Group Membership and Life Events

BSTATUSES (Birth Accuracy Indicators)

The different accuracies of birthday estimates.

Vocabulary For

BSTATUSES defines values for the Bstatus column of BIOGRAPH.

Key Name: Bstatus


Special Values


CONFIDENCES (death, dispersal, and matgrp Confidence levels)

The possible degrees of confidence in the recorded cause of death (the recorded BIOGRAPH.Dcause values), recorded disperse date (the recorded DISPERSEDATES.Dispersed), and recorded maternal group assignment (the recorded BIOGRAPH.Matgrpconfidence) values.

Vocabulary For

CONFIDENCES defines values for the Dcauseconfidence column of BIOGRAPH table, the Dispconfidence column of the DISPERSEDATES table, and the Matgrpconfidence column of the BIOGRAPH table.

Key Name: Confidence


An integer.

Special Values

The value 0 (not applicable) has a special meaning to the system. This is the only BIOGRAPH.Dcauseconfidence value allowed to be associated with individuals having no cause of death, having a Dcause of 0.


The software packages used for genetic paternity analysis. In the general case this table lists the possible analysis bases so, in theory, if analysis is based on something other than software then DAD_SOFTWARE should contain a row for that sort of analysis.


Different versions of the same software product may be considered distinct pieces of software.

Vocabulary For

DAD_SOFTWARE defines values for DAD_DATA.Software.

Key Name: Software

Code for the software package. Limited to 10 characters of text.

Special Values



The version or versions of the software.


This is a textual column so while its content is expected to be short there is flexibility should the row represent a range of software versions of the same product, etc.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

DCAUSES (Causes of Death)

The different causes of death.

See the note in the STATUSES: Special Values section for an explanation of what it means to be alive.[211]

Vocabulary For

DCAUSES defines values for the Dcause column of BIOGRAPH.

Key Name: Dcause


An integer.

Special Values

The value 0 (no cause of death) has a special meaning to the system. This is the only Dcause allowed to be associated with living individuals.

DEMOG_REFERENCES (Demography Note References)

Indicates the data source of demography notes.

Vocabulary For

DEMOG_REFERENCES defines values for the Reference column of DEMOG.

Key Name: Reference


Special Values


ENTRYTYPES (Categories of Entry to Study Population)

Indicates the different ways individuals enter the study population.

Vocabulary For

ENTRYTYPES defines values for the Entrytype column of BIOGRAPH.

Key Name: Entrytype


Special Values

The value of B (birth) has a special meaning to the system. No other value should be used in BIOGRAPH.Entrytype to indicate birth as the method for entry into the population.

GAP_END_STATUSES (Explanations for Behavior Gap Ends)

The possible reasons why a behavior gap ended.

Vocabulary For

GAP_END_STATUSES defines values for the Gap_End_Status column of BEHAVE_GAPS.

Key Name: Gap_End_Status


An integer.

Special Values


MSTATUSES (Maturity Marker Statuses)

The different meanings of various maturity marker date values.

Vocabulary For

MSTATUSES defines values for MATUREDATES.Matured and RANKDATES.Ranked columns.


May be O (ON) or B (BY). O indicates a known date. B indicates that we know that the animal had reached that maturational marker BY the given date but we have no information about the actual date on which the marker was attained.

Key Name: Mstatus


Special Values

The value of O (attained On given date) has a special value to the system. No other code should be created to indicate that observations indicate a specific, known, date.

RNKTYPES (Ranking Categories)

The different categories of rankings that order individuals by dominance within a group within a month. Each category of ranking is identified with a row of this table.

Vocabulary For

RNKTYPES defines value for the Rnktype column of RANKS.

Key Name: Rnktype


Special Values


The Query column

This table contains a special column, Query. The Query column is an SQL query which defines which individuals are eligible for inclusion in this category of ranking. The SQL statement determines which individuals are included in any given ranking. It must return distinct Snames of individuals to be ranked within a given group over a given time period. In general the query is a SELECT statement which uses the BIOGRAPH and MEMBERS tables to determine who is to be ranked within a group over a month. A number of special symbols may be, and will need to be, included in the SQL query. Each special symbol represents a value which changes depending on the month or group ranked. The special symbols are:

Variables Substituted into Query
Notation Mnemonic Data type Description of usage
%g Group id number The Gid of the group being ranked.
%s Start date date (Should not be quoted in the SQL statement.) Date of the first day of the interval over which the individuals are ranked (inclusive.)
%f Finish date date (Should not be bracketed in the SQL statement. Date of the last day of the interval over which the individuals are ranked (inclusive.) Note that ages, maturation dates, and so forth are often computed using or compared to the Finish Date value.

STATUSES (Indicators of Record and Baboon Vividity)

The different states of an individual, reflecting what sort of record keeping needs to be done on the individual in the future.

Vocabulary For

STATUSES defines values for the Status column of BIOGRAPH.

Key Name: Status


An integer.

Special Values

The value 0 (alive) has a special meaning to the system. No other codes should be created to indicate that the individual is alive.


Alive has a particular meaning to Babase. It does not mean alive in real life, a concept which itself is complicated when it is qualified by a time because there are not always recorded observations.

Alive in the context of Babase means an individual on which data is continuing to be collected. The foremost implication of this is that living individuals can have data added to Babase after the individuals' BIOGRAPH.Statdate and the BIOGRAPH.Statdates will automatically change. Babase will hold no data on an individual that postdates the individual's death. The only way the BIOGRAPH.Statdate of a dead individual changes is when the change is made manually.

[211] Silly you. You thought you knew already.

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