

The different parts of the body examined for ticks when darting. These are not necessarily mutually exclusive. If, e.g., ticks are at times counted on the left foreleg and at times counted on the inner left foreleg and the outer left foreleg then this table would contain 3 rows, one for the entire leg and one each for the inner and outer portions.

Vocabulary For

BODYPARTS defines values for TICKS.Bodypart.

Key Name: Bpid

Code for the part of the body.

Special Values


The Bodyside Column

Whether the bodypart is on the left or right side or whether the side is unspecified/not applicable. The corresponding values are L, R, and NULL.

The Innerouter Column

Whether the bodypart is on the inner (anterior) part of the body, the outer (posterior) part of the body, or whether this is unspecified/not applicable. The corresponding values are I, O, and NULL.

The Bodyregion Column

The code for the part of the body of which the given part is a component -- a BODYPARTS.Bpid value. This column allows the establishment of a hierarchical relationship between the different parts of the body.[218]

This column may not be NULL. Body part rows that represent the highest level of aggregation should reference their own Bpid value.

DRUGS (darting anesthetics)

The different anesthetics used when darting.

Vocabulary For

DRUGS defines values for DARTINGS.Drug and ANESTHS.Drug.

Key Name: Drug

Code for the anesthetic.

Special Values


LYMPHSTATES (Lymph node conditions)

The different conditions a lymph node can be found in when darting.

Vocabulary For

LYMPHSTATES defines values for DPHYS.Ringnode, DPHYS.Lingnode, DPHYS.Raxnode, DPHYS.Laxnode, DPHYS.Lsubmandnode, and DPHYS.Rsubmandnode.

Key Name: Lymphstate

Code for the state of the lymph node.

Special Values


PARASITES (Parasites and their indicators)

The different kinds of parasites, kinds of parasites in varying developmental stages, or kinds of parasite indicators counted when darting.

Vocabulary For

PARASITES defines values for TICKS.Tickkind.

Key Name: Parasite

Code for the parasite, stage of a species of parasite, or parasite indicator.

Special Values


TCONDITIONS (Tooth Conditions)

The different tooth conditions, degrees of wear, chipping, etc., observed when darting.


The condition of the tooth is a property distinct from the degree to which the tooth is present or absent. The latter property is described by the codes in the TSTATES table.

Vocabulary For

TCONDITIONS defines values for TEETH.Tcondition.

Key Name: Tcondition

Code for the tooth condition.

Special Values


TICKSTATUSES (parasite count classifications)

The classifications of parasite count useful in analysis.

Vocabulary For

TICKSTATUSES defines values for TICKS.Tickstatus.

Key Name: Tickstatus

Code for the classification.

Special Values

The following special codes can only be altered by suitably privileged individuals. See Special Values.

Special TICKSTATUSES codes


A count was performed and no parasites were found. This code can only be used when the number of parasites counted is 0, in which case it must be used.


A count was performed and parasites were found. This code must be used when the number of parasites counted is any non-zero positive integer. The code may be used when parasites are found but were not counted (TICKS.Tickcount is NULL).

TOOTHCODES (kinds of teeth)

A set of codes describing the dentition of a baboon, one code for each tooth.


Deciduous[219] teeth have different codes than, are considered different from, adult teeth.

Vocabulary For

TOOTHCODES defines values for TEETH.Tooth.

Key Name: Tooth

Code for the Tooth.

Special Values

Every toothcode value is special, although there are no restrictions placed upon making changes to these special values as there are on the special rows in other tables. Each of the TOOTHCODES.Tooth values are written into[220]the DENT_CODES and DENT_SITES views. Adding or deleting rows from TOOTHCODES requires re-writing the DENT_CODES and DENT_SITES views to ensure the alterations are present in the views.

The Canine Column

Boolean value indicating whether the tooth is a canine or not.


Morphologically this column should be on TOOTHSITES, be associated with tooth location. Placement on this table allows control over whether canine data may be collected on decidious teeth -- control which is not needed at this time.

This column may not be NULL.

The Deciduous Column

Boolean value indicating whether the tooth is deciduous or adult. TRUE indicates the tooth is deciduous. FALSE indicates the tooth is adult.

This column may not be NULL.

I am inclined to make the name of this column be Adult rather than Deciduous for reasons of brevity, but I believe that Susan prefers it as-is. I would like feedback from the folks who are likely to be doing the typing. (KOP)

The Toothsite (Tooth Site) Column

The site of the tooth within the mouth. Legal values for this column are defined by the TOOTHSITES table.

This column may be used to correlate the locations of deciduous teeth with their adult counterparts.

This column may not be NULL.

I am inclined to make the name of this column be Site, but I believe that Susan prefers it as-is. I would like feedback from the folks who are likely to be doing the typing. (KOP)

TOOTHSITES (Locations of deciduous or adult teeth)

The locations of a baboon's teeth within the mouth. This table is used to correlate adult with deciduous teeth. Any given TOOTHSITES code cannot be used in two TOOTHCODES rows having the same TOOTHCODES.Deciduous value -- at most one adult and one deciduous tooth can have the same location within the mouth.

Vocabulary For

TOOTHSITES defines values for TOOTHCODES.Toothsite.

Key Name: Toothsite

Code for a tooth site.

Special Values


TSTATES (State of Tooth existence)

Codes describing the degree to which a tooth is present or absent in the mouth.


The degree to which the tooth is present or absent is a property distinct from the condition of the tooth. The latter property is described by the codes in the TCONDITIONS table.

Vocabulary For

TSTATES defines values for TEETH.Tstate.

Key Name: Tstate

Code for a tooth site.

Special Values

The value M (missing) has a special meaning to the system. TEETH rows that describe missing teeth must have NULL TEETH.Tcondition values.

[218] Although Babase allows for a hierarchy of body parts it does not require one, and in fact has no support for querying such a hierarchy in a fashion similar to that for the group hierarchy supported by the supergroup() function. This column can be used as a simple classification column supporting a single level of body part aggregation.

[219] baby

[220] Hardcoded into to use a term-of-art.

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