
ANESTH_STATS (darting additional Anesthetic Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the ANESTHS table.[237] Each row statistically summarizes the ANESTHS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.56. Query Defining the ANESTH_STATS View

SELECT anesths.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS ansamps
     , avg(anesths.anamount) AS anamount_mean
     , stddev(anesths.anamount) AS anamount_stddev
  FROM anesths
  GROUP BY anesths.dartid

Figure 6.57. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ANESTH_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the ANESTH_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.26. Columns in the ANESTH_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid ANESTHS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
Ansamps Computed Number of ANESTHS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of times additional anesthetic was administered during the darting.
Anamount_mean ANESTHS.Anamount (computed) The arithmetic mean of the additional anesthetic amounts related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the additional anesthetic administered during the darting.
Anamount_stddev ANESTHS.Anamount (computed) The standard deviation of the additional anesthetic amounts related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the additional anesthetic administered during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on ANESTH_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

BODYTEMP_STATS (darting Body Temperature Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the BODYTEMPS table.[238] Each row statistically summarizes the BODYTEMPS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.58. Query Defining the BODYTEMP_STATS View

SELECT bodytemps.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS btsamps
     , avg(bodytemps.btemp) AS btemp_mean
     , stddev(bodytemps.btemp) AS btemp_stddev
  FROM bodytemps
  GROUP BY bodytemps.dartid

Figure 6.59. Entity Relationship Diagram of the BODYTEMP_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the BODYTEMP_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.27. Columns in the BODYTEMP_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid BODYTEMPS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
Btsamps Computed Number of BODYTEMPS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of body temperature measurements taken during the darting.
Btemp_mean BODYTEMPS.Btemp (computed) The arithmetic mean of the body temperature measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the body temperature measurements taken during the darting.
Btemp_stddev BODYTEMPS.Btemp (computed) The standard deviation of the body temperature measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the body temperature measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on BODYTEMP_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

CHEST_STATS (darting Chest circumference Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the CHESTS table.[239] Each row statistically summarizes the CHESTS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.60. Query Defining the CHEST_STATS View

SELECT chests.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS chsamps
     , avg(chests.chcircum) AS chcircum_mean
     , stddev(chests.chcircum) AS chcircum_stddev
     , avg(chests.chunadjusted) AS chunadjusted_mean
     , stddev(chests.chunadjusted) AS chunadjusted_stddev
  FROM chests
  GROUP BY chests.dartid

Figure 6.61. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CHEST_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CHEST_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.28. Columns in the CHEST_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid CHESTS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
Chsamps Computed Number of CHESTS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of chest circumference measurements taken during the darting.
Chcircum_mean CHESTS.Chcircum (computed) The arithmetic mean of the chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the chest circumference measurements taken during the darting.
Chcircum_stddev CHESTS.Chcircum (computed) The standard deviation of the chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the chest circumference measurements taken during the darting.
Chunadjusted_mean CHESTS.Chunadjusted (computed) The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements taken during the darting.
Chunadjusted_stddev CHESTS.Chunadjusted (computed) The standard deviation of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on CHEST_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

CROWNRUMP_STATS (darting Crown-to-Rump Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the CROWNRUMPS table.[240] Each row statistically summarizes the CROWNRUMPS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.62. Query Defining the CROWNRUMP_STATS View

SELECT crownrumps.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS crsamps
     , avg(crownrumps.crlength) AS crlength_mean
     , stddev(crownrumps.crlength) AS crlength_stddev
  FROM crownrumps
  GROUP BY crownrumps.dartid

Figure 6.63. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CROWNRUMP_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CROWNRUMP_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.29. Columns in the CROWNRUMP_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid CROWNRUMPS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
CRsamps Computed Number of CROWNRUMPS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting.
CRlength_mean CROWNRUMPS.CRlength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the crown-to-rump measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting.
CRlength_stddev CROWNRUMPS.CRlength (computed) The standard deviation of the crown-to-rump measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on CROWNRUMP_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

DENT_CODES (darting Dentition records with columns for each Toothcode)

Contains one row for every darting during which dentition information was taken.[241] Each row contains columns from TEETH for every existing TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value. This shows all the tooth-related information collecting during the given darting as one row, in a fashion that is structured based on the teeth found in baboons. When there is no information on a particular tooth the values in the columns having to do with that tooth are NULL.

Two columns appear in DENT_CODES for every TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value. A column named TCtstate, where the TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value replaces the letters TC, shows the TEETH.Tstate of the tooth. A column named TCtcondition, where the TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value replaces the letters TC, shows the TEETH.Tcondition of the tooth.


Adding or deleting TOOTHCODES.Toothcode does not automatically change the DENT_CODES view. The view must be manually re-coded to reflect changes made to TOOTHCODES.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.64. Query Defining the DENT_CODES View

SELECT teethdartids.dartid AS dartid
     , rum3.rum3tstate AS rum3tstate
     , rum3.rum3tcondition AS rum3tcondition
     , rum2.rum2tstate AS rum2tstate
     , rum2.rum2tcondition AS rum2tcondition
     , rum1.rum1tstate AS rum1tstate
     , rum1.rum1tcondition AS rum1tcondition
     , rup2.rup2tstate AS rup2tstate
     , rup2.rup2tcondition AS rup2tcondition
     , rup1.rup1tstate AS rup1tstate
     , rup1.rup1tcondition AS rup1tcondition
     , ruc.ructstate AS ructstate
     , ruc.ructcondition AS ructcondition
     , rui2.rui2tstate AS rui2tstate
     , rui2.rui2tcondition AS rui2tcondition
     , rui1.rui1tstate AS rui1tstate
     , rui1.rui1tcondition AS rui1tcondition
     , lui1.lui1tstate AS lui1tstate
     , lui1.lui1tcondition AS lui1tcondition
     , lui2.lui2tstate AS lui2tstate
     , lui2.lui2tcondition AS lui2tcondition
     , luc.luctstate AS luctstate
     , luc.luctcondition AS luctcondition
     , lup1.lup1tstate AS lup1tstate
     , lup1.lup1tcondition AS lup1tcondition
     , lup2.lup2tstate AS lup2tstate
     , lup2.lup2tcondition AS lup2tcondition
     , lum1.lum1tstate AS lum1tstate
     , lum1.lum1tcondition AS lum1tcondition
     , lum2.lum2tstate AS lum2tstate
     , lum2.lum2tcondition AS lum2tcondition
     , lum3.lum3tstate AS lum3tstate
     , lum3.lum3tcondition AS lum3tcondition

     , llm3.llm3tstate AS llm3tstate
     , llm3.llm3tcondition AS llm3tcondition
     , llm2.llm2tstate AS llm2tstate
     , llm2.llm2tcondition AS llm2tcondition
     , llm1.llm1tstate AS llm1tstate
     , llm1.llm1tcondition AS llm1tcondition
     , llp2.llp2tstate AS llp2tstate
     , llp2.llp2tcondition AS llp2tcondition
     , llp1.llp1tstate AS llp1tstate
     , llp1.llp1tcondition AS llp1tcondition
     , llc.llctstate AS llctstate
     , llc.llctcondition AS llctcondition
     , lli2.lli2tstate AS lli2tstate
     , lli2.lli2tcondition AS lli2tcondition
     , lli1.lli1tstate AS lli1tstate
     , lli1.lli1tcondition AS lli1tcondition
     , rli1.rli1tstate AS rli1tstate
     , rli1.rli1tcondition AS rli1tcondition
     , rli2.rli2tstate AS rli2tstate
     , rli2.rli2tcondition AS rli2tcondition
     , rlc.rlctstate AS rlctstate
     , rlc.rlctcondition AS rlctcondition
     , rlp1.rlp1tstate AS rlp1tstate
     , rlp1.rlp1tcondition AS rlp1tcondition
     , rlp2.rlp2tstate AS rlp2tstate
     , rlp2.rlp2tcondition AS rlp2tcondition
     , rlm1.rlm1tstate AS rlm1tstate
     , rlm1.rlm1tcondition AS rlm1tcondition
     , rlm2.rlm2tstate AS rlm2tstate
     , rlm2.rlm2tcondition AS rlm2tcondition
     , rlm3.rlm3tstate AS rlm3tstate
     , rlm3.rlm3tcondition AS rlm3tcondition

     , drum2.drum2tstate AS drum2tstate
     , drum2.drum2tcondition AS drum2tcondition
     , drum1.drum1tstate AS drum1tstate
     , drum1.drum1tcondition AS drum1tcondition
     , druc.dructstate AS dructstate
     , druc.dructcondition AS dructcondition
     , drui2.drui2tstate AS drui2tstate
     , drui2.drui2tcondition AS drui2tcondition
     , drui1.drui1tstate AS drui1tstate
     , drui1.drui1tcondition AS drui1tcondition
     , dlui1.dlui1tstate AS dlui1tstate
     , dlui1.dlui1tcondition AS dlui1tcondition
     , dlui2.dlui2tstate AS dlui2tstate
     , dlui2.dlui2tcondition AS dlui2tcondition
     , dluc.dluctstate AS dluctstate
     , dluc.dluctcondition AS dluctcondition
     , dlum1.dlum1tstate AS dlum1tstate
     , dlum1.dlum1tcondition AS dlum1tcondition
     , dlum2.dlum2tstate AS dlum2tstate
     , dlum2.dlum2tcondition AS dlum2tcondition
     , dllm2.dllm2tstate AS dllm2tstate
     , dllm2.dllm2tcondition AS dllm2tcondition
     , dllm1.dllm1tstate AS dllm1tstate
     , dllm1.dllm1tcondition AS dllm1tcondition
     , dllc.dllctstate AS dllctstate
     , dllc.dllctcondition AS dllctcondition
     , dlli2.dlli2tstate AS dlli2tstate
     , dlli2.dlli2tcondition AS dlli2tcondition
     , dlli1.dlli1tstate AS dlli1tstate
     , dlli1.dlli1tcondition AS dlli1tcondition
     , drli1.drli1tstate AS drli1tstate
     , drli1.drli1tcondition AS drli1tcondition
     , drli2.drli2tstate AS drli2tstate
     , drli2.drli2tcondition AS drli2tcondition
     , drlc.drlctstate AS drlctstate
     , drlc.drlctcondition AS drlctcondition
     , drlm1.drlm1tstate AS drlm1tstate
     , drlm1.drlm1tcondition AS drlm1tcondition
     , drlm2.drlm2tstate AS drlm2tstate
     , drlm2.drlm2tcondition AS drlm2tcondition

FROM (SELECT teeth.dartid
        FROM teeth
        GROUP BY teeth.dartid)
       AS teethdartids
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum3dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rum3tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rum3tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum3')
         AS rum3
       ON rum3.rum3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rum2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rum2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum2')
         AS rum2
       ON rum2.rum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rum1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rum1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum1')
         AS rum1
       ON rum1.rum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rup2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rup2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rup2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rup2')
         AS rup2
       ON rup2.rup2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rup1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rup1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rup1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rup1')
         AS rup1
       ON rup1.rup1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rucdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS ructstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS ructcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'ruc')
         AS ruc
       ON ruc.rucdartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rui2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rui2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rui2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rui2')
         AS rui2
       ON rui2.rui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rui1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rui1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rui1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rui1')
         AS rui1
       ON rui1.rui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lui1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lui1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lui1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lui1')
         AS lui1
       ON lui1.lui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lui2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lui2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lui2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lui2')
         AS lui2
       ON lui2.lui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lucdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS luctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS luctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'luc')
         AS luc
       ON luc.lucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lup1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lup1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lup1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lup1')
         AS lup1
       ON lup1.lup1dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lup2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lup2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lup2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lup2')
         AS lup2
       ON lup2.lup2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lum1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lum1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum1')
         AS lum1
       ON lum1.lum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lum2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lum2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum2')
         AS lum2
       ON lum2.lum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum3dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lum3tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lum3tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum3')
         AS lum3
       ON lum3.lum3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm3dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llm3tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llm3tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm3')
         AS llm3
       ON llm3.llm3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llm2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llm2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm2')
         AS llm2
       ON llm2.llm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llm1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llm1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm1')
         AS llm1
       ON llm1.llm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llp2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llp2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llp2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llp2')
         AS llp2
       ON llp2.llp2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llp1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llp1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llp1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llp1')
         AS llp1
       ON llp1.llp1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS llcdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS llctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS llctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llc')
         AS llc
       ON llc.llcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lli2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lli2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lli2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lli2')
         AS lli2
       ON lli2.lli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS lli1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS lli1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS lli1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lli1')
         AS lli1
       ON lli1.lli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rli1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rli1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rli1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rli1')
         AS rli1
       ON rli1.rli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rli2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rli2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rli2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rli2')
         AS rli2
       ON rli2.rli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlcdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlc')
         AS rlc
       ON rlc.rlcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlp1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlp1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlp1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlp1')
         AS rlp1
       ON rlp1.rlp1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlp2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlp2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlp2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlp2')
         AS rlp2
       ON rlp2.rlp2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlm1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlm1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm1')
         AS rlm1
       ON rlm1.rlm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlm2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlm2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm2')
         AS rlm2
       ON rlm2.rlm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm3dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS rlm3tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS rlm3tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm3')
         AS rlm3
       ON rlm3.rlm3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drum2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drum2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drum2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drum2')
         AS drum2
       ON drum2.drum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drum1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drum1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drum1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drum1')
         AS drum1
       ON drum1.drum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drucdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dructstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dructcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'druc')
         AS druc
       ON druc.drucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drui2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drui2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drui2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drui2')
         AS drui2
       ON drui2.drui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drui1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drui1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drui1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drui1')
         AS drui1
       ON drui1.drui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlui1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlui1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlui1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlui1')
         AS dlui1
       ON dlui1.dlui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlui2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlui2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlui2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlui2')
         AS dlui2
       ON dlui2.dlui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlucdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dluctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dluctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dluc')
         AS dluc
       ON dluc.dlucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlum1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlum1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlum1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlum1')
         AS dlum1
       ON dlum1.dlum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlum2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlum2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlum2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlum2')
         AS dlum2
       ON dlum2.dlum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllm2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dllm2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dllm2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllm2')
         AS dllm2
       ON dllm2.dllm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllm1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dllm1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dllm1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllm1')
         AS dllm1
       ON dllm1.dllm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllcdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dllctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dllctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllc')
         AS dllc
       ON dllc.dllcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlli2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlli2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlli2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlli2')
         AS dlli2
       ON dlli2.dlli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlli1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS dlli1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS dlli1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlli1')
         AS dlli1
       ON dlli1.dlli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drli1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drli1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drli1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drli1')
         AS drli1
       ON drli1.drli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drli2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drli2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drli2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drli2')
         AS drli2
       ON drli2.drli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlcdartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drlctstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drlctcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlc')
         AS drlc
       ON drlc.drlcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlm1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drlm1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drlm1tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlm1')
         AS drlm1
       ON drlm1.drlm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlm2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS drlm2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS drlm2tcondition
          FROM teeth
          WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlm2')
         AS drlm2
       ON drlm2.drlm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid

Figure 6.65. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DENT_CODES View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the DENT_CODES view is constructed.

Because the columns in DENT_CODES are based on the rows present in TOOTHCODES there is not a description of each column here. Instead, the columns based on TOOTHCODES.Toothcode are described below in a generic fashion. Each such column is prefaced here with TC, which is replaced by a TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value in the actual column name.

Table 6.30. Columns in the DENT_CODES View

Column From Description
Dartid TEETH.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
TCtstate TEETH.Tstate Code indicating the degree to which the tooth exists. When NULL no information on the tooth was recorded during the darting.
TCtcondition TEETH.Tcondition Code indicating the condition of the tooth.

Operations Allowed


Inserting a row into DENT_CODES inserts rows into TEETH, as expected. Note that the view may or may not create TEETH rows for every TOOTHCODES row as described in the documentation of the TEETH table.


The DENT_CODES view may not be updated.


Deleting a row in DENT_CODES deletes the underlying rows in TEETH.

DENT_SITES (darting Dentition records with columns for each Toothsite)

Contains one row for every darting during which dentition information was taken.[242] Each row contains columns from TEETH and TOOTHCODES tables for every existing TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value. This shows all the tooth-related information collecting during the given darting as one row, in a fashion that is structured around the position of the teeth within the mouth. When there is no information on a particular tooth the values in the columns having to do with that tooth are NULL.

Three columns appear in DENT_SITES for every TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value. A column named TStstate, where the letter s followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value replaces the letters TS[243], shows the TEETH.Tstate of the tooth. A column named TStcondition, where the letter s followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value replaces the letters TS, shows the TEETH.Tcondition of the tooth. And a column named TSdeciduous, where the letter s followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value replaces the letters TS, shows the TOOTHCODES.Deciduous value for the tooth.


Adding or deleting TOOTHCODES.Toothcode, or changing the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite does not automatically change the DENT_SITES view. The view must be manually re-coded to reflect changes made to TOOTHCODES.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.66. Query Defining the DENT_SITES View

SELECT teethdartids.dartid AS dartid
     , s1.s1tstate AS s1tstate
     , s1.s1tcondition AS s1tcondition
     , s1.s1deciduous AS s1deciduous
     , s2.s2tstate AS s2tstate
     , s2.s2tcondition AS s2tcondition
     , s2.s2deciduous AS s2deciduous
     , s3.s3tstate AS s3tstate
     , s3.s3tcondition AS s3tcondition
     , s3.s3deciduous AS s3deciduous
     , s4.s4tstate AS s4tstate
     , s4.s4tcondition AS s4tcondition
     , s4.s4deciduous AS s4deciduous
     , s5.s5tstate AS s5tstate
     , s5.s5tcondition AS s5tcondition
     , s5.s5deciduous AS s5deciduous
     , s6.s6tstate AS s6tstate
     , s6.s6tcondition AS s6tcondition
     , s6.s6deciduous AS s6deciduous
     , s7.s7tstate AS s7tstate
     , s7.s7tcondition AS s7tcondition
     , s7.s7deciduous AS s7deciduous
     , s8.s8tstate AS s8tstate
     , s8.s8tcondition AS s8tcondition
     , s8.s8deciduous AS s8deciduous
     , s9.s9tstate AS s9tstate
     , s9.s9tcondition AS s9tcondition
     , s9.s9deciduous AS s9deciduous
     , s10.s10tstate AS s10tstate
     , s10.s10tcondition AS s10tcondition
     , s10.s10deciduous AS s10deciduous
     , s11.s11tstate AS s11tstate
     , s11.s11tcondition AS s11tcondition
     , s11.s11deciduous AS s11deciduous
     , s12.s12tstate AS s12tstate
     , s12.s12tcondition AS s12tcondition
     , s12.s12deciduous AS s12deciduous
     , s13.s13tstate AS s13tstate
     , s13.s13tcondition AS s13tcondition
     , s13.s13deciduous AS s13deciduous
     , s14.s14tstate AS s14tstate
     , s14.s14tcondition AS s14tcondition
     , s14.s14deciduous AS s14deciduous
     , s15.s15tstate AS s15tstate
     , s15.s15tcondition AS s15tcondition
     , s15.s15deciduous AS s15deciduous
     , s16.s16tstate AS s16tstate
     , s16.s16tcondition AS s16tcondition
     , s16.s16deciduous AS s16deciduous

     , s17.s17tstate AS s17tstate
     , s17.s17tcondition AS s17tcondition
     , s17.s17deciduous AS s17deciduous
     , s18.s18tstate AS s18tstate
     , s18.s18tcondition AS s18tcondition
     , s18.s18deciduous AS s18deciduous
     , s19.s19tstate AS s19tstate
     , s19.s19tcondition AS s19tcondition
     , s19.s19deciduous AS s19deciduous
     , s20.s20tstate AS s20tstate
     , s20.s20tcondition AS s20tcondition
     , s20.s20deciduous AS s20deciduous
     , s21.s21tstate AS s21tstate
     , s21.s21tcondition AS s21tcondition
     , s21.s21deciduous AS s21deciduous
     , s22.s22tstate AS s22tstate
     , s22.s22tcondition AS s22tcondition
     , s22.s22deciduous AS s22deciduous
     , s23.s23tstate AS s23tstate
     , s23.s23tcondition AS s23tcondition
     , s23.s23deciduous AS s23deciduous
     , s24.s24tstate AS s24tstate
     , s24.s24tcondition AS s24tcondition
     , s24.s24deciduous AS s24deciduous
     , s25.s25tstate AS s25tstate
     , s25.s25tcondition AS s25tcondition
     , s25.s25deciduous AS s25deciduous
     , s26.s26tstate AS s26tstate
     , s26.s26tcondition AS s26tcondition
     , s26.s26deciduous AS s26deciduous
     , s27.s27tstate AS s27tstate
     , s27.s27tcondition AS s27tcondition
     , s27.s27deciduous AS s27deciduous
     , s28.s28tstate AS s28tstate
     , s28.s28tcondition AS s28tcondition
     , s28.s28deciduous AS s28deciduous
     , s29.s29tstate AS s29tstate
     , s29.s29tcondition AS s29tcondition
     , s29.s29deciduous AS s29deciduous
     , s30.s30tstate AS s30tstate
     , s30.s30tcondition AS s30tcondition
     , s30.s30deciduous AS s30deciduous
     , s31.s31tstate AS s31tstate
     , s31.s31tcondition AS s31tcondition
     , s31.s31deciduous AS s31deciduous
     , s32.s32tstate AS s32tstate
     , s32.s32tcondition AS s32tcondition
     , s32.s32deciduous AS s32deciduous

FROM (SELECT teeth.dartid
        FROM teeth
        GROUP BY teeth.dartid)
       AS teethdartids
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s1dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s1tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s1tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s1deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '1'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s1
       ON s1.s1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s2dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s2tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s2tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s2deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '2'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s2
       ON s2.s2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s3dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s3tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s3tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s3deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '3'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s3
       ON s3.s3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s4dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s4tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s4tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s4deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '4'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s4
       ON s4.s4dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s5dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s5tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s5tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s5deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '5'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s5
       ON s5.s5dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s6dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s6tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s6tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s6deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '6'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s6
       ON s6.s6dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s7dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s7tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s7tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s7deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '7'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s7
       ON s7.s7dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s8dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s8tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s8tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s8deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '8'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s8
       ON s8.s8dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s9dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s9tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s9tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s9deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '9'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s9
       ON s9.s9dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s10dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s10tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s10tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s10deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '10'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s10
       ON s10.s10dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s11dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s11tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s11tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s11deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '11'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s11
       ON s11.s11dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s12dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s12tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s12tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s12deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '12'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s12
       ON s12.s12dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s13dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s13tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s13tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s13deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '13'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s13
       ON s13.s13dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s14dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s14tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s14tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s14deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '14'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s14
       ON s14.s14dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s15dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s15tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s15tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s15deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '15'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s15
       ON s15.s15dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s16dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s16tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s16tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s16deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '16'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s16
       ON s16.s16dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s17dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s17tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s17tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s17deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '17'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s17
       ON s17.s17dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s18dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s18tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s18tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s18deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '18'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s18
       ON s18.s18dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s19dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s19tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s19tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s19deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '19'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s19
       ON s19.s19dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s20dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s20tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s20tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s20deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '20'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s20
       ON s20.s20dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s21dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s21tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s21tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s21deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '21'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s21
       ON s21.s21dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s22dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s22tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s22tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s22deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '22'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s22
       ON s22.s22dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s23dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s23tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s23tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s23deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '23'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s23
       ON s23.s23dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s24dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s24tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s24tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s24deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '24'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s24
       ON s24.s24dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s25dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s25tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s25tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s25deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '25'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s25
       ON s25.s25dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s26dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s26tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s26tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s26deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '26'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s26
       ON s26.s26dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s27dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s27tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s27tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s27deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '27'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s27
       ON s27.s27dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s28dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s28tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s28tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s28deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '28'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s28
       ON s28.s28dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s29dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s29tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s29tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s29deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '29'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s29
       ON s29.s29dartid = teethdartids.dartid

       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s30dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s30tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s30tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s30deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '30'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s30
       ON s30.s30dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s31dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s31tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s31tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s31deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '31'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s31
       ON s31.s31dartid = teethdartids.dartid
       (SELECT teeth.dartid AS s32dartid
             , teeth.tstate AS s32tstate
             , teeth.tcondition AS s32tcondition
             , toothcodes.deciduous AS s32deciduous
          FROM toothcodes, teeth
          WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '32'
                AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
         AS s32
       ON s32.s32dartid = teethdartids.dartid

Figure 6.67. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DENT_SITES View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the DENT_SITES view is constructed.

Because the columns in DENT_SITES are based on the rows present in TOOTHCODES there is not a description of each column here. Instead, the columns based on TOOTHCODES.Toothsite are described below in a generic fashion. Each such column is prefaced here with TS, which is replaced by the letter s followed by a TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value in the actual column name.

Table 6.31. Columns in the DENT_SITES View

Column From Description
Dartid TEETH.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
TStstate TEETH.Tstate Code indicating the degree to which the tooth exists. When NULL no information on the tooth was recorded during the darting.
TStcondition TEETH.Tcondition Code indicating the condition of the tooth.
TSdeciduous TOOTHCODES.Deciduous True when the tooth is deciduous, False when it is not.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on DENT_SITES. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

HUMERUS_STATS (darting Humerus length Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the HUMERUSES table.[244] Each row statistically summarizes the HUMERUSES rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.68. Query Defining the HUMERUS_STATS View

SELECT humeruses.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS husamps
     , avg(humeruses.hulength) AS hulength_mean
     , stddev(humeruses.hulength) AS hulength_stddev
     , avg(humeruses.huunadjusted) AS huunadjusted_mean
     , stddev(humeruses.huunadjusted) AS huunadjusted_stddev
  FROM humeruses
  GROUP BY humeruses.dartid

Figure 6.69. Entity Relationship Diagram of the HUMERUS_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the HUMERUS_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.32. Columns in the HUMERUS_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid HUMERUSES.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
Husamps Computed Number of HUMERUSES rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of humerus length measurements taken during the darting.
Hulength_mean HUMERUSES.Hulength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the humerus length measurements taken during the darting.
Hulength_stddev HUMERUSES.Hulength (computed) The standard deviation of the humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the humerus length measurements taken during the darting.
Huunadjusted_mean HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted (computed) The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted humerus length measurements taken during the darting.
Huunadjusted_stddev HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted (computed) The standard deviation of the unadjusted humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted humerus length measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on HUMERUS_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

PCV_STATS (darting PCV Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the PCVS table.[245] Each row statistically summarizes the PCVS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.70. Query Defining the PCV_STATS View

SELECT pcvs.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS pcvsamps
     , avg(pcvs.pcv) AS pcv_mean
     , stddev(pcvs.pcv) AS pcv_stddev
  FROM pcvs
  GROUP BY pcvs.dartid

Figure 6.71. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PCV_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the PCV_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.33. Columns in the PCV_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid PCVS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
PCVsamps Computed Number of PCVS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of PCV measurements taken during the darting.
PCV_mean PCVS.PCV (computed) The arithmetic mean of the PCV measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the PCV measurements taken during the darting.
PCV_stddev PCVS.PCV (computed) The standard deviation of the PCV measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the PCV measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on PCV_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

TESTES_ARC_STATS (darting Testes circumference Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the TESTES_ARC table.[246] Each row statistically summarizes the TESTES_ARC rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.72. Query Defining the TESTES_ARC_STATS View

SELECT testesdartids.dartid AS dartid
     , testesllength.testllengthsamps AS testllengthsamps
     , testesllength.testllength_mean AS testllength_mean
     , testesllength.testllength_stddev AS testllength_stddev
     , testeslwidth.testlwidthsamps AS testlwidthsamps
     , testeslwidth.testlwidth_mean AS testlwidth_mean
     , testeslwidth.testlwidth_stddev AS testlwidth_stddev
     , testesrlength.testrlengthsamps AS testrlengthsamps
     , testesrlength.testrlength_mean AS testrlength_mean
     , testesrlength.testrlength_stddev AS testrlength_stddev
     , testesrwidth.testrwidthsamps AS testrwidthsamps
     , testesrwidth.testrwidth_mean AS testrwidth_mean
     , testesrwidth.testrwidth_stddev AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM (SELECT testes_arc.dartid
        FROM testes_arc
        GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
       AS testesdartids
       (SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS llengthdartid
             , count(*) AS testllengthsamps
             , avg(testes_arc.testlength) AS testllength_mean
             , stddev(testes_arc.testlength) AS testllength_stddev
          FROM testes_arc
          WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'L'
                AND testes_arc.testlength IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
         AS testesllength
       ON testesllength.llengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS lwidthdartid
             , count(*) AS testlwidthsamps
             , avg(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testlwidth_mean
             , stddev(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testlwidth_stddev
          FROM testes_arc
          WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'L'
                AND testes_arc.testwidth IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
         AS testeslwidth
       ON testeslwidth.lwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS rlengthdartid
             , count(*) AS testrlengthsamps
             , avg(testes_arc.testlength) AS testrlength_mean
             , stddev(testes_arc.testlength) AS testrlength_stddev
          FROM testes_arc
          WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'R'
                AND testes_arc.testlength IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
         AS testesrlength
       ON testesrlength.rlengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS rwidthdartid
             , count(*) AS testrwidthsamps
             , avg(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testrwidth_mean
             , stddev(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testrwidth_stddev
          FROM testes_arc
          WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'R'
                AND testes_arc.testwidth IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
         AS testesrwidth
       ON testesrwidth.rwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid

Figure 6.73. Entity Relationship Diagram of the TESTES_ARC_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the TESTES_ARC_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.34. Columns in the TESTES_ARC_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid TESTES_ARC.Dartid (computed) Identifier of the darting event.
Testllengthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value of L and a non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testlength value -- the number of left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.[a]
Testllength_mean TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testllength_stddev TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) The standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testlwidthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value of L and a non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testwidth value -- the number of left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.[b]
Testlwidth_mean TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) The arithmetic mean of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testlwidth_stddev TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) The standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testrlengthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value of R and a non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testlength value -- the number of right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.[c]
Testrlength_mean TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testrlength_stddev TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) The standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testrwidthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value of R and a non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testwidth value -- the number of right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.[d]
Testrwidth_mean TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) The arithmetic mean of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testrwidth_stddev TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) The standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.

[a] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[b] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[c] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[d] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on TESTES_ARC_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

TESTES_DIAM_STATS (darting Testes Diameter Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the TESTES_DIAM table.[247] Each row statistically summarizes the TESTES_DIAM rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.74. Query Defining the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View

SELECT testesdartids.dartid AS dartid
     , testesllength.testllengthsamps AS testllengthsamps
     , testesllength.testllength_mean AS testllength_mean
     , testesllength.testllength_stddev AS testllength_stddev
     , testeslwidth.testlwidthsamps AS testlwidthsamps
     , testeslwidth.testlwidth_mean AS testlwidth_mean
     , testeslwidth.testlwidth_stddev AS testlwidth_stddev
     , testesrlength.testrlengthsamps AS testrlengthsamps
     , testesrlength.testrlength_mean AS testrlength_mean
     , testesrlength.testrlength_stddev AS testrlength_stddev
     , testesrwidth.testrwidthsamps AS testrwidthsamps
     , testesrwidth.testrwidth_mean AS testrwidth_mean
     , testesrwidth.testrwidth_stddev AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM (SELECT testes_diam.dartid
        FROM testes_diam
        GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
       AS testesdartids
       (SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS llengthdartid
             , count(*) AS testllengthsamps
             , avg(testes_diam.testlength) AS testllength_mean
             , stddev(testes_diam.testlength) AS testllength_stddev
          FROM testes_diam
          WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'L'
                AND testes_diam.testlength IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
         AS testesllength
       ON testesllength.llengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS lwidthdartid
             , count(*) AS testlwidthsamps
             , avg(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testlwidth_mean
             , stddev(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testlwidth_stddev
          FROM testes_diam
          WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'L'
                AND testes_diam.testwidth IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
         AS testeslwidth
       ON testeslwidth.lwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS rlengthdartid
             , count(*) AS testrlengthsamps
             , avg(testes_diam.testlength) AS testrlength_mean
             , stddev(testes_diam.testlength) AS testrlength_stddev
          FROM testes_diam
          WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'R'
                AND testes_diam.testlength IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
         AS testesrlength
       ON testesrlength.rlengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
       (SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS rwidthdartid
             , count(*) AS testrwidthsamps
             , avg(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testrwidth_mean
             , stddev(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testrwidth_stddev
          FROM testes_diam
          WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'R'
                AND testes_diam.testwidth IS NOT NULL
          GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
         AS testesrwidth
       ON testesrwidth.rwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid

Figure 6.75. Entity Relationship Diagram of the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the TESTES_DIAM_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.35. Columns in the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid TESTES_DIAM.Dartid (computed) Identifier of the darting event.
Testllengthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value of L and a non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testlength value -- the number of left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.[a]
Testllength_mean TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testllength_stddev TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) The standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testlwidthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value of L and a non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth value -- the number of left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.[b]
Testlwidth_mean TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) The arithmetic mean of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testlwidth_stddev TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) The standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testrlengthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value of R and a non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testlength value -- the number of right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.[c]
Testrlength_mean TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testrlength_stddev TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) The standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting.
Testrwidthsamps Computed Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value of R and a non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth value -- the number of right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.[d]
Testrwidth_mean TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) The arithmetic mean of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.
Testrwidth_stddev TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) The standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting.

[a] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[b] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[c] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

[d] NULL values do not count toward the number of measurements.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on TESTES_DIAM_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

ULNA_STATS (darting Ulna length Statistics)

Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the ULNAS table.[248] Each row statistically summarizes the ULNAS rows having the common Dartid value.

This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.


Figure 6.76. Query Defining the ULNA_STATS View

SELECT ulnas.dartid AS dartid
     , count(*) AS ulsamps
     , avg(ulnas.ullength) AS ullength_mean
     , stddev(ulnas.ullength) AS ullength_stddev
     , avg(ulnas.ulunadjusted) AS ulunadjusted_mean
     , stddev(ulnas.ulunadjusted) AS ulunadjusted_stddev
  FROM ulnas
  GROUP BY ulnas.dartid

Figure 6.77. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ULNA_STATS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the ULNA_STATS view is constructed.

Table 6.36. Columns in the ULNA_STATS View

Column From Description
Dartid ULNAS.Dartid Identifier of the darting event.
Ulsamps Computed Number of ULNAS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of ulna length measurements taken during the darting.
Ullength_mean ULNAS.Ullength (computed) The arithmetic mean of the ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the ulna length measurements taken during the darting.
Ullength_stddev ULNAS.Ullength (computed) The standard deviation of the ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the ulna length measurements taken during the darting.
Ulunadjusted_mean ULNAS.Ulunadjusted (computed) The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted ulna length measurements taken during the darting.
Ulunadjusted_stddev ULNAS.Ulunadjusted (computed) The standard deviation of the unadjusted ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted ulna length measurements taken during the darting.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on ULNA_STATS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

[237] Note that when is no additional anesthetic administered there are no related ANESTHS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[238] Note that when no body temperature measurements are taken there are no related BODYTEMPS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[239] Note that when no chest circumference measurements are taken there are no related CHESTS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[240] Note that when no crown-to-rump measurements are taken there are no related CROWNRUMPS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[241] Note that when no tooth observations are recorded there are no related TEETH rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[242] Note that when no tooth observations are recorded there are no related TEETH rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[243] Column names cannot begin with a digit so the letter s, for site, is used to preface the name of each column.

[244] Note that when no humerus length measurements are taken there are no related HUMERUSES rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[245] Note that when no PCV measurements are taken there are no related PCVS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[246] Note that when no testes length or width measurements are taken there are no related TESTES_ARC rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[247] Note that when no testes length or width measurements are taken there are no related TESTES_DIAM rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

[248] Note that when no ulna length measurements are taken there are no related ULNAS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.

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