66. Query Defining the DENT_SITES View
6.67. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DENT_SITES View
6.68. Query Defining the HUMERUS_STATS View
6.69. Entity Relationship Diagram of the HUMERUS_STATS View
6.70. Query Defining the PCV_STATS View
6.71. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PCV_STATS View
6.72. Query Defining the TESTES_ARC_STATS View
6.73. Entity Relationship Diagram of the TESTES_ARC_STATS View
6.74. Query Defining the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View
6.75. Entity Relationship Diagram of the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View
6.76. Query Defining the ULNA_STATS View
6.77. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ULNA_STATS View
6.78. Query Defining the QUADS View
6.79. Entity Relationship Diagram of the QUADS View
6.80. Query Defining the SWERB View
6.81. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB View
6.82. Query Defining the SWERB_DATA_XY View
6.83. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_DATA_XY View
6.84. Query Defining the SWERB_DEPARTS View
6.85. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_DEPARTS View
6.86. Query Defining the SWERB_GW_LOCS View
6.87. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_GW_LOCS View
6.88. Query Defining the SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA_XY View
6.89. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA_XY View
6.90. Query Defining the SWERB_LOC_GPS_XY View
6.91. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_LOC_GPS_XY View
6.92. Query Defining the SWERB_LOCS View
6.93. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_LOCS View
6.94. Query Defining the SWERB_UPLOAD View
6.95. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SWERB_UPLOAD View
6.96. Query Defining the MIN_MAXS View
6.97. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MIN_MAXS View
6.98. Query Defining the MIN_MAXS_SORTED View
6.99. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MIN_MAXS_SORTED View
6.100. Query Defining the BIRTH_GRP View
6.101. Entity Relationship Diagram of the BIRTH_GRP View
6.102. Query Defining the ENTRYDATE_GRP View
6.103. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ENTRYDATE_GRP View
6.104. Query Defining the STATDATE_GRP View
6.105. Entity Relationship Diagram of the STATDATE_GRP View
6.106. Query Defining the CONSORTDATES_GRP View
6.107. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CONSORTDATES_GRP View
6.108. Query Defining the CYCGAPDAYS_GRP View
6.109. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCGAPDAYS_GRP View
6.110. Query Defining the CYCGAPS_GRP View
6.111. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCGAPS_GRP View
6.112. Query Defining the CYCSTATS_GRP View
6.113. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCSTATS_GRP View
6.114. Query Defining the DARTINGS_GRP View
6.115. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DARTINGS_GRP View
6.116. Query Defining the DISPERSEDATES_GRP View
6.117. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DISPERSEDATES_GRP View
6.118. Query Defining the MATUREDATES_GRP View
6.119. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MATUREDATES_GRP View
6.120. Query Defining the MDINTERVALS_GRP View
6.121. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MDINTERVALS_GRP View
6.122. Query Defining the MMINTERVALS_GRP View
6.123. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MMINTERVALS_GRP View
6.124. Query Defining the PCSKINS_GRP View
6.125. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PCSKINS_GRP View
6.126. Query Defining the RANKDATES_GRP View
6.127. Entity Relationship Diagram of the RANKDATES_GRP View
6.128. Query Defining the REPSTATS_GRP View
6.129. Entity Relationship Diagram of the REPSTATS_GRP View
H.1. Warning Sub-System Entity Relationship Diagram

List of Tables

2.1. A Simple Database Table
2.2. The Main Babase Tables
2.3. The Babase Support Tables
2.4. The Babase Views
2.5. The table_GRP Views
6.1. Columns in the CENSUS_DEMOG View
6.2. Columns in the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View
6.3. Columns in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View
6.4. Columns in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.5. Columns in the DEMOG_CENSUS View
6.6. Columns in the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View
6.7. Columns in the GROUPS_HISTORY View
6.8. Columns in the PARENTS View
6.9. Columns in the POTENTIAL_DADS View
6.10. Columns in the CYCLES_SEXSKINS View
6.11. Columns in the CYCLES_SEXSKINS_SORTED View
6.12. Columns in the MATERNITIES View
6.13. Columns in the MTD_CYCLES View
6.14. Columns in the SEXSKINS_CYCLES View
6.15. Columns in the SEXSKINS_CYCLES_SORTED View
6.16. Columns in the ACTOR_ACTEES View
6.17. Columns in the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX View
6.18. Columns in the ACTOR_ACTEES_EX_SORTED View
6.19. Columns in the ACTOR_ACTEES_SORTED View
6.20. Columns in the INTERACT View
6.21. Columns in the INTERACT_SORTED View
6.22. Columns in the MPI_EVENTS View
6.23. Columns in the POINTS View
6.24. Columns in the POINTS_SORTED View
6.25. Columns in the SAMPLES_GOFF View
6.26. Columns in the ANESTH_STATS View
6.27. Columns in the BODYTEMP_STATS View
6.28. Columns in the CHEST_STATS View
6.29. Columns in the CROWNRUMP_STATS View
6.30. Columns in the DENT_CODES View
6.31. Columns in the DENT_SITES View
6.32. Columns in the HUMERUS_STATS View
6.33. Columns in the PCV_STATS View
6.34. Columns in the TESTES_ARC_STATS View
6.35. Columns in the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View
6.36. Columns in the ULNA_STATS View
6.37. Columns in the QUADS View
6.38. Columns in the SWERB View
6.39. Columns in the SWERB_DATA_XY View
6.40. Columns in the SWERB_DEPARTS View
6.41. Columns in the SWERB_GW_LOCS View
6.42. Columns in the SWERB_GW_LOC_DATA_XY View
6.43. Columns in the SWERB_LOC_GPS_XY View
6.44. Columns in the SWERB_LOCS View
6.45. Columns in the SWERB_UPLOAD View
6.46. Columns in the MIN_MAXS View
6.47. Columns in the MIN_MAXS_SORTED View
C.1. Sexual cycle events before insertion
C.2. Sexual cycle events after insertion
H.1. The Warning Sub-System Tables
H.2. The Warning Sub-System Support Tables

List of Examples

1.1. A note
1.2. A caution
1.3. A warning
1.4. Text denoted important
1.5. A tip
2.1. Creating table foo in the sandbox schema
2.2. Granting permission to table foo in the sandbox schema
2.3. Creating table foo in user mylogin's schema
A.1. Using the Postgresql date_trunc() function to set seconds to zero
A.2. Using the Babase date_mod() function to return the minutes and seconds.
A.3. Using the Postgresql to_char() function to convert times to HH:MM text
B.1. Finding all the all-occurrences interactions
C.1. Splitting a sexual cycle in two
H.1. Inserting a query into INTEGRITY_QUERIES using dollar quoting
H.2. Executing all INTEGRITY_QUERIES
H.3. Executing a single INTEGRITY_QUERIES.Query
H.4. Executing INTEGRITY_QUERIES of the bdate type

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