Group Membership and Life Events

CENSUS_DEMOG (CENSUS extended with DEMOG information)

Contains one row for every row in CENSUS. Each row contains the CENSUS columns and the related DEMOG columns. In those cases where there is a CENSUS row but no related DEMOG row the DEMOG columns will be NULL. Because there is a one-to-one relationship between CENSUS and DEMOG, and a DEMOG row always has a related CENSUS row, there is little utility in maintaining the DEMOG row without maintaining the related CENSUS row. This view provides a convenient way to maintain the CENSUS/DEMOG combination.


Figure 6.1. Query Defining the CENSUS_DEMOG View

SELECT census.cenid AS cenid
     , census.sname AS sname
     , AS date
     , census.grp AS grp
     , census.status AS status
     , census.cen AS cen
     , demog.reference AS reference
     , demog.comment AS comment
  FROM census LEFT OUTER JOIN demog ON (census.cenid = demog.cenid)

Figure 6.2. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CENSUS_DEMOG View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CENSUS_DEMOG view is constructed.

Table 6.1. Columns in the CENSUS_DEMOG View

Column From Description
Cenid CENSUS.Cenid Unique identifier of the CENSUS row.
Sname CENSUS.Sname Individual who's location has been recorded.
Date CENSUS.Date Date of demography note.
Grp CENSUS.Grp Group where the individual was located.
Status CENSUS.Status Source of location information. When the source is both a demography note and another source, like a census, the other source is shown.
Cen CENSUS.Cen Whether or not there was an entry on the field census data sheet for the individual on the given date.
Reference DEMOG.Reference The group identifying the written field notebook where the demography note can be found.
Comment DEMOG.Comment The demography note text.

Operations Allowed


Inserting a row into CENSUS_DEMOG inserts two rows, one into CENSUS and one into DEMOG, as expected. However, if the underlying DEMOG columns are NULL, no DEMOG row will be inserted.


The PostgreSQL nextval() function cannot be part of an INSERT expression which assigns a value to this view's Cenid column.


Updating a row in CENSUS_DEMOG updates the underlying columns in CENSUS and DEMOG, as expected. However, the relationship between CENSUS and DEMOG introduces some complications.


The CENSUS table is updated before the DEMOG table. Because updating the DEMOG table can change the CENSUS.Status column the resulting value may not be that specified by the update.

Updating the Cenid column updates[225] the Cenid columns in both CENSUS and DEMOG. Setting all the DEMOG columns (Cenid excepted) to NULL causes the deletion of the DEMOG row. Setting DEMOG columns to a non-NULL value when all the DEMOG columns were NULL previously creates a new row in DEMOG.



The CENSUS-DEMOG view cannot be used to delete arbitrary CENSUS rows.

Deleting rows from CENSUS_DEMOG updates the database in a fashion that removes the related demography note information from storage.

Deleting a row in CENSUS_DEMOG deletes the underlying row in CENSUS when appropriate; when the CENSUS row exists only because there is an underlying row in DEMOG. That is, the CENSUS row is deleted if and only if the CENSUS.Cen column is FALSE. If there is an underlying row in DEMOG it is always deleted.


Contains one row for every row in the CENSUS_DEMOG view. The only difference between this view and the CENSUS_DEMOG view is that this view is sorted.


Figure 6.3. Query Defining the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View

SELECT census.cenid AS cenid
     , census.sname AS sname
     , AS date
     , census.grp AS grp
     , census.status AS status
     , census.cen AS cen
     , demog.reference AS reference
     , demog.comment AS comment
  FROM census LEFT OUTER JOIN demog ON (census.cenid = demog.cenid)
  ORDER BY census.sname,

Figure 6.4. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED view is constructed.

Table 6.2. Columns in the CENSUS_DEMOG_SORTED View

Column From Description
Cenid CENSUS.Cenid Unique identifier of the CENSUS row.
Sname CENSUS.Sname Individual who's location has been recorded.
Date CENSUS.Date Date of demography note.
Grp CENSUS.Grp Group where the individual was located.
Status CENSUS.Status Source of location information. When the source is both a demography note and another source, like a census, the other source is shown.
Cen CENSUS.Cen Whether or not there was an entry on the field census data sheet for the individual on the given date.
Reference DEMOG.Reference The group identifying the written field notebook where the demography note can be found.
Comment DEMOG.Comment The demography note text.

Operations Allowed

The operations allowed are as described in the CENSUS_DEMOG view.

CYCPOINTS_CYCLES (CYCPOINTS extended with CYCLES information)

Contains one row for every row in CYCPOINTS. Each row contains the CYCPOINTS columns and the related CYCLES columns. Because there is a many-to-one relationship between CYCPOINTS and CYCLES, the same CYCLES data will appear repeatedly, once for each related CYCPOINTS row. As a CYCPOINTS row always has a related CYCLES row, and the CYCLES row is what identifies the cycling female, when working with the CYCPOINTS table alone it is difficult to tell which dates belong to which females. This view provides a convenient way to create and maintain the CYCPOINTS/CYCLES combination.


Figure 6.5. Query Defining the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View

SELECT cycles.cid AS cid
     , cycles.sname AS sname
     , cycles.seq AS seq
     , cycles.series AS series
     , cycpoints.cpid AS cpid
     , AS date
     , cycpoints.edate AS edate
     , cycpoints.ldate AS ldate
     , cycpoints.code AS code
     , cycpoints.source AS source
  FROM cycles, cycpoints
  WHERE cycles.cid = cycpoints.cid

Figure 6.6. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES view is constructed.

Table 6.3. Columns in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES View

Column From Description
Cid CYCLES.Cid Arbitrary number uniquely identifying the CYCLES row.
Sname CYCLES.Sname Female that is cycling.
Seq CYCLES.Seq (readonly) Number indicating the cycle's position in time within the sequence of all the cycles of the female. Counts from 1 upwards.
Series CYCLES.Series (readonly) Number indicating with which CYCLES (Female Sexual Cycles) of continuous observation the cycle belongs.
Cpid CYCPOINTS.Cpid Number uniquely identifying the CYCPOINTS row.
Date CYCPOINTS.Date Date-of-record of the sexual cycle transition event.
Edate CYCPOINTS.Edate Earliest possible date for the sexual cycle transition event.
Ldate CYCPOINTS.Ldate Latest possible date for the sexual cycle transition event.
Code CYCPOINTS.Code The type of sexual cycle transition event. Mdate, Tdate, or Ddate.
Source CYCPOINTS.Source Code indicating from whence the data was derived. This has a bearing as to its accuracy.

Readonly Columns

Both the Seq and Series columns are read only.


Changes to the Seq and Series columns are silently ignored.

Operations Allowed


In most cases Cid, Cpid, Seq, and Series should be unspecified (or specified as NULL), in which case Babase will compute and assign the correct values.


Inserting a row into CYCPOINTS_CYCLES inserts a row into CYCPOINTS, as expected. Whether or not a row is inserted into CYCLES depends on whether or not the new CYCPOINTS row should be associated with a new CYCLES row or an existing one. When a Cid is supplied and a CYCLES row already exists with the given Cid then the underlying CYCLES row is updated to conform with the inserted data. When a Cid is supplied and Babase finds that the underlying CYCPOINTS row should be related to a CYCLES row with a different Cid the system silently ignores the supplied Cid.


Updating a row in CYCPOINTS_CYCLES updates the underlying columns in CYCLES and CYCPOINTS, as expected. Note that updating the Cid or Sname columns will attempt to update the underlying CYCLES columns and this will immediately produce an error.


Deleting a row in CYCPOINTS_CYCLES deletes the underlying row in CYCPOINTS. The underlying row in CYCLES is deleted only when the CYCLES last related CYCPOINTS row is deleted.


Contains one row for every row in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES view. This view is sorted for ease of maintenance.


Figure 6.7. Query Defining the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View

SELECT cycles.cid AS cid
     , cycles.sname AS sname
     , cycles.seq AS seq
     , cycles.series AS series
     , cycpoints.cpid AS cpid
     , AS date
     , cycpoints.edate AS edate
     , cycpoints.ldate AS ldate
     , cycpoints.code AS code
     , cycpoints.source AS source
  FROM cycles, cycpoints
  WHERE cycles.cid = cycpoints.cid
  ORDER BY cycles.sname,

Figure 6.8. Entity Relationship Diagram of the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED view is constructed.

Table 6.4. Columns in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES_SORTED View

Column From Description
Cid CYCLES.Cid Arbitrary number uniquely identifying the CYCLES row.
Sname CYCLES.Sname Female that is cycling.
Seq CYCLES.Seq (readonly) Number indicating the cycle's position in time within the sequence of all the cycles of the female. Counts from 1 upwards.
Series CYCLES.Series (readonly) Number indicating with which CYCLES (Female Sexual Cycles) of continuous observation the cycle belongs.
Cpid CYCPOINTS.Cpid Number uniquely identifying the CYCPOINTS row.
Date CYCPOINTS.Date Date-of-record of the sexual cycle transition event.
Edate CYCPOINTS.Edate Earliest possible date for the sexual cycle transition event.
Ldate CYCPOINTS.Ldate Latest possible date for the sexual cycle transition event.
Code CYCPOINTS.Code The type of sexual cycle transition event. Mdate, Tdate, or Ddate.
Source CYCPOINTS.Source Code indicating from whence the data was derived. This has a bearing as to its accuracy.

Operations Allowed

The operations allowed are as described in the CYCPOINTS_CYCLES view.

DEMOG_CENSUS (DEMOG, showing CENSUS information)

Contains one row for every row in DEMOG. Each row contains the DEMOG columns and the related CENSUS columns. In those cases where there is a CENSUS row but no related DEMOG row no row exists. Because there is a one-to-one relationship between CENSUS and DEMOG and a DEMOG row always has a related CENSUS row, and because without the CENSUS information it is difficult to tell to which individual the demography note refers , there is little utility in maintaining the DEMOG row without maintaining the related CENSUS row. This view provides a convenient way to maintain the CENSUS/DEMOG combination.


The DEMOG_CENSUS view is very similar to the CENSUS_DEMOG view. It is unclear which is more useful so both exist.


Figure 6.9. Query Defining the DEMOG_CENSUS View

SELECT census.cenid AS cenid
     , census.sname AS sname
     , AS date
     , census.grp AS grp
     , census.status AS status
     , census.cen AS cen
     , demog.reference AS reference
     , demog.comment AS comment
  FROM census, demog
  WHERE census.cenid = demog.cenid

Figure 6.10. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DEMOG_CENSUS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the DEMOG_CENSUS view is constructed.

Table 6.5. Columns in the DEMOG_CENSUS View

Column From Description
Cenid CENSUS.Cenid Unique identifier of the CENSUS row.
Sname CENSUS.Sname Individual who's location has been recorded.
Date CENSUS.Date Date of demography note.
Grp CENSUS.Grp Group where the individual was located.
Status CENSUS.Status Source of location information. When the source is both a demography note and another source, like a census, the other source is shown.
Cen CENSUS.Cen Whether or not there was an entry on the field census data sheet for the individual on the given date.
Reference DEMOG.Reference The group identifying the written field notebook where the demography note can be found.
Comment DEMOG.Comment The demography note text.

Operations Allowed


Inserting a row into DEMOG_CENSUS inserts a row, into DEMOG, as expected, but only when the underlying DEMOG columns are not NULL. If the values of the columns belonging to the DEMOG table are null then the insert raises an error.

A new CENSUS row is inserted if there is not already an existing CENSUS row, otherwise the existing CENSUS row is updated. To leave the value of an existing CENSUS row untouched either omit the column from the insert or specify the NULL value.


Values must be supplied for either the Cenid or all of the Sname, Date, and Grp columns or else the system will be unable to identify pre-existing CENSUS rows updated by inserts to DEMOG_CENSUS. The system may silently ignore insert operations when too few column values are supplied.

When a new CENSUS row is created the Cen column defaults to false.


The PostgreSQL nextval() function cannot be part of an INSERT expression which assigns a value to this view's Cenid column.


Updating a row in DEMOG_CENSUS updates the underlying columns in CENSUS and DEMOG, as expected. However, the relationship between CENSUS and DEMOG introduces some complications.


The CENSUS table is updated before the DEMOG table. Because updating the DEMOG table can change the CENSUS.Status column the resulting value may not be that specified by the update.

Updating the Cenid column updates[226] the Cenid columns in both CENSUS and DEMOG.


Deleting rows from DEMOG_CENSUS updates the database in a fashion that removes the related demography note information from storage.[227]

Deleting a row in DEMOG_CENSUS deletes the underlying row in CENSUS when appropriate; when the CENSUS row exists only because there is an underlying row in DEMOG. That is, the CENSUS row is deleted if and only if the CENSUS.Cen column is FALSE. If there is an underlying row in DEMOG it is always deleted.


Regardless of whether the underlying CENSUS row is deleted a delete operation will always cause the deleted row to disappear from the DEMOG_CENSUS view.


Contains one row for every row in the DEMOG_CENSUS view. The only difference between this view and the DEMOG_CENSUS view is that this view is sorted.


Figure 6.11. Query Defining the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View

SELECT census.cenid AS cenid
     , census.sname AS sname
     , AS date
     , census.grp AS grp
     , census.status AS status
     , census.cen AS cen
     , demog.reference AS reference
     , demog.comment AS comment
  FROM census, demog
  WHERE census.cenid = demog.cenid
  ORDER BY census.sname,

Figure 6.12. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED view is constructed.

Table 6.6. Columns in the DEMOG_CENSUS_SORTED View

Column From Description
Cenid CENSUS.Cenid Unique identifier of the CENSUS row.
Sname CENSUS.Sname Individual who's location has been recorded.
Date CENSUS.Date Date of demography note.
Grp CENSUS.Grp Group where the individual was located.
Status CENSUS.Status Source of location information. When the source is both a demography note and another source, like a census, the other source is shown.
Cen CENSUS.Cen Whether or not there was an entry on the field census data sheet for the individual on the given date.
Reference DEMOG.Reference The group identifying the written field notebook where the demography note can be found.
Comment DEMOG.Comment The demography note text.

Operations Allowed

The operations allowed are as described in the DEMOG_CENSUS view.


Contains one row for every row in the GROUPS table. This view portrays a group's history in a more-accessible format than the GROUPS table. It collects into one row all the dates that are relevant to a particular group, including (in the case of groups that fissioned) the date they became "impermanent" by starting to fission.

This view is similar to GROUPS, but omits columns used predominantly for data entry and validation. This view also renames some columns for clarity, and adds three calculated columns.


Figure 6.13. Query Defining the GROUPS_HISTORY View

SELECT groups.gid AS gid
    , AS name
    ,  groups.from_group AS from_group
    ,  CASE
         WHEN groups.from_group IS NULL THEN groups.permanent
         ELSE groups.start
       END AS first_observed
    ,  CASE
         WHEN NOT groups.study_grp THEN NULL
         WHEN groups.from_group IS NULL THEN groups.permanent
         ELSE (SELECT date
                 FROM census
                 WHERE census.grp = groups.gid
                   AND census.cen
                 ORDER BY date
                 LIMIT 1)
       END AS first_study_grp_census
    ,  groups.permanent AS permanent
    ,  (SELECT subgroups_start.start
           FROM babase.groups AS subgroups_start
           WHERE subgroups_start.from_group = groups.gid
           ORDER BY subgroups_start.start
           LIMIT 1
       ) AS impermanent
    ,  groups.cease_to_exist AS cease_to_exist
    ,  groups.last_reg_census AS last_reg_census
    ,  groups.study_grp
  FROM babase.groups

Figure 6.14. Entity Relationship Diagram of the GROUPS_HISTORY View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the GROUPS_HISTORY view is constructed.

Table 6.7. Columns in the GROUPS_HISTORY View

Column From Description
Gid GROUPS.Gid Unique identifier of the GROUPS row.
Name GROUPS.Name Name of this group.
From_Group GROUPS.From_group The Gid of the group from which this group was created.
First_Observed GROUPS.Permanent, GROUPS.Start The first date the group was observed. For groups with no From_group, this is their Permanent date. Otherwise, Start.
First_Study_Grp_Census GROUPS.Permanent, CENSUS.Date The first date that a study group was observed as its own group, not a subgroup from its parent group. For non-study groups (Study_Grp is FALSE), this is NULL. For groups with no From_group, this is their Permanent date. Otherwise, this is the group's earliest CENSUS.Date where Cen is TRUE.
Permanent GROUPS.Permanent The first date on which the group was recognized as its own distinct group.
Impermanent GROUPS.Start The earliest Start date of this group's subgroups.
Cease_To_Exist GROUPS.Cease_To_Exist The date on which the group has permanently dissolved.
Last_Reg_Census GROUPS.Last_Reg_Census The date of the last regular census done on the group.
Study_Grp GROUPS.Study_Grp Whether or not the group was a study group.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on GROUPS_HISTORY. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.


Contains one row for every BIOGRAPH row for which there is either a row in MATERNITIES with a record of the individual's mother or there is a row in DAD_DATA with a record of the individual's father -- where DAD_DATA.Dad_consensus is not NULL.


A row in this view can have a NULL Mom or a NULL Dad, but not both. When there is neither a Mom (i.e., the offspring has a NULL BIOGRAPH.Pid) nor a Dad (i.e., the offspring has either a NULL.DAD_DATA.Dad_consensus or no related DAD_DATA data row for the father at all) the view has no row for the individual.


Figure 6.15. Query Defining the PARENTS View

SELECT biograph.sname AS kid
     , AS mom
     , dad_data.dad_consensus AS dad
     , maternities.zdate AS zdate
     , dad_data.dadid AS dadid
     , maternities.zdate_grp AS momgrp
     , members.grp AS dadgrp
  FROM biograph
       LEFT OUTER JOIN maternities 
            ON (maternities.child = biograph.sname)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN dad_data
            ON (dad_data.kid = biograph.sname)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN members 
            ON (members.sname = dad_data.dad_consensus
                AND = maternities.zdate)
        OR dad_data.dad_consensus IS NOT NULL

Figure 6.16. Entity Relationship Diagram of the PARENTS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the PARENTS view is constructed.

Table 6.8. Columns in the PARENTS View

Column From Description
Kid BIOGRAPH.Sname Identifier (Sname) of the offspring.
Mom CYCLES.Sname Identifier (Sname) of the mother, or NULL if the mother is not known.
Dad DAD_DATA.Dad_consensus Identifier (Sname) of the father -- the manually chosen father-of-choice --, or NULL if there is none.
Zdate CYCPOINTS.Date Conception date-of-record, or NULL if the mother is not known.
Dadid DAD_DATA.Dadid Identifier of the DAD_DATA row containing paternity information, or NULL if there is no such row.
Zdate_Grp MEMBERS.Grp Mother's group as of the conception date-of-record, or NULL if the mother is not known.
Dadgrp MEMBERS.Grp The group of the father on the Zdate, or NULL if there is either no consensus dad or the Zdate is not known.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on PARENTS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

POTENTIAL_DADS (Potential Dads)

Contains one row for every (completed) female reproductive event for every male more than 2192 days old (approximately 6 years) present in the mother's supergroup during her fertile period. So, one row for every potential dad of every birth and fetal loss. The Potential_Dads-Status column can be used to distinguish males that are adult on the Zdate from subadults from males that have no record of testicular enlargement -- the males having no MATUREDATES.Matured.


Figure 6.17. Query Defining the POTENTIAL_DADS View

SELECT maternities.child_bioid AS bioid
     , maternities.child AS kid
     , AS mom
     , maternities.zdate AS zdate
     , maternities.zdate_grp AS grp
     , pdads.sname AS pdad
     , CASE
         WHEN rankdates.ranked <= maternities.zdate
           THEN 'A'
         WHEN maturedates.matured <= maternities.zdate
           THEN 'S'
         ELSE 'O'
       AS status
     , maternities.zdate - pdads.birth AS pdad_age_days
     , trunc((maternities.zdate - pdads.birth) / 365.25, 1)
       AS pdad_age_years
     , (SELECT count(*)
          FROM members as dadmembers
               JOIN members AS mommembers
                 ON ( =
                     AND supergroup(mommembers.grp,
                         = supergroup(dadmembers.grp,
          WHERE dadmembers.sname = pdads.sname
                AND < maternities.zdate
                AND >= maternities.zdate - 5
                AND mommembers.sname =
                AND < maternities.zdate
                AND >= maternities.zdate - 5)
       AS estrous_presence
     , (SELECT count(*)
          FROM actor_actees
          WHERE < maternities.zdate
                AND >= maternities.zdate - 5
                AND (actor_actees.act = 'M'
                     OR actor_actees.act = 'E')
                AND = pdads.sname
                AND actor_actees.actee =
       AS estrous_me
     , (SELECT count(*)
          FROM actor_actees
          WHERE < maternities.zdate
                AND >= maternities.zdate - 5
                AND actor_actees.act = 'C'
                AND = pdads.sname
                AND actor_actees.actee =
       AS estrous_c

  FROM maternities
       JOIN biograph AS pdads
            ON (pdads.sname
                IN (SELECT dadmembers.sname
                      FROM members AS dadmembers
                           JOIN members AS mommembers
                             ON ( =
                                 AND supergroup(mommembers.grp,
                                     = supergroup(dadmembers.grp,
                      WHERE dadmembers.sname = pdads.sname
                            AND < maternities.zdate
                            AND >= maternities.zdate - 5
                            AND mommembers.sname =
                            AND < maternities.zdate
                            AND >= maternities.zdate - 5))

       LEFT OUTER JOIN rankdates
            ON (rankdates.sname = pdads.sname)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN maturedates
            ON (maturedates.sname = pdads.sname)
  WHERE = 'M'
        -- Speed things up by eliminating potential dads
        -- who could not possibly interpolate into the mom's group
        -- during the fertile period.
        AND pdads.statdate >= maternities.zdate - 5 - 14
        -- Potential dad must be at least 2192 days old
        -- (approximately 6 years) on the zdate.
        AND maternities.zdate - pdads.birth >= 2192

Figure 6.18. Entity Relationship Diagram of the foundation of the POTENTIAL_DADS View

If we could we would display here a diagram showing a portion of how the POTENTIAL_DADS view is constructed.

Figure 6.19. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View which places the mother and potential father in the same group during the fertile period

If we could we would display here a diagram showing a portion of how the POTENTIAL_DADS view is constructed.

Figure 6.20. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View having easily computed columns

If we could we would display here a diagram showing a portion of how the POTENTIAL_DADS view is constructed.

Figure 6.21. Entity Relationship Diagram of that portion of the POTENTIAL_DADS View involving social interactions

If we could we would display here a diagram showing a portion of how the POTENTIAL_DADS view is constructed.

Table 6.9. Columns in the POTENTIAL_DADS View

Column From Description
Bioid BIOGRAPH.Bioid Numeric identifier (Bioid) of the offspring.
Kid BIOGRAPH.Sname Identifier (Sname) of the offspring.
Mom CYCLES.Sname Identifier (Sname) of the mother.
Zdate CYCPOINTS.Date Conception date-of-record.
Zdate_Grp MEMBERS.Grp Mother's group as of the conception date-of-record.
Pdad BIOGRAPH.Sname Identifier (Sname) of the potential father.

  WHEN rankdates.ranked <= maternities.zdate
    THEN 'A'
  WHEN maturedates.matured <= maternities.zdate
    THEN 'S'
  ELSE 'O'

The maturity of the potential dad as of the Zdate, as follows:

POTENTIAL_DADS.Status values


Adult -- RANKDATES.Ranked is on or before the Zdate.


Subadult -- Does not meet the criteria for adult but MATUREDATES.Matured is on or before the Zdate.


Other -- Does not meet the criteria for Subadult, either because the MATUREDATES.Matured is too late or because there is none.

Pdad_age_days Zdate - BIOGRAPH.Birth The age, in days, of the potential dad as of the Zdate -- the Zdate minus the potential dad's BIOGRAPH.Birth.
Pdad_age_years Pdad_age_days / 365.25 The age, in years, of the potential dad as of the Zdate.
Estrous_presence Subquery on MEMBERS -- see Figure 6.19. Count of the number of days the potential dad is in the same supergroup as the supergroup of the mother during the mother's fertile period -- the 5 days prior to the Zdate.
Estrous_me Subquery on ACTOR_ACTEES -- see Figure 6.21. Sum of the number of mounts and ejaculation interactions between the Mom and the Pdad during the fertile period -- the 5 days prior to the Zdate.
Estrous_c Subquery on ACTOR_ACTEES -- see Figure 6.21. Sum of the number of consortship interactions between the Mom and the Pdad during the fertile period -- the 5 days prior to the Zdate.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on POTENTIAL_DADS. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

[225] Or attempts to update, as Babase may not allow these columns to be updated.

[226] Or attempts to update, as Babase may not allow these columns to be updated.

[227] Deletion is done on the DEMOG_CENSUS view in a fashion identical to the way it is done on the CENSUS_DEMOG view.

Page generated: 2016-07-22T23:08:24-04:00.