
ANESTHS (Extra Sedation Administered During Darting)

ANESTHS contains one row for each time additional sedation is administered to a darted individual. If no additional sedation was administered then this table should not contain rows related to the darting.

Anesthetic cannot be administered to the same individual more than once at any given time -- the combination of Dartid and Antime must be unique.

Anesthetic cannot be administered before the individual is darted -- the Antime value cannot be before the related DARTINGS.Darttime time.

Anesthetic cannot be administered after the individual recovers from the previous dose -- the Antime value cannot be later than 2 hours after the later of the DARTINGS.Darttime time or the previous administration of additional sedation.


The ANESTH_STATS view aggregates the multiple administrations of anesthetic given during a darting and so provides a convenient way to analyze ANESTHS rows.[104]

Anesthid (Extra Sedation Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and is used in other tables to refer to a particular administration of extra sedation.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which extra sedation was administered -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Drug (Anesthetic Administered)

Anesthetic administered to extend sedation. The legal values for this column are defined by the DRUGS support table.

This column may not be NULL.

Antime (Time when additional anesthetic was administered)

The time additional sedation was administered to the darted individual.

The time zone is Nairobi local time.

The precision of this column is 1 minute -- seconds and fractions thereof must be 0.

This column may be NULL when there is no record of what time additional sedation was administered.

Anamount (Anesthetic Amount)

The amount of anesthetic administered, in CCs.

The maximum allowed is 1.0CC. The minimum is 0. The precision allowed and accuracy are .01CC.

This column may not be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

BODYTEMPS (Darting Body Temperature Measurements)

BODYTEMPS contains one row for each body temperature measurement taken of a darted individual.

The temperature cannot be measured before the individual is darted or before the individual is picked up -- the Bttime value cannot be before either the related DARTINGS.Pickuptime time or[105] the Darttime time. The temperature cannot be taken after the individual has recovered from sedation - the Bttime value, when non-NULL, cannot be later than 2 hours after the later of the DARTINGS.Darttime time or the last administration of additional sedation, if any, as recorded in the ANESTHS table. A non-NULL Bttime value implies that there must be a known time of anesthetic administration -- either DARTINGS.Darttime or ANESTHS.Antime must be non-NULL.

Btid (Packed Cell Volume Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular body temperature measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the body temperature measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Btemp (Body Temperature)

The measured temperature in degrees Celsius to a precision of 1/10th of a degree. The minimum allowed value is 25 degrees and the maximum 45 degrees.

This column may not be NULL.

Bttime (Time of Body Temperature measurement)

The time the body temperature of the darted individual was taken.

The time zone is Nairobi local time.

The precision of this column is 1 minute -- seconds and fractions thereof must be 0.

This column may be NULL when there is no record of when the body temperature measurement was taken.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

CHESTS (Darting Chest Circumference Measurements)

CHESTS contains a row for each chest circumference measurement made of a darted individual.

Chid (Chest circumference measurement Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular chest circumference measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the chest circumference measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Chcircum (Chest circumference measurement)

The chest circumference measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 25 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 99.9 centimeters.


The value contained in this column may have been adjusted for systematic observational bias. See the Chunadjusted column for more information.

This column may not be NULL.

Chunadjusted (Unadjusted Chest circumference measurement)

Some measurements were subject to systemic bias when taken. When this is known to have occurred the original, biased measurements are recorded in this column. When there is no known bias this column is NULL.

When non-NULL this column contains the original chest circumference measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 25 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 99.9 centimeters.

Chseq (Chest circumference measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken. The first chest circumference measurement taken during a darting has a Chseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes Chseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

Chobserver (Chest circumference measurer)

Initials of the person who performed the measurement. The legal values of this column are defined by the OBSERVERS support table.

This column may be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

CROWNRUMPS (Darting Crown-to-Rump Measurements)

CROWNRUMPS contains a row for each crown-to-rump measurement made of a darted individual.


The CROWNRUMP_STATS view aggregates the multiple crown-to-rump measurements taken during a darting and so provides a convenient way to analyze CROWNRUMPS rows.

CRid (Crown-to-Rump measurement Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular crown-to-rump measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the crown-to-rump measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

CRlength (Crown-to-Rump measurement)

The crown-to-rump measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 99.9 centimeters.

This column may not be NULL.

CRseq (Crown-to-Rump measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken.The first crown-to-rump measurement taken during a darting has a CRseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes CRseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

CRobserver (Crown-to-rump measurer)

Initials of the person who performed the measurement. The legal values of this column are defined by the OBSERVERS support table.

This column may be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

DART_SAMPLES (Darting Tissue Sample Records)

DART_SAMPLES contains one row for every sample type collected in each darting.

The combination of Dartid and DS_Type must be unique.


The DSAMPLES view also shows these data, one line per Dartid. For some users, this may be a more desirable way to look at these data.

Column Descriptions

DS_Id (Darting Sample collection Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to all the samples of a particular DS_Type collected during a single darting.

This column cannot be changed. This column may not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the indicated samples were collected -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value.

This column cannot be changed. This column may not be NULL.

DS_Type (Darting Sample Type Identifier)

The DART_SAMPLE_TYPES.DS_Type of this sample.

This column cannot be changed. This column may not be NULL.


The number of samples collected of the type given in the DS_Type column.

This column may not be NULL, must be greater than zero, and must be between the DART_SAMPLES.DS_Type's corresponding DART_SAMPLE_TYPES.Minimum and DART_SAMPLE_TYPES.Maximum values, inclusive.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

DARTINGS (Baboon Darting Events)

DARTINGS contains one row for every darting of an animal when data was collected.

The combination of Sname and Date must be unique.

The individual must be alive and in the study population when darted -- the Date must be between the individual's Entrydate and Statdate, inclusive. The system will return a warning when the Date is before the individual's LatestBirth.

The system will report a warning for females darted on or after 2006-01-01 for which there is no related DART_SAMPLES row that indicates a vaginal swab collection.

The Downtime value cannot be before the Darttime value and cannot be more than 1 hour after the Darttime value.

The Pickuptime value cannot be before the Downtime value and cannot be more than 90 minutes after the Downtime value. It also[106] cannot be before Darttime and cannot be more than 90 minutes after Darttime. The system will report a warning if the Pickuptime is more than 30 minutes after the Downtime.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and is used in other tables to refer to a particular darting event.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.


A three-letter code (an id) that uniquely identifies the darted animal (an Sname) in BIOGRAPH. This code can be used to retrieve information from BIOGRAPH or other places where the animal's three-letter code appears. This column may not be NULL.

Date (Darting Date)

The date the individual was darted.

This column may not be NULL.

Darttime (Darting Time)

The time the individual was darted -- when the dart was fired. The time zone is Nairobi local time.

The time may not be before 05:00 and may not be after 20:00.

The precision of this column is 1 minute -- seconds and fractions thereof must be 0.

This column may be NULL when the time of darting is unknown.

Downtime (Time the darted individual went down)

The time the darted individual succumbed to the anesthetic. The time zone is Nairobi local time.

The precision of this column is 1 minute -- seconds and fractions thereof must be 0.

This column may be NULL when the downtime is not known.

Pickuptime (Time the darted individual was picked up by the team)

The time that the darting team picked up the anesthetized individual.

The precision of this column is 1 minute -- seconds and fractions thereof must be 0.

This column may be NULL when the pickup time is not known.

Drug (Dart Anesthetic)

Anesthetic administered by the dart. The legal values for this column are defined by the DRUGS support table.

This column may not be NULL.

Mass (Mass of the darted individual)

Mass of the darted individual, in kilograms. The precision of this column is 1/10th of a kilogram. The minimum value allowed is 1Kg. The maximum value allowed is 40Kg.

The system will report a warning when this column is NULL.[107]

Logisticnotes (Notes on Logistics)

Notes regarding the logistics of the darting. Comments about collars, anesthetic, etc. Consult the Amboseli Baboon Research Project Monitoring Guide for further guidance as to usage.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Dartcomments (General comments about the darting)

Comments about the animal's condition, darting circumstances, etc. during darting. Consult the Amboseli Baboon Research Project Monitoring Guide for further guidance as to usage.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

CRnotes (Crown-to-Rump measurement notes)

Notes on the crown-to-rump measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Chnotes (Chest circumference measurement Notes)

Notes on the chest circumference measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Ulnotes (Ulna length measurement Notes)

Notes on the ulna length measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Hunotes (Humerus length measurement Notes)

Notes on the humerus length measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Dphysnotes (Darting Physiological measurement Notes)

Ad libitum notes taken on the physiological features of the darted individual, if any.

This column may be NULL.[108]. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

PCVnotes (PCV measurement Notes)

Notes on the PCV measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Bodytempnotes (Body Temperature Notes)

Notes on the body temperature readings taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Dsamplenotes (Darting Sample Notes)

Notes that accompany any of the different samples recorded in the DART_SAMPLES table, if any.

This column may be NULL.[109]. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Teethnotes (Notes on the Teeth)

Notes on the teeth, if any observations on the teeth were made.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Caninenotes (Notes on the Canines)

Notes on the canines, if any observations on the teeth were made.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Testesnotes (Testes measurement Notes)

Notes on the testes measurements taken, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.

Ticknotes (Notes on the Parasite counts)

Notes on the parasite counts done, if any.

This column may be NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

DPHYS (Darting Physiological Measurements)

DPHYS contains one row for each darting event during which physiological measurements were taken.

Additional physiological measurements are recorded in the PCVS and BODYTEMPS tables.

Dphysid (Darting Physiological measurements Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular set of physiological measurements taken during a darting.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the set of physiological measurements were taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.


The pulse of the individual in beats per minute. The pulse must be greater than 0.

This column may be NULL.


The respiration rate of the individual measured in counts per minute. The respiration rate must be greater than 0.

This column may be NULL.

Ringnode (state of Right Inguinal lymph Node)

The state of the right inguinal lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.

Lingnode (state of Left Inguinal lymph Node)

The state of the left inguinal lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.

Ringnode (state of Right Axillary lymph Node)

The state of the right axillary lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.

Ringnode (state of Left Axillary lymph Node)

The state of the left axillary lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.

Ringnode (state of Right Submandibular lymph Node)

The state of the right submandibular lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.

Ringnode (state of Left Submandibular lymph Node)

The state of the left submandibular lymph node. The legal values of this column are defined by the LYMPHSTATES support table.

This column may be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

HUMERUSES (Darting Humerus Length Measurements)

HUMERUSES contains a row for each humerus length measurement made of a darted individual.

Huid (humerus length measurement Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular humerus length measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the humerus length measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Hulength (Humerus Length measurement)

The humerus length measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 35 centimeters.


The value contained in this column may have been adjusted for systematic observational bias. See the Huunadjusted column for more information.

This column may not be NULL.

Huunadjusted (Unadjusted Humerus length measurement)

Some measurements were subject to systemic bias when taken. When this is known to have occurred the original, biased measurements are recorded in this column. When there is no known bias this column is NULL.

When non-NULL this column contains the original humerus length measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 35 centimeters.

Huseq (Humerus measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken. The first humerus length measurement taken during a darting has a Huseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes Huseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

Huobserver (Humerus length measurer)

Initials of the person who performed the measurement. The legal values of this column are defined by the OBSERVERS support table.

This column may be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

PCVS (Darting Blood Measurements)

PCVS contains one row for each PCV (packed cell volume) measurement taken from a darted individual.

PCVid (Packed Cell Volume Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular PCV measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the PCV measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

PCV (Packed Cell Volume)

The packed cell volume measurement. This is a percentage and must be between 1 and 99, inclusive.

This column may not be NULL.

PCVseq (PCV measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the PCV measurements were taken. The first PCV measurement taken during a darting has a PCVseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes PCVseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

TEETH (Darting Tooth Data)

TEETH contains one row for every possible tooth site within the mouth on which data was collected for every darting event during which dentition data was collected. There may not be data on each tooth or tooth site. The absence of a row in this table says nothing about the presence or absence of a particular tooth at the time of darting.

When the tooth is missing, the Tstate is M, the Tcondition value must be NULL. When the tooth is not missing Teeth-Tcondition must be non-NULL.

There may be only one tooth in any given tooth site within the mouth, at any one time -- for any given darting there may be at most one row in TEETH for each tooth site (TOOTHSITES).


While rows in this table record tooth presence/absence and condition in separate columns, these data might not be recorded that way in the field. In dartings from 2006-onward, the tooth's presence/absence is recorded in the same place that indicates a tooth has the "erupting" condition. Between this and the fact that it can be difficult for observers to discriminate between partially- and fully-erupted teeth, a tooth that in fact was still erupting might only be recorded as "present". Thus, erupting teeth might appear in this table without a Tcondition indicating it. Teeth that were recorded as "erupting" can safely be assumed to truly be erupting, however.

In other words: in dartings since 2006 (inclusive), there are likely some cases where an erupting tooth was mistakenly recorded only as 'present', and there is no way to identify when this has occurred.


When inserting a row into TEETH a NULL Tstate value has special meaning. Inserted rows with a NULL Tstate value are silently ignored; no such rows are ever inserted.[110]

The Tstate column cannot be changed to a NULL.


The DENT_CODES view may be used to maintain the TEETH table. This view may also be useful when querying. It returns a single row with individual columns for every kind of tooth.

The DENT_SITES view provides a way to query TEETH, returning a single row with individual columns for each position in the mouth.

Teethid (Teeth row Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular tooth (or tooth site when a tooth is missing).

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the tooth examinations were made -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Tooth (Tooth examined)

The tooth, or tooth site if the tooth is missing. The legal values of this column are defined by the TOOTHCODES support table.

This column may not be NULL.

Tstate (Tooth existential State)

The degree to which the tooth exists. The legal values of this column are defined by the TSTATES support table.

This column will never contain a NULL. See the warning above for more information.

Tcondition (Tooth Condition)

A code rating the physical condition of the tooth. The legal values of this column are defined by the TCONDITIONS support table.

This column may be NULL. See TEETH above.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

TESTES_ARC (Darting Testes circumference Data)

TESTES_ARC contains one row for every darting event for every recorded measurement of testicle width and length circumference.


The TESTES_ARC table contains testes measurements of a portion of the testicle circumference. The TESTES_DIAM table contains testes measurements of the diameter. The two tables are otherwise identical in that they have the same structure and have corresponding validation rules.


The pairing of the width and length measurements within this table exists to make data storage convenient; no special relationship is implied regarding the order in which the measurements were taken. For example, if there are 3 length measurements taken during a darting and 2 width measurements the width and length measurements may have been taken in either of the following orders, as well as other possible orders not listed here: length1, length2, length3, width1, width2 or length1, width1, length2, width2, length3. In other words the value of the Seq column describes the order in which the length measurements were taken and the order in which width measurements were taken but says nothing about the interspersing of length and width measurements.[111]

Either the width or the length must be specified -- both Testwidth and Testlength cannot be NULL in the same row.

There can only be one measurement taken per darting per testicle per measurement sequence number -- Testseq must be unique per Dartid per Testside.

Once a Testwidth value is NULL all the rows (for the same darting) with higher Testseq values must also have a NULL Testwidth value. The same is true of the Testlength column.[112]

An individual must be male to have a row in this table.

The system will report a warning when individuals have testes length measurements less than 15mm or have testes width measurements less than 10mm.

Testesid (Testes measurements Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular testes measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the testes measurements were taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Testside (Testicle measured)

The testicle measured. The legal values are:

Valid Testside Values
Code Description
L the left testicle
R the right testicle

This column may not be NULL.

Testlength (Testes Length measurement)

The testes length measurement, in millimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a millimeter. The minimum value allowed is 15 millimeters. The maximum value allowed is 140 millimeters.

This column may not be NULL.

Testwidth (Testes Width measurement)

The testes width measurement, in millimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a millimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 millimeters. The maximum value allowed is 95 millimeters.

This column may not be NULL.

Testseq (Testes measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken. The first measurement, of each testicle, taken during a darting has a Testseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes Testseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. Note that the TESTES_ARC rows are sequenced within Dartid within Testside whereas the other darting tables are sequenced only within Dartid. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

TESTES_DIAM (Darting Testes Diameter Data)

TESTES_DIAM contains one row for every darting event for every recorded measurement of testicle width and length diameter.


The TESTES_ARC table contains testes measurements of a portion of the testicle circumference. The TESTES_DIAM table contains testes measurements of the diameter. The two tables are otherwise identical in that they have the same structure and have corresponding validation rules.


The pairing of the width and length measurements within this table exists to make data storage convenient; no special relationship is implied regarding the order in which the measurements were taken. For example, if there are 3 length measurements taken during a darting and 2 width measurements the width and length measurements may have been taken in either of the following orders, as well as other possible orders not listed here: length1, length2, length3, width1, width2 or length1, width1, length2, width2, length3. In other words the value of the Seq column describes the order in which the length measurements were taken and the order in which width measurements were taken but says nothing about the interspersing of length and width measurements.[113]

Either the width or the length must be specified -- both Testwidth and Testlength cannot be NULL in the same row.

There can only be one measurement taken per darting per testicle per measurement sequence number -- Testseq must be unique per Dartid per Testside.

Once a Testwidth value is NULL all the rows (for the same darting) with higher Testseq values must also have a NULL Testwidth value. The same is true of the Testlength column.[114]

An individual must be male to have a row in this table.

The system will report a warning when individuals have testes length measurements less than 40mm or have testes width measurements less than 25mm.

Testesid (Testes measurements Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular testes measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the testes measurements were taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Testside (Testicle measured)

The testicle measured. The legal values are:

Valid Testside Values
Code Description
L the left testicle
R the right testicle

This column may not be NULL.

Testlength (Testes Length measurement)

The testes length measurement, in millimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a millimeter. The minimum value allowed is 15 millimeters. The maximum value allowed is 75 millimeters.

This column may not be NULL.

Testwidth (Testes Width measurement)

The testes width measurement, in millimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a millimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 millimeters. The maximum value allowed is 51 millimeters.

This column may not be NULL.

Testseq (Testes measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken. The first measurement, of each testicle, taken during a darting has a Testseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes Testseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. Note that the TESTES_DIAM rows are sequenced within Dartid within Testside whereas the other darting tables are sequenced only within Dartid. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

TICKS (Darting Tick and Parasite Data)

TICKS contains one row for every darting event during which data on ticks and other parasites were recorded.

When a specific number could not be arrived at because there was a large number of parasites or there was some other reason why the count could not be taken, Tickcount should be left NULL.

The value of the Tickstatus column is constrained based on the Tickcount value. For further information see the documentation of the TICKSTATUSES support table and the meaning of the table's Special Values.

The combination of Dartid, Bodypart, and Tickkind must be unique.

Tickid (Tick and other parasite count Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular tick count.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the tick count was made -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.


The part of the body examined for ticks or other parasites. The legal values of this column are defined by the BODYPARTS support table.

This column may not be NULL.

Tickkind (Kind of Tick or other parasite)

The kind of tick or other parasite, or kind of parasite and it's developmental stage, or kind of parasite indicator counted. The legal values of this column are defined by the PARASITES support table.

This column may not be NULL.

Tickcount (Count of ticks or other parasites and their signs)

The recorded count of ticks, ticks in the indicated developmental stage, other parasites, or parasite signs. The minimum value allowed is 0, the maximum is 250.

This column may be NULL when there were too many parasites to count or the count was not taken for some other reason.


A status value indicating whether and what sort of tick count was taken. The legal values of this column are from the Tickstatus column of the TICKSTATUSES table. See the documentation of the TICKSTATUSES support table for more information regarding what values may be used under which conditions.

This column may not be NULL.

Tickbpnotes (Body Part Notes)

Notes on the parasite infestation of the indicated body part.


Notes pertaining to parasites but not specific to the particular body part examined belong in DARTINGS.Ticknotes.

This column may contain NULL. This column may not be empty, it must contain characters, and it must contain at least one non-whitespace character.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

ULNAS (Darting Ulna Length Measurements)

ULNAS contains a row for each ulna length measurement made of a darted individual.

Ulid (Ulna length measurement Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular ulna length measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The darting event during which the ulna length measurement was taken -- a DARTINGS.Dartid value. This column cannot be changed and may not be NULL.

Ullength (Ulna Length measurement)

The ulna length measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 35 centimeters.


The value contained in this column may have been adjusted for systematic observational bias. See the Ulunadjusted column for more information.

This column may not be NULL.

Ulunadjusted (Unadjusted Ulna length measurement)

Some measurements were subject to systemic bias when taken. When this is known to have occurred the original, biased measurements are recorded in this column. When there is no known bias this column is NULL.

When non-NULL this column contains the original ulna length measurement, in centimeters, with a precision of 1/10th of a centimeter. The minimum value allowed is 10 centimeters. The maximum value allowed is 10 centimeters.

Ulseq (Ulna length measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken.The first ulna length measurement taken during a darting has a Ulseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes Ulseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.

Ulobserver (ulna length measurer)

Initials of the person who performed the measurement. The legal values of this column are defined by the OBSERVERS support table.

This column may be NULL.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

VAGINAL_PHS (Darting Vaginal pH Measurements)

VAGINAL_PHS contains a row for each vaginal pH measurement taken on a darted female.


The VAGINAL_PH_STATS view aggregates the multiple vaginal pH measurements taken during a darting and so provides a convenient way to analyze VAGINAL_PHS rows.

VPId (Vaginal pH measurement Identifier)

A unique identifier. This is an automatically generated sequential number that uniquely identifies the row and may be used to refer to a particular vaginal pH measurement.

This column is automatically maintained by the database, cannot be changed, and must not be NULL.

Dartid (Darting Identifier)

The DARTINGS.Dartid of the darting during which this vaginal pH measurement was taken.

This column cannot be changed and must not be NULL.

PH (Vaginal pH measurement)

The vaginal pH measurement, precise to the nearest 0.5. This must be a number between 4.0 and 10.0.

This column may not be NULL.

VPseq (Vaginal pH measurement Sequence)

A sequence number indicating the order in which the measurements were taken. The first vaginal pH measurement taken during a darting has a VPseq value of 1, the second a value of 2, etc.

The system automatically re-computes VPseq values to ensure that they are contiguous and begin with 1. See the Automatic Sequencing section for further information.


The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.

[104] The anesthetic administration times are not aggregated in this view although it could be useful to aggregate the difference between the time of darting and the time additional anesthetic was administered.

[105] To cover the case where Dartings-Pickuptime is NULL.

[106] To catch the case where Downtime is NULL.

[107] The column is allowed to be NULL due to data entry procedural constraints. The first data uploaded creates rows in DARTINGS but the data set containing mass is not uploaded until later.

[108] In a canonical database design this column would be on the DPHYS table. The column is part of the DARTINGS table due to concerns that the column might be overlooked by a user because so many other note columns are on the DARTINGS table.

[109] In a canonical database design this column would be on the DART_SAMPLES table. The column is part of the DARTINGS table due to concerns that the column might be overlooked by a user because so many other columns are on the DART_SAMPLES table and DSAMPLES view.

[110] This behavior exists so that rows can be inserted into TEETH via the DENT_CODES view.

[111] The alternative to this, an approach closer to the ideal database design, is to have separate tables for width and length measurements. This seems excessive.

[112] This rule is a result of the aforementioned design choice that places Testwidth and Testlength in the same table. A consequence of this choice is that this rule must exist to ensure that Testseq values are, effectively, contiguous.

Note that this condition must remain true even while the rows are in the process of automatic re-sequencing. It may be that some combinations of data values will simply not work with all possible UPDATE statements that change the row sequencing. Those experiencing problems should delete the rows in question and re-insert them with the correct sequence numbers.

[113] The alternative to this, an approach closer to the ideal database design, is to have separate tables for width and length measurements. This seems excessive.

[114] This rule is a result of the aforementioned design choice that places Testwidth and Testlength in the same table. A consequence of this choice is that this rule must exist to ensure that Testseq values are, effectively, contiguous.

Note that this condition must remain true even while the rows are in the process of automatic re-sequencing. It may be that some combinations of data values will simply not work with all possible UPDATE statements that change the row sequencing. Those experiencing problems should delete the rows in question and re-insert them with the correct sequence numbers.

Page generated: 2025-02-07T10:13:24-05:00.