Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the ANESTHS table.[269] Each row statistically summarizes the ANESTHS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.81. Query Defining the ANESTH_STATS View
SELECT anesths.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS ansamps
, avg(anesths.anamount) AS anamount_mean
, stddev(anesths.anamount) AS anamount_stddev
FROM anesths
GROUP BY anesths.dartid;
Table 6.37. Columns in the ANESTH_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | ANESTHS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Ansamps | Computed | Number of ANESTHS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of times additional anesthetic was administered during the darting. |
Anamount_mean | ANESTHS.Anamount (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the additional anesthetic amounts related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the additional anesthetic administered during the darting. |
Anamount_stddev | ANESTHS.Anamount (computed) | The standard deviation of the additional anesthetic amounts related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the additional anesthetic administered during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the BODYTEMPS table.[270] Each row statistically summarizes the BODYTEMPS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.83. Query Defining the BODYTEMP_STATS View
SELECT bodytemps.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS btsamps
, avg(bodytemps.btemp) AS btemp_mean
, stddev(bodytemps.btemp) AS btemp_stddev
FROM bodytemps
GROUP BY bodytemps.dartid;
Table 6.38. Columns in the BODYTEMP_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | BODYTEMPS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Btsamps | Computed | Number of BODYTEMPS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of body temperature measurements taken during the darting. |
Btemp_mean | BODYTEMPS.Btemp (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the body temperature measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the body temperature measurements taken during the darting. |
Btemp_stddev | BODYTEMPS.Btemp (computed) | The standard deviation of the body temperature measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the body temperature measurements taken during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the CHESTS table.[271] Each row statistically summarizes the CHESTS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.85. Query Defining the CHEST_STATS View
SELECT chests.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS chsamps
, avg(chests.chcircum) AS chcircum_mean
, stddev(chests.chcircum) AS chcircum_stddev
, avg(chests.chunadjusted) AS chunadjusted_mean
, stddev(chests.chunadjusted) AS chunadjusted_stddev
FROM chests
GROUP BY chests.dartid;
Table 6.39. Columns in the CHEST_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | CHESTS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Chsamps | Computed | Number of CHESTS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of chest circumference measurements taken during the darting. |
Chcircum_mean | CHESTS.Chcircum (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the chest circumference measurements taken during the darting. |
Chcircum_stddev | CHESTS.Chcircum (computed) | The standard deviation of the chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the chest circumference measurements taken during the darting. |
Chunadjusted_mean | CHESTS.Chunadjusted (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements taken during the darting. |
Chunadjusted_stddev | CHESTS.Chunadjusted (computed) | The standard deviation of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted chest circumference measurements taken during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the CROWNRUMPS table.[272] Each row statistically summarizes the CROWNRUMPS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.87. Query Defining the CROWNRUMP_STATS View
SELECT crownrumps.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS crsamps
, avg(crownrumps.crlength) AS crlength_mean
, stddev(crownrumps.crlength) AS crlength_stddev
FROM crownrumps
GROUP BY crownrumps.dartid;
Table 6.40. Columns in the CROWNRUMP_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | CROWNRUMPS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
CRsamps | Computed | Number of CROWNRUMPS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting. |
CRlength_mean | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the crown-to-rump measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting. |
CRlength_stddev | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength (computed) | The standard deviation of the crown-to-rump measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the crown-to-rump measurements taken during the darting. |
This view is used to insert data about the proportional presence of specific cell types in a blood sample as determined by flow cytometric analysis.
Each row inserted into this view represents an analysis of a single blood sample. That is, a single row in the FLOW_CYTOMETRY table.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed below, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
Figure 6.89. Query Defining the DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS flow_date
, NULL::TEXT AS monocytes
, NULL::TEXT AS helper_t
, NULL::TEXT AS cytotoxic_t
, NULL::TEXT AS comments
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into the FLOW_CYTOMETRY table');
Figure 6.90. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD View
Table 6.41. Columns in the DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
Flow_Date | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.Flow_Date | The date of the flow cytometric analysis. |
Monocytes | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.Monocytes | The percentage of PBMCs in this sample that were identified as monocytes. |
NK | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.NK | The percentage of PBMCs in this sample that were identified as natural killer cells. |
B | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.B | The percentage of PBMCs in this sample that were identified as B cells. |
Helper_T | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.Helper_T | The percentage of PBMCs in this sample that were identified as helper T cells. |
Cytotoxic_T | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.Cytotoxic_T | The percentage of PBMCs in this sample that were identified as cytotoxic T cells. |
Comments | FLOW_CYTOMETRY.Comments | Comments or miscellaneous information about this analysis. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_FLOW_CYTOMETRY_UPLOAD inserts a row into FLOW_CYTOMETRY as described above.
This view is used to insert data about the logistics of a darting, e.g. who was darted, when, which drug was used and how much, was additional anesthetic applied after the initial dart, etc.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns are used to insert a new row into DARTINGS, and into one or more new rows in ANESTHS.
This view includes three sets of three "extra_anesthN" columns, e.g. extra_anesth1, extra_anesth_time1, and extra_anesth_amt1. Each of these sets of three is used to describe a single administration of "extra" anasthetic after the initial dart, and is inserted as a new row in ANESTHS. Thus, a single row inserted in this view may include the addition of up to 3 rows in that table.
When one column of an "extra_anesthN" set is non-NULL
the others must also be non-NULL
For any given darting, the logistic data must be uploaded first. After that, data may be inserted into the other DART_xxx_UPLOAD views in any order.
Figure 6.91. Query Defining the DART_LOGISTICS_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS darttime
, NULL::TEXT AS downtime
, NULL::TEXT AS pickuptime
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdrug
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth1
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_time1
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_amt1
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth2
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_time2
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_amt2
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth3
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_time3
, NULL::TEXT AS extra_anesth_amt3
, NULL::TEXT AS other_notes
, NULL::TEXT AS comments
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_LOGISTICS_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.92. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_LOGISTICS_UPLOAD View
Table 6.42. Columns in the DART_LOGISTICS_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to validate the provided Sname value | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with the provided Sname. It is an error if not. |
Sname | DARTINGS.Sname | The BIOGRAPH.Sname of the darted individual. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to validate the provided Sname value | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with the provided Sname. It is an error if not. |
Dartdate | DARTINGS.Date | The date the individual was darted. |
Darttime | DARTINGS.Darttime | The time the individual was darted. |
Downtime | DARTINGS.Downtime | The time the individual succumbed to the anesthetic. |
Pickuptime | DARTINGS.Pickuptime | The time the individual was picked up by the darting team. |
Dartdrug | DARTINGS.Drug | The DRUGS.Drug of the anesthetic delivered by the dart. |
Extra_Anesth1 | ANESTHS.Drug | If extra anesthetic was administered, the DRUGS.Drug of that anesthetic. |
Extra_Anesth_Time1 | ANESTHS.Antime | If extra anasthetic was administered, the time of the administration. |
Extra_Anesth_Amt1 | ANESTHS.Anamount | If extra anasthetic was administered, the amount of anesthetic administered. |
Extra_Anesth2 | ANESTHS.Drug | If a second round of extra anesthetic was administered, the DRUGS.Drug of that anesthetic. |
Extra_Anesth_Time2 | ANESTHS.Antime | If a second round of extra anasthetic was administered, the time of the administration. |
Extra_Anesth_Amt2 | ANESTHS.Anamount | If a second round of extra anasthetic was administered, the amount of anesthetic administered. |
Extra_Anesth3 | ANESTHS.Drug | If a third round of extra anesthetic was administered, the DRUGS.Drug of that anesthetic. |
Extra_Anesth_Time3 | ANESTHS.Antime | If a third round of extra anasthetic was administered, the time of the administration. |
Extra_Anesth_Amt3 | ANESTHS.Anamount | If a third round of extra anasthetic was administered, the amount of anesthetic administered. |
Other_Notes | DARTINGS.Logisticnotes | Textual notes related to darting logistics. |
Comments | DARTINGS.Dartcomments | General comments on the darting. |
This view is used to insert data about morphology of a darted individual, e.g. body mass, chest circumference, ulna length, etc.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS and insert new rows into CROWNRUMPS, CHESTS, ULNAS, and HUMERUSES.
This view includes several sets of columns that allow the addition of multiple rows to the same table, e.g. Crownrump1 and Crobserver1, Crownrump2 and Crobserver2, etc. The column sets related to CROWNRUMPS are two columns each, while the sets for the other tables are three columns each. Each of these sets is used to describe a single measurement, and is inserted as a new row in its related table. Thus, a single row inserted in this view may include the addition of many rows in each related table.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
Figure 6.93. Query Defining the DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS bodymass
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump1
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver1
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump2
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver2
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump3
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver3
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump4
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver4
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump5
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver5
, NULL::TEXT AS crownrump6
, NULL::TEXT AS crobserver6
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum1
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum1
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver1
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum2
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum2
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver2
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum3
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum3
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver3
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum4
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum4
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver4
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum5
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum5
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver5
, NULL::TEXT AS chestcircum6
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_chestcircum6
, NULL::TEXT AS chobserver6
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna1
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna1
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver1
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna2
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna2
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver2
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna3
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna3
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver3
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna4
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna4
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver4
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna5
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna5
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver5
, NULL::TEXT AS ulna6
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_ulna6
, NULL::TEXT AS ulobserver6
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus1
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus1
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver1
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus2
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus2
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver2
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus3
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus3
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver3
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus4
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus4
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver4
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus5
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus5
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver5
, NULL::TEXT AS humerus6
, NULL::TEXT AS unadj_humerus6
, NULL::TEXT AS huobserver6
, NULL::TEXT AS crnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS chnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS ulnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS hunotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.94. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD View
Table 6.43. Columns in the DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
Bodymass | DARTINGS.Mass | The individual's mass, if it was recorded. |
Crownrump1 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The first crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver1 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the first crownrump measurement, if known. |
Crownrump2 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The second crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver2 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the second crownrump measurement, if known. |
Crownrump3 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The third crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver3 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the third crownrump measurement, if known. |
Crownrump4 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The fourth crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver4 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the fourth crownrump measurement, if known. |
Crownrump5 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The fifth crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver5 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the fifth crownrump measurement, if known. |
Crownrump6 | CROWNRUMPS.CRlength | The sixth crown-to-rump measurement, if it was recorded. |
Crobserver6 | CROWNRUMPS.CRobserver | The observer who took the sixth crownrump measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum1 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The first chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum1 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The first chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver1 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the first chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum2 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The second chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum2 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The second chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver2 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the second chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum3 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The third chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum3 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The third chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver3 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the third chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum4 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The fourth chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum4 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The fourth chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver4 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the fourth chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum5 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The fifth chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum5 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The fifth chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver5 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the fifth chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Chestcircum6 | CHESTS.Chcircum | The sixth chest circumference measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Chestcircum6 | CHESTS.Chunadjusted | The sixth chest circumference measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Chobserver6 | CHESTS.Chobserver | The observer of the sixth chest circumference measurement, if known. |
Ulna1 | ULNAS.Ullength | The first ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna1 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The first ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver1 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the first ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Ulna2 | ULNAS.Ullength | The second ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna2 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The second ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver2 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the second ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Ulna3 | ULNAS.Ullength | The third ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna3 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The third ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver3 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the third ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Ulna4 | ULNAS.Ullength | The fourth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna4 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The fourth ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver4 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the fourth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Ulna5 | ULNAS.Ullength | The fifth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna5 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The fifth ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver5 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the fifth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Ulna6 | ULNAS.Ullength | The sixth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Ulna6 | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted | The sixth ulna length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Ulobserver6 | ULNAS.Ulobserver | The observer of the sixth ulna length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus1 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The first humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus1 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The first humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver1 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the first humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus2 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The second humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus2 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The second humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver2 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the second humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus3 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The third humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus3 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The third humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver3 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the third humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus4 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The fourth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus4 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The fourth humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver4 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the fourth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus5 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The fifth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus5 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The fifth humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver5 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the fifth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Humerus6 | HUMERUSES.Hulength | The sixth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
Unadj_Humerus6 | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted | The sixth humerus length measurement, unadjusted, if any. |
Huobserver6 | HUMERUSES.Huobserver | The observer of the sixth humerus length measurement, if it was recorded. |
CRnotes | DARTINGS.CRnotes | Notes on the crown-to-rump measurements. |
Chnotes | DARTINGS.Chnotes | Notes on the chest circumference measurements. |
Ulnotes | DARTINGS.Ulnotes | Notes on the ulna length measurements. |
Hunotes | DARTINGS.Hunotes | Notes on the humerus length measurements. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_MORPHOLOGY_UPLOAD updates DARTINGS and inserts rows into multiple tables as described above.
This view is used to insert data about the physiology of a darted individual, e.g. packed cell volume, body temperature, pulse, etc.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS, insert a new row into DPHYS, and insert multiple new rows into PCVS and BODYTEMPS.
This view includes some columns or sets of columns that allow the addition of multiple rows to the same table. Specifically, each of the hematocritN columns is inserted in its own row in PCVS; and each bodytempN-bodytemptimeN pair is inserted in its own row in BODYTEMPS. Thus, a single row inserted in this view may include the addition of many rows in each related table.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
Figure 6.95. Query Defining the DART_PHYSIOLOGY_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS hematocrit1
, NULL::TEXT AS hematocrit2
, NULL::TEXT AS hematocrit3
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemp1
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemptime1
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemp2
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemptime2
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemp3
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytemptime3
, NULL::TEXT AS pulse
, NULL::TEXT AS respiration
, NULL::TEXT AS r_inguinal_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS l_inguinal_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS r_axillary_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS l_axillary_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS r_submandibular_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS l_submandibular_lymph
, NULL::TEXT AS other_notes_measures
, NULL::TEXT AS pcvnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS bodytempnotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_PHYSIOLOGY_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.96. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_PHYSIOLOGY_UPLOAD View
Table 6.44. Columns in the DART_PHYSIOLOGY_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
Hematocrit1 | PCVS.PCV | The first measurement of the individual's packed cell volume, if it was recorded. |
Hematocrit2 | PCVS.PCV | The second measurement of the individual's packed cell volume, if it was recorded. |
Hematocrit3 | PCVS.PCV | The third measurement of the individual's packed cell volume, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemp1 | BODYTEMPS.Btemp | The first measurement of the individual's body temperature, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemptime1 | BODYTEMPS.Bttime | The time that the first body temperature measurement was collected, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemp2 | BODYTEMPS.Btemp | The second measurement of the individual's body temperature, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemptime2 | BODYTEMPS.Bttime | The time that the second body temperature measurement was collected, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemp3 | BODYTEMPS.Btemp | The third measurement of the individual's body temperature, if it was recorded. |
Bodytemptime3 | BODYTEMPS.Bttime | The time that the third body temperature measurement was collected, if it was recorded. |
Pulse | DPHYS.Pulse | The individual's pulse, if it was recorded. |
Respiration | DPHYS.Respiration | The individual's respiration, if it was recorded. |
R_Inguinal_Lymph | DPHYS.Ringnode | State of the individual's right inguinal lymph node, if it was recorded. |
L_Inguinal_Lymph | DPHYS.Lingnode | State of the individual's left inguinal lymph node, if it was recorded. |
R_Axillary_Lymph | DPHYS.Raxnode | State of the individual's right axillary lymph node, if it was recorded. |
L_Axillary_Lymph | DPHYS.Laxnode | State of the individual's left axillary lymph node, if it was recorded. |
R_Submandibular_Lymph | DPHYS.Rsubmandnode | State of the individual's right submandibular lymph node, if it was recorded. |
L_Submandibular_Lymph | DPHYS.Lsubmandnode | State of the individual's left submandibular lymph node, if it was recorded. |
Other_Notes_Measures | DARTINGS.Dphysnotes | Notes on physiological features, if any. |
PCVnotes | DARTINGS.PCVnotes | Notes on the PCV measurements, if any. |
Bodytempnotes | DARTINGS.Bodytempnotes | Notes on the body temperature measurements, if any. |
This view is used to record the tissue samples collected during a darting, including both the sample type and the quantity collected.
Each row inserted into this view represents a specific sample type collected during a specific darting, and is inserted as single row into DART_SAMPLES. The related DARTINGS.Dsamplenotes for the specified darting may also be updated.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
This view will not overwrite data in DARTINGS.Dsamplenotes.
If a row has a non-NULL
Dsamplenotes, an error will be
returned if the darting's Dsamplenotes is already non-NULL
. This
may help prevent the addition of duplicate data.
Figure 6.97. Query Defining the DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS type_descr
, NULL::TEXT AS dsamplenotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.98. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD View
Table 6.45. Columns in the DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
Type_Descr | Nowhere; used to determine this row's DART_SAMPLES.DS_Type | The DART_SAMPLE_TYPES.Descr of this row's sample type |
Num | DART_SAMPLES.Num | The number of samples of this type that were collected. |
Dsamplenotes | DARTINGS.Dsamplenotes | Notes or comments about the samples or sample collection. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_SAMPLES_UPLOAD inserts a row into the DART_SAMPLES table as described above. It may also update a row in the DARTINGS table, as described below.
When the inserted row has a non-NULL
the related DARTINGS.Dsamplenotes for this darting is
updated with that value.
When multple rows from the same darting each have different Dsamplenotes values, each row's Dsamplenotes value replaces the notes from the previous row. Thus, if a single darting has comments/notes from multiple sample types, those comments should all be collated into the Dsamplenotes of a single row before insertion.
This view is used to insert data about the presence/absence and condition of a darted individual's teeth.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS and to insert data into TEETH. A single row inserted into this view may result in the addition of many rows into TEETH.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
This view includes a pair of columns for each tooth
recorded in TOOTHCODES: one for the tooth's
"state" and another for the tooth's "condition". The name of
each of these columns begins with its related Toothcode value. For example, given that
the Toothcode for the first left
upper incisor is lui1
, the two
columns containing data for that tooth are
lui1_tstate and lui1_tcondition, and
those columns' values can be used to insert a new TEETH row with Tooth =
Figure 6.99. Query Defining the DART_TEETH_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS rum3_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rum3_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rum2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rum2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rum1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rum1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rup2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rup2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rup1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rup1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS ruc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS ruc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rui2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rui2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rui1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rui1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lui1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lui1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lui2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lui2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS luc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS luc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lup1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lup1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lup2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lup2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lum1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lum1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lum2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lum2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lum3_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lum3_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llm3_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llm3_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llm2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llm2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llm1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llm1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llp2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llp2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llp1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llp1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS llc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS llc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lli2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lli2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS lli1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS lli1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rli1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rli1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rli2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rli2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlp1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlp1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlp2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlp2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm3_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS rlm3_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drum2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drum2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drum1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drum1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS druc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS druc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drui2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drui2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drui1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drui1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlui1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlui1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlui2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlui2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dluc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dluc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlum1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlum1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlum2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlum2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dllm2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dllm2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dllm1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dllm1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dllc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dllc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlli2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlli2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS dlli1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS dlli1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drli1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drli1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drli2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drli2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drlc_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drlc_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drlm1_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drlm1_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS drlm2_tstate
, NULL::TEXT AS drlm2_tcondition
, NULL::TEXT AS teethnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS caninenotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
'Cannot select DART_TEETH_UPLOAD'
|| ': The only use of the DART_TEETH_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.100. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_TEETH_UPLOAD View
Table 6.46. Columns in the DART_TEETH_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
TOOTHCODE_tstate | TEETH.Tstate | (Multiple columns, one for each Toothcode) The state of the tooth, e.g. present, erupting, missing, etc. |
TOOTHCODE_tcondition | TEETH.Tcondition | (Multiple columns, one for each Toothcode) The condition of the tooth, e.g. healthy, cracked, etc. |
Teethnotes | DARTINGS.Teethnotes | General notes about the teeth. |
Caninenotes | DARTINGS.Caninenotes | General notes about the canines. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_TEETH_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_TEETH_UPLOAD inserts one or more rows into TEETH as described above.
This view is used to insert data about the measured circumference of a darted individual's testes.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS and to insert data into TESTES_ARC. A single row inserted into this view may result in the addition of many rows into TESTES_ARC.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
This view includes several sets of three columns, in which each "set" records the data for a single testicle's measurement: a "side" column indicating which testicle is being measured (left or right), a "length" column, and a "width" column. Each of these three-column sets represents a single row that is inserted into TESTES_ARC.
To ensure compatibility with an earlier method of uploading these data, the names of the columns in each set specify a particular side, e.g. the LTestesSide1, LTestesLength1, and LTestesWidth1 columns are implied to only contain data about the left testicle. Regardless of the name of the column, it is the "side" column that truly indicates the side to which the set's data will be attributed.
If a single darting included more than twelve testicle measurements and you cannot fit them all in a single row of this view, insert another row into this view to insert up to twelve more.
Figure 6.101. Query Defining the DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS type_descr
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength6
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth6
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside6
, NULL::TEXT AS testesnotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.102. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD View
Table 6.47. Columns in the DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
LTestesSideN | TESTES_ARC.Testside | Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
L be supplied, indicating the
length and width are of the left testicle. |
LTestesLengthN | TESTES_ARC.Testlength | The measured length of the testicle. |
LTestesWidthN | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth | The measured width of the testicle. |
RTestesSideN | TESTES_ARC.Testside | Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
R be supplied, indicating the
length and width are of the right testicle. |
RTestesLengthN | TESTES_ARC.Testlength | The measured length of the testicle. |
RTestesWidthN | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth | The measured width of the testicle. |
Other_Notes_Measures | DARTINGS.Testesnotes | Notes regarding any of these testicle measurements. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_TESTES_ARC_UPLOAD inserts rows into TESTES_ARC as described above.
This view is used to insert data about the measured diameter of a darted individual's testes.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS and to insert data into TESTES_DIAM. A single row inserted into this view may result in the addition of many rows into TESTES_DIAM.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
This view includes several sets of three columns, in which each "set" records the data for a single testicle's measurement: a "side" column indicating which testicle is being measured (left or right), a "length" column, and a "width" column. Each of these three-column sets represents a single row that is inserted into TESTES_DIAM.
To ensure compatibility with an earlier method of uploading these data, the names of the columns in each set specify a particular side, e.g. the LTestesSide1, LTestesLength1, and LTestesWidth1 columns are implied to only contain data about the left testicle. Regardless of the name of the column, it is the "side" column that truly indicates the side to which the set's data will be attributed.
If a single darting included more than twelve testicle measurements and you cannot fit them all in a single row of this view, insert another row into this view to insert up to twelve more.
Figure 6.103. Query Defining the DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS type_descr
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth1
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside1
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth2
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside2
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth3
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside3
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth4
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside4
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth5
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside5
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteslength6
, NULL::TEXT AS ltesteswidth6
, NULL::TEXT AS ltestesside6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteslength6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtesteswidth6
, NULL::TEXT AS rtestesside6
, NULL::TEXT AS testesnotes
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.104. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD View
Table 6.48. Columns in the DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
LTestesSideN | TESTES_DIAM.Testside | Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
L be supplied, indicating the
length and width are of the left testicle. |
LTestesLengthN | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength | The measured length of the testicle. |
LTestesWidthN | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth | The measured width of the testicle. |
RTestesSideN | TESTES_DIAM.Testside | Indication of left or right testicle. It is
presumed but not required that a value of
R be supplied, indicating the
length and width are of the right testicle. |
RTestesLengthN | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength | The measured length of the testicle. |
RTestesWidthN | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth | The measured width of the testicle. |
Other_Notes_Measures | DARTINGS.Testesnotes | Notes regarding any of these testicle measurements. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_TESTES_DIAM_UPLOAD inserts rows into TESTES_DIAM as described above.
This view is used to insert data about the parasite infestation (or lack thereof) of a darted individual.
Each row inserted into this view represents the parasite count of a specific body part, counted during the indicated darting. The values in each of the columns may be used to update data in DARTINGS but are mostly used to insert data into the TICKS table. A single row inserted into this view corresponds to the addition of a single row into TICKS.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
This view will not overwrite data in DARTINGS.Ticknotes. If
a row has a non-NULL
Other_Notes_Measures, an error will be
returned if the darting's Ticknotes
is already non-NULL
. This may help prevent the addition of
duplicate data.
Because much of the darting data can involve collection of multiple sets of repeated data per darting, there are few checks which can prevent duplicate data.
For example, there are no restrictions which require that all the data which pertain to a given darting be recorded in contiguous rows so repetition of a darting in a later part of an uploaded file is not detected. Care must be taken not to upload the same data twice.
Figure 6.105. Query Defining the DART_TICKS_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS pcount
, NULL::TEXT AS bodypart
, NULL::TEXT AS pkind
, NULL::TEXT AS pstatus
, NULL::TEXT AS pnotes
, NULL::TEXT AS other_notes_measures
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
'Cannot select DART_TICKS_UPLOAD'
|| ': The only use of the DART_TICKS_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.106. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_TICKS_UPLOAD View
Table 6.49. Columns in the DART_TICKS_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
PCount | TICKS.Tickcount | The number of parasites found on the designated body part. |
Bodypart | TICKS.Bodypart | The body part examined for parasites. |
Pkind | TICKS.Tickkind | The kind of parasite counted. |
Pstatus | TICKS.Tickstatus | The classification of the count itself. |
Pnotes | TICKS.Tickbpnotes | Notes on this count of this parasite type on this body part. |
Other_Notes_Measures | DARTINGS.Ticknotes | General notes on the counting of ticks and other parasites. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_TICKS_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_TICKS_UPLOAD inserts rows into TICKS as described above. It may also update a row in DARTINGS, as described below.
When the inserted row has a non-NULL
Other_Notes_Measures, the related DARTINGS.Ticknotes
for this darting is updated with that value.
When multiple rows from the same darting each have different Other_Notes_Measures values, each row's Other_Notes_Measures value replaces the note from the previous row. Thus, if a single darting has comments/notes from multiple body parts or parasite types, those comments should all be collated into the Other_Notes_Measures of a single row before insertion.
This view is used to insert data about the vaginal pH of a darted individual.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single pH measurement performed during a darting, that is, a single row in the VAGINAL_PHS table.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
Figure 6.107. Query Defining the DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into its related tables');
Figure 6.108. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD View
Table 6.50. Columns in the DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
PH | VAGINAL_PHS.PH | The vaginal pH measurement. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_VAGINAL_PHS_UPLOAD inserts a row into VAGINAL_PHS as described above.
This view is used to insert data about white blood cell counts performed on blood smears that were collected during a darting.
Each row inserted into this view represents a single count of a blood smear. That is, a single row in the WBC_COUNTS table.
The Name, Sname, Sex, and Dartdate columns are not inserted anywhere. Instead, they are used to identify the darting — that is, to identify the appopriate DARTINGS.Dartid — to which all the row's data belong. As discussed earlier, it is important that the darting event be added to DARTINGS before adding data via this view.
Figure 6.109. Query Defining the DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD View
, NULL::TEXT AS sname
, NULL::TEXT AS dartdate
, NULL::TEXT AS count_date
, NULL::TEXT AS basophils
, NULL::TEXT AS eosinophils
, NULL::TEXT AS monocytes
, NULL::TEXT AS lymphocytes
, NULL::TEXT AS neutrophils
, NULL::TEXT AS counted_by
, NULL::TEXT AS slide_number
, NULL::TEXT AS comments
WHERE _raise_babase_exception(
|| ': The only use of the DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD view is to insert'
|| ' new data into the WBC_COUNTS table');
Figure 6.110. Entity Relationship Diagram of the DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD View
Table 6.51. Columns in the DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD View
Column | Uploads into | Description |
Name | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Name associated with this darting's Sname. |
Sname | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | This darting's Sname. |
Sex | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The BIOGRAPH.Sex associated with this darting's Sname. |
Dartdate | Nowhere; used to determine this darting's Dartid | The Date of the darting. |
Count_Date | WBC_COUNTS.Count_Date | The date that the blood smear was counted. |
Basophils | WBC_COUNTS.Basophils | The number of basophils counted. |
Eosinophils | WBC_COUNTS.Eosinophils | The number of eosinophils counted. |
Monocytes | WBC_COUNTS.Monocytes | The number of monocytes counted. |
Lymphocytes | WBC_COUNTS.Lymphocytes | The number of lymphocytes counted. |
Neutrophils | WBC_COUNTS.Neutrophils | The number of neutrophils counted. |
Counted_By | WBC_COUNTS.Counted_By | The initials of the person who performed this count. |
Slide_number | WBC_COUNTS.Slide_number | An integer indicating which of this darting's blood smear slides was counted for this row.. |
Comments | WBC_COUNTS.Comments | Comments or miscellaneous information about the counts on this slide. |
Only INSERT is allowed on DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD; SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed. Inserting a row into DART_WBC_COUNTS_UPLOAD inserts a row into WBC_COUNTS as described above.
Contains one row for every darting.[273] Each row contains columns from DART_SAMPLES for every existing DART_SAMPLES.DS_Type. This shows all samples
collected during the given darting in one row. When there is
no information about how many of a particular DS_Type were collected, the column
indicating that sample type is NULL
One column appears in DSAMPLES for each DART_SAMPLE_TYPES.DS_Type.
Figure 6.111. Query Defining the DSAMPLES View
SELECT dartings.dartid
, dartings.sname
, members.grp
, blood_unspecs.num AS bloodunspec
, blood_paxgenes.num AS bloodpaxgene
, blood_purpletops.num AS bloodpurpletops
, blood_separators.num AS bloodseptube
, blood_cpts.num AS bloodcpt
, blood_trucultures.num AS bloodtruculture
, blood_smears.num AS bloodsmear
, tc_bloods.num AS tcblood
, hair_unspecs.num AS hairunspec
, hair_lengths.num AS hairlength
, hair_cu_zns.num AS haircu_zn
, teeth_3mouths.num AS mouthphotos3
, teeth_lmandmolds.num AS lmandmold
, teeth_lmaxmolds.num AS lmaxillamold
, teeth_lmol1mol2s.num AS lm1m2siliconemold
, skin_punchs.num AS skinpunch
, tc_skins.num AS tcskin
, vag_swabs.num AS vaginalswab
, cerv_swabs.num AS cervicalswab
, fecal_formalin.num AS fecal_formalin
, palm_swab.num AS palm_swab
, tongue_swab.num AS tongue_swab
, tooth_plaque_swab.num as tooth_plaque_swab
, vagswab_microbiome.num AS vagswab_microbiome
, glans_penis_swab.num AS glans_penis_swab
, fecal_microbiome.num AS fecal_microbiome
, nostrils_swab.num AS nostrils_swab
, skin_behind_ear_swab.num AS skin_behind_ear_swab
, skin_inside_elbow_swab.num AS skin_inside_elbow_swab
FROM dartings
JOIN members
ON dartings.sname = members.sname
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_unspecs
ON dartings.dartid = blood_unspecs.dartid
AND blood_unspecs.ds_type = 1
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_paxgenes
ON dartings.dartid = blood_paxgenes.dartid
AND blood_paxgenes.ds_type = 2
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_purpletops
ON dartings.dartid = blood_purpletops.dartid
AND blood_purpletops.ds_type = 3
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_separators
ON dartings.dartid = blood_separators.dartid
AND blood_separators.ds_type = 4
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_cpts
ON dartings.dartid = blood_cpts.dartid
AND blood_cpts.ds_type = 5
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_trucultures
ON dartings.dartid = blood_trucultures.dartid
AND blood_trucultures.ds_type = 6
LEFT JOIN dart_samples blood_smears
ON dartings.dartid = blood_smears.dartid
AND blood_smears.ds_type = 7
LEFT JOIN dart_samples hair_unspecs
ON dartings.dartid = hair_unspecs.dartid
AND hair_unspecs.ds_type = 8
LEFT JOIN dart_samples hair_lengths
ON dartings.dartid = hair_lengths.dartid
AND hair_lengths.ds_type = 9
LEFT JOIN dart_samples hair_cu_zns
ON dartings.dartid = hair_cu_zns.dartid
AND hair_cu_zns.ds_type = 10
LEFT JOIN dart_samples teeth_3mouths
ON dartings.dartid = teeth_3mouths.dartid
AND teeth_3mouths.ds_type = 11
LEFT JOIN dart_samples teeth_lmandmolds
ON dartings.dartid = teeth_lmandmolds.dartid
AND teeth_lmandmolds.ds_type = 12
LEFT JOIN dart_samples teeth_lmaxmolds
ON dartings.dartid = teeth_lmaxmolds.dartid
AND teeth_lmaxmolds.ds_type = 13
LEFT JOIN dart_samples teeth_lmol1mol2s
ON dartings.dartid = teeth_lmol1mol2s.dartid
AND teeth_lmol1mol2s.ds_type = 14
LEFT JOIN dart_samples skin_punchs
ON dartings.dartid = skin_punchs.dartid
AND skin_punchs.ds_type = 15
LEFT JOIN dart_samples vag_swabs
ON dartings.dartid = vag_swabs.dartid
AND vag_swabs.ds_type = 16
LEFT JOIN dart_samples cerv_swabs
ON dartings.dartid = cerv_swabs.dartid
AND cerv_swabs.ds_type = 17
LEFT JOIN dart_samples tc_bloods
ON dartings.dartid = tc_bloods.dartid
AND tc_bloods.ds_type = 18
LEFT JOIN dart_samples tc_skins
ON dartings.dartid = tc_skins.dartid
AND tc_skins.ds_type = 19
LEFT JOIN dart_samples fecal_formalin
ON dartings.dartid = fecal_formalin.dartid
AND fecal_formalin.ds_type = 20
LEFT JOIN dart_samples palm_swab
ON dartings.dartid = palm_swab.dartid
AND palm_swab.ds_type = 22
LEFT JOIN dart_samples tongue_swab
ON dartings.dartid = tongue_swab.dartid
AND tongue_swab.ds_type = 23
LEFT JOIN dart_samples tooth_plaque_swab
ON dartings.dartid = tooth_plaque_swab.dartid
AND tooth_plaque_swab.ds_type = 24
LEFT JOIN dart_samples vagswab_microbiome
ON dartings.dartid = vagswab_microbiome.dartid
AND vagswab_microbiome.ds_type = 25
LEFT JOIN dart_samples glans_penis_swab
ON dartings.dartid = glans_penis_swab.dartid
AND glans_penis_swab.ds_type = 26
LEFT JOIN dart_samples fecal_microbiome
ON dartings.dartid = fecal_microbiome.dartid
AND fecal_microbiome.ds_type = 27
LEFT JOIN dart_samples nostrils_swab
ON dartings.dartid = nostrils_swab.dartid
AND nostrils_swab.ds_type = 28
LEFT JOIN dart_samples skin_behind_ear_swab
ON dartings.dartid = skin_behind_ear_swab.dartid
AND skin_behind_ear_swab.ds_type = 29
LEFT JOIN dart_samples skin_inside_elbow_swab
ON dartings.dartid = skin_inside_elbow_swab.dartid
AND skin_inside_elbow_swab.ds_type = 30;
Because most of the columns in DSAMPLES are based on the rows present in DART_SAMPLE_TYPES there is not a description of
each column here. For columns indicating a number of a
number of collected samples, the column name is always an
abbreviated version of the DS_Type description. For
will be counted in the
DSAMPLES.Lmandmold column. These columns are described below
in a generic fashion.
Table 6.52. Columns in the DSAMPLES View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | DARTINGS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Sname | DARTINGS.Sname | The Sname of the darted individual. |
Date | DARTINGS.Date | The date of the darting. |
Grp | MEMBERS.Grp | The study group the individual was in, on the darting date. |
[Sample counts] | DART_SAMPLES.Num | The number of samples collected of the type indicated by the column name. |
Contains one row for every darting during which
dentition information was taken.[274] Each row contains columns from TEETH for every existing TOOTHCODES.Toothcode
value. This shows all the tooth-related information
collecting during the given darting as one row, in a fashion
that is structured based on the teeth found in baboons.
When there is no information on a particular tooth the
values in the columns having to do with that tooth are
Two columns appear in DENT_CODES for every TOOTHCODES.Toothcode
value. A column named TCtstate
, where the
value replaces the letters “TC”, shows the TEETH.Tstate of the tooth.
A column named TCtcondition
, where the
value replaces the letters “TC”, shows the TEETH.Tcondition of the
Adding or deleting TOOTHCODES.Toothcode does not automatically change the DENT_CODES view. The view must be manually re-coded to reflect changes made to TOOTHCODES.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.112. Query Defining the DENT_CODES View
SELECT teethdartids.dartid AS dartid
, rum3.rum3tstate AS rum3tstate
, rum3.rum3tcondition AS rum3tcondition
, rum2.rum2tstate AS rum2tstate
, rum2.rum2tcondition AS rum2tcondition
, rum1.rum1tstate AS rum1tstate
, rum1.rum1tcondition AS rum1tcondition
, rup2.rup2tstate AS rup2tstate
, rup2.rup2tcondition AS rup2tcondition
, rup1.rup1tstate AS rup1tstate
, rup1.rup1tcondition AS rup1tcondition
, ruc.ructstate AS ructstate
, ruc.ructcondition AS ructcondition
, rui2.rui2tstate AS rui2tstate
, rui2.rui2tcondition AS rui2tcondition
, rui1.rui1tstate AS rui1tstate
, rui1.rui1tcondition AS rui1tcondition
, lui1.lui1tstate AS lui1tstate
, lui1.lui1tcondition AS lui1tcondition
, lui2.lui2tstate AS lui2tstate
, lui2.lui2tcondition AS lui2tcondition
, luc.luctstate AS luctstate
, luc.luctcondition AS luctcondition
, lup1.lup1tstate AS lup1tstate
, lup1.lup1tcondition AS lup1tcondition
, lup2.lup2tstate AS lup2tstate
, lup2.lup2tcondition AS lup2tcondition
, lum1.lum1tstate AS lum1tstate
, lum1.lum1tcondition AS lum1tcondition
, lum2.lum2tstate AS lum2tstate
, lum2.lum2tcondition AS lum2tcondition
, lum3.lum3tstate AS lum3tstate
, lum3.lum3tcondition AS lum3tcondition
, llm3.llm3tstate AS llm3tstate
, llm3.llm3tcondition AS llm3tcondition
, llm2.llm2tstate AS llm2tstate
, llm2.llm2tcondition AS llm2tcondition
, llm1.llm1tstate AS llm1tstate
, llm1.llm1tcondition AS llm1tcondition
, llp2.llp2tstate AS llp2tstate
, llp2.llp2tcondition AS llp2tcondition
, llp1.llp1tstate AS llp1tstate
, llp1.llp1tcondition AS llp1tcondition
, llc.llctstate AS llctstate
, llc.llctcondition AS llctcondition
, lli2.lli2tstate AS lli2tstate
, lli2.lli2tcondition AS lli2tcondition
, lli1.lli1tstate AS lli1tstate
, lli1.lli1tcondition AS lli1tcondition
, rli1.rli1tstate AS rli1tstate
, rli1.rli1tcondition AS rli1tcondition
, rli2.rli2tstate AS rli2tstate
, rli2.rli2tcondition AS rli2tcondition
, rlc.rlctstate AS rlctstate
, rlc.rlctcondition AS rlctcondition
, rlp1.rlp1tstate AS rlp1tstate
, rlp1.rlp1tcondition AS rlp1tcondition
, rlp2.rlp2tstate AS rlp2tstate
, rlp2.rlp2tcondition AS rlp2tcondition
, rlm1.rlm1tstate AS rlm1tstate
, rlm1.rlm1tcondition AS rlm1tcondition
, rlm2.rlm2tstate AS rlm2tstate
, rlm2.rlm2tcondition AS rlm2tcondition
, rlm3.rlm3tstate AS rlm3tstate
, rlm3.rlm3tcondition AS rlm3tcondition
, drum2.drum2tstate AS drum2tstate
, drum2.drum2tcondition AS drum2tcondition
, drum1.drum1tstate AS drum1tstate
, drum1.drum1tcondition AS drum1tcondition
, druc.dructstate AS dructstate
, druc.dructcondition AS dructcondition
, drui2.drui2tstate AS drui2tstate
, drui2.drui2tcondition AS drui2tcondition
, drui1.drui1tstate AS drui1tstate
, drui1.drui1tcondition AS drui1tcondition
, dlui1.dlui1tstate AS dlui1tstate
, dlui1.dlui1tcondition AS dlui1tcondition
, dlui2.dlui2tstate AS dlui2tstate
, dlui2.dlui2tcondition AS dlui2tcondition
, dluc.dluctstate AS dluctstate
, dluc.dluctcondition AS dluctcondition
, dlum1.dlum1tstate AS dlum1tstate
, dlum1.dlum1tcondition AS dlum1tcondition
, dlum2.dlum2tstate AS dlum2tstate
, dlum2.dlum2tcondition AS dlum2tcondition
, dllm2.dllm2tstate AS dllm2tstate
, dllm2.dllm2tcondition AS dllm2tcondition
, dllm1.dllm1tstate AS dllm1tstate
, dllm1.dllm1tcondition AS dllm1tcondition
, dllc.dllctstate AS dllctstate
, dllc.dllctcondition AS dllctcondition
, dlli2.dlli2tstate AS dlli2tstate
, dlli2.dlli2tcondition AS dlli2tcondition
, dlli1.dlli1tstate AS dlli1tstate
, dlli1.dlli1tcondition AS dlli1tcondition
, drli1.drli1tstate AS drli1tstate
, drli1.drli1tcondition AS drli1tcondition
, drli2.drli2tstate AS drli2tstate
, drli2.drli2tcondition AS drli2tcondition
, drlc.drlctstate AS drlctstate
, drlc.drlctcondition AS drlctcondition
, drlm1.drlm1tstate AS drlm1tstate
, drlm1.drlm1tcondition AS drlm1tcondition
, drlm2.drlm2tstate AS drlm2tstate
, drlm2.drlm2tcondition AS drlm2tcondition
FROM (SELECT teeth.dartid
FROM teeth
GROUP BY teeth.dartid)
AS teethdartids
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum3dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rum3tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rum3tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum3')
AS rum3
ON rum3.rum3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rum2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rum2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum2')
AS rum2
ON rum2.rum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rum1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rum1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rum1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rum1')
AS rum1
ON rum1.rum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rup2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rup2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rup2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rup2')
AS rup2
ON rup2.rup2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rup1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rup1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rup1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rup1')
AS rup1
ON rup1.rup1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rucdartid
, teeth.tstate AS ructstate
, teeth.tcondition AS ructcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'ruc')
AS ruc
ON ruc.rucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rui2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rui2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rui2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rui2')
AS rui2
ON rui2.rui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rui1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rui1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rui1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rui1')
AS rui1
ON rui1.rui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lui1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lui1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lui1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lui1')
AS lui1
ON lui1.lui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lui2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lui2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lui2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lui2')
AS lui2
ON lui2.lui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lucdartid
, teeth.tstate AS luctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS luctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'luc')
AS luc
ON luc.lucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lup1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lup1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lup1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lup1')
AS lup1
ON lup1.lup1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lup2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lup2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lup2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lup2')
AS lup2
ON lup2.lup2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lum1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lum1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum1')
AS lum1
ON lum1.lum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lum2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lum2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum2')
AS lum2
ON lum2.lum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lum3dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lum3tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lum3tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lum3')
AS lum3
ON lum3.lum3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm3dartid
, teeth.tstate AS llm3tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llm3tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm3')
AS llm3
ON llm3.llm3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS llm2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llm2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm2')
AS llm2
ON llm2.llm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llm1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS llm1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llm1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llm1')
AS llm1
ON llm1.llm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llp2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS llp2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llp2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llp2')
AS llp2
ON llp2.llp2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llp1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS llp1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llp1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llp1')
AS llp1
ON llp1.llp1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS llcdartid
, teeth.tstate AS llctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS llctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'llc')
AS llc
ON llc.llcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lli2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lli2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lli2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lli2')
AS lli2
ON lli2.lli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS lli1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS lli1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS lli1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'lli1')
AS lli1
ON lli1.lli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rli1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rli1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rli1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rli1')
AS rli1
ON rli1.rli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rli2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rli2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rli2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rli2')
AS rli2
ON rli2.rli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlcdartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlc')
AS rlc
ON rlc.rlcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlp1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlp1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlp1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlp1')
AS rlp1
ON rlp1.rlp1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlp2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlp2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlp2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlp2')
AS rlp2
ON rlp2.rlp2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlm1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlm1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm1')
AS rlm1
ON rlm1.rlm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlm2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlm2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm2')
AS rlm2
ON rlm2.rlm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS rlm3dartid
, teeth.tstate AS rlm3tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS rlm3tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'rlm3')
AS rlm3
ON rlm3.rlm3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drum2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drum2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drum2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drum2')
AS drum2
ON drum2.drum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drum1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drum1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drum1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drum1')
AS drum1
ON drum1.drum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drucdartid
, teeth.tstate AS dructstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dructcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'druc')
AS druc
ON druc.drucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drui2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drui2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drui2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drui2')
AS drui2
ON drui2.drui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drui1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drui1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drui1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drui1')
AS drui1
ON drui1.drui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlui1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlui1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlui1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlui1')
AS dlui1
ON dlui1.dlui1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlui2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlui2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlui2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlui2')
AS dlui2
ON dlui2.dlui2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlucdartid
, teeth.tstate AS dluctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dluctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dluc')
AS dluc
ON dluc.dlucdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlum1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlum1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlum1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlum1')
AS dlum1
ON dlum1.dlum1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlum2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlum2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlum2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlum2')
AS dlum2
ON dlum2.dlum2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllm2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dllm2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dllm2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllm2')
AS dllm2
ON dllm2.dllm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllm1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dllm1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dllm1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllm1')
AS dllm1
ON dllm1.dllm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dllcdartid
, teeth.tstate AS dllctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dllctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dllc')
AS dllc
ON dllc.dllcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlli2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlli2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlli2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlli2')
AS dlli2
ON dlli2.dlli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS dlli1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS dlli1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS dlli1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'dlli1')
AS dlli1
ON dlli1.dlli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drli1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drli1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drli1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drli1')
AS drli1
ON drli1.drli1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drli2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drli2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drli2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drli2')
AS drli2
ON drli2.drli2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlcdartid
, teeth.tstate AS drlctstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drlctcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlc')
AS drlc
ON drlc.drlcdartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlm1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drlm1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drlm1tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlm1')
AS drlm1
ON drlm1.drlm1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS drlm2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS drlm2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS drlm2tcondition
FROM teeth
WHERE teeth.tooth = 'drlm2')
AS drlm2
ON drlm2.drlm2dartid = teethdartids.dartid;
Because the columns in DENT_CODES are based on the rows present in TOOTHCODES there is not a description of each column here. Instead, the columns based on TOOTHCODES.Toothcode are described below in a generic fashion. Each such column is prefaced here with “TC”, which is replaced by a TOOTHCODES.Toothcode value in the actual column name.
Contains one row for every darting during which
dentition information was taken.[275] Each row contains columns from TEETH and TOOTHCODES tables
for every existing TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value. This shows all the
tooth-related information collecting during the given
darting as one row, in a fashion that is structured around
the position of the teeth within the mouth. When there is
no information on a particular tooth the values in the
columns having to do with that tooth are NULL
Three columns appear in DENT_SITES for every TOOTHCODES.Toothsite
value. A column named TStstate
, where the
letter s
followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite
value replaces the letters “TS”[276], shows the TEETH.Tstate of the tooth. A column named
, where the letter
followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite
value replaces the letters “TS”, shows the TEETH.Tcondition of the
tooth. And a column named TSdeciduous
where the letter s
followed by the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite
value replaces the letters “TS”, shows the TOOTHCODES.Deciduous
value for the tooth.
Adding or deleting TOOTHCODES.Toothcode, or changing the TOOTHCODES.Toothsite does not automatically change the DENT_SITES view. The view must be manually re-coded to reflect changes made to TOOTHCODES.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.114. Query Defining the DENT_SITES View
SELECT teethdartids.dartid AS dartid
, s1.s1tstate AS s1tstate
, s1.s1tcondition AS s1tcondition
, s1.s1deciduous AS s1deciduous
, s2.s2tstate AS s2tstate
, s2.s2tcondition AS s2tcondition
, s2.s2deciduous AS s2deciduous
, s3.s3tstate AS s3tstate
, s3.s3tcondition AS s3tcondition
, s3.s3deciduous AS s3deciduous
, s4.s4tstate AS s4tstate
, s4.s4tcondition AS s4tcondition
, s4.s4deciduous AS s4deciduous
, s5.s5tstate AS s5tstate
, s5.s5tcondition AS s5tcondition
, s5.s5deciduous AS s5deciduous
, s6.s6tstate AS s6tstate
, s6.s6tcondition AS s6tcondition
, s6.s6deciduous AS s6deciduous
, s7.s7tstate AS s7tstate
, s7.s7tcondition AS s7tcondition
, s7.s7deciduous AS s7deciduous
, s8.s8tstate AS s8tstate
, s8.s8tcondition AS s8tcondition
, s8.s8deciduous AS s8deciduous
, s9.s9tstate AS s9tstate
, s9.s9tcondition AS s9tcondition
, s9.s9deciduous AS s9deciduous
, s10.s10tstate AS s10tstate
, s10.s10tcondition AS s10tcondition
, s10.s10deciduous AS s10deciduous
, s11.s11tstate AS s11tstate
, s11.s11tcondition AS s11tcondition
, s11.s11deciduous AS s11deciduous
, s12.s12tstate AS s12tstate
, s12.s12tcondition AS s12tcondition
, s12.s12deciduous AS s12deciduous
, s13.s13tstate AS s13tstate
, s13.s13tcondition AS s13tcondition
, s13.s13deciduous AS s13deciduous
, s14.s14tstate AS s14tstate
, s14.s14tcondition AS s14tcondition
, s14.s14deciduous AS s14deciduous
, s15.s15tstate AS s15tstate
, s15.s15tcondition AS s15tcondition
, s15.s15deciduous AS s15deciduous
, s16.s16tstate AS s16tstate
, s16.s16tcondition AS s16tcondition
, s16.s16deciduous AS s16deciduous
, s17.s17tstate AS s17tstate
, s17.s17tcondition AS s17tcondition
, s17.s17deciduous AS s17deciduous
, s18.s18tstate AS s18tstate
, s18.s18tcondition AS s18tcondition
, s18.s18deciduous AS s18deciduous
, s19.s19tstate AS s19tstate
, s19.s19tcondition AS s19tcondition
, s19.s19deciduous AS s19deciduous
, s20.s20tstate AS s20tstate
, s20.s20tcondition AS s20tcondition
, s20.s20deciduous AS s20deciduous
, s21.s21tstate AS s21tstate
, s21.s21tcondition AS s21tcondition
, s21.s21deciduous AS s21deciduous
, s22.s22tstate AS s22tstate
, s22.s22tcondition AS s22tcondition
, s22.s22deciduous AS s22deciduous
, s23.s23tstate AS s23tstate
, s23.s23tcondition AS s23tcondition
, s23.s23deciduous AS s23deciduous
, s24.s24tstate AS s24tstate
, s24.s24tcondition AS s24tcondition
, s24.s24deciduous AS s24deciduous
, s25.s25tstate AS s25tstate
, s25.s25tcondition AS s25tcondition
, s25.s25deciduous AS s25deciduous
, s26.s26tstate AS s26tstate
, s26.s26tcondition AS s26tcondition
, s26.s26deciduous AS s26deciduous
, s27.s27tstate AS s27tstate
, s27.s27tcondition AS s27tcondition
, s27.s27deciduous AS s27deciduous
, s28.s28tstate AS s28tstate
, s28.s28tcondition AS s28tcondition
, s28.s28deciduous AS s28deciduous
, s29.s29tstate AS s29tstate
, s29.s29tcondition AS s29tcondition
, s29.s29deciduous AS s29deciduous
, s30.s30tstate AS s30tstate
, s30.s30tcondition AS s30tcondition
, s30.s30deciduous AS s30deciduous
, s31.s31tstate AS s31tstate
, s31.s31tcondition AS s31tcondition
, s31.s31deciduous AS s31deciduous
, s32.s32tstate AS s32tstate
, s32.s32tcondition AS s32tcondition
, s32.s32deciduous AS s32deciduous
FROM (SELECT teeth.dartid
FROM teeth
GROUP BY teeth.dartid)
AS teethdartids
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s1dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s1tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s1tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s1deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '1'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s1
ON s1.s1dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s2dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s2tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s2tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s2deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '2'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s2
ON s2.s2dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s3dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s3tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s3tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s3deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '3'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s3
ON s3.s3dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s4dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s4tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s4tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s4deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '4'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s4
ON s4.s4dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s5dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s5tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s5tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s5deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '5'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s5
ON s5.s5dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s6dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s6tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s6tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s6deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '6'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s6
ON s6.s6dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s7dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s7tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s7tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s7deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '7'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s7
ON s7.s7dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s8dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s8tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s8tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s8deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '8'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s8
ON s8.s8dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s9dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s9tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s9tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s9deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '9'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s9
ON s9.s9dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s10dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s10tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s10tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s10deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '10'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s10
ON s10.s10dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s11dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s11tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s11tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s11deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '11'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s11
ON s11.s11dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s12dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s12tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s12tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s12deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '12'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s12
ON s12.s12dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s13dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s13tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s13tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s13deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '13'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s13
ON s13.s13dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s14dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s14tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s14tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s14deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '14'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s14
ON s14.s14dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s15dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s15tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s15tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s15deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '15'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s15
ON s15.s15dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s16dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s16tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s16tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s16deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '16'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s16
ON s16.s16dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s17dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s17tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s17tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s17deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '17'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s17
ON s17.s17dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s18dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s18tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s18tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s18deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '18'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s18
ON s18.s18dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s19dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s19tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s19tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s19deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '19'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s19
ON s19.s19dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s20dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s20tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s20tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s20deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '20'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s20
ON s20.s20dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s21dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s21tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s21tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s21deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '21'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s21
ON s21.s21dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s22dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s22tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s22tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s22deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '22'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s22
ON s22.s22dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s23dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s23tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s23tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s23deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '23'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s23
ON s23.s23dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s24dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s24tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s24tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s24deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '24'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s24
ON s24.s24dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s25dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s25tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s25tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s25deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '25'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s25
ON s25.s25dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s26dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s26tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s26tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s26deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '26'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s26
ON s26.s26dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s27dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s27tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s27tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s27deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '27'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s27
ON s27.s27dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s28dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s28tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s28tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s28deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '28'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s28
ON s28.s28dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s29dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s29tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s29tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s29deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '29'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s29
ON s29.s29dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s30dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s30tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s30tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s30deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '30'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s30
ON s30.s30dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s31dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s31tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s31tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s31deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '31'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s31
ON s31.s31dartid = teethdartids.dartid
(SELECT teeth.dartid AS s32dartid
, teeth.tstate AS s32tstate
, teeth.tcondition AS s32tcondition
, toothcodes.deciduous AS s32deciduous
FROM toothcodes, teeth
WHERE toothcodes.toothsite = '32'
AND teeth.tooth = toothcodes.tooth)
AS s32
ON s32.s32dartid = teethdartids.dartid;
Because the columns in DENT_SITES
are based on the rows present in TOOTHCODES there is not a description of each
column here. Instead, the columns based on TOOTHCODES.Toothsite are described below in a
generic fashion. Each such column is prefaced here with
“TS”, which is replaced by the letter
followed by a TOOTHCODES.Toothsite value in the actual column
Table 6.54. Columns in the DENT_SITES View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | TEETH.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
TStstate | TEETH.Tstate | Code indicating the degree to which the tooth
exists. When NULL no information on the tooth was
recorded during the darting. |
TStcondition | TEETH.Tcondition | Code indicating the condition of the tooth. |
TSdeciduous | TOOTHCODES.Deciduous | True when the tooth is
deciduous, False when it is
not. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the HUMERUSES table.[277] Each row statistically summarizes the HUMERUSES rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.116. Query Defining the HUMERUS_STATS View
SELECT humeruses.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS husamps
, avg(humeruses.hulength) AS hulength_mean
, stddev(humeruses.hulength) AS hulength_stddev
, avg(humeruses.huunadjusted) AS huunadjusted_mean
, stddev(humeruses.huunadjusted) AS huunadjusted_stddev
FROM humeruses
GROUP BY humeruses.dartid;
Table 6.55. Columns in the HUMERUS_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | HUMERUSES.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Husamps | Computed | Number of HUMERUSES rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of humerus length measurements taken during the darting. |
Hulength_mean | HUMERUSES.Hulength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the humerus length measurements taken during the darting. |
Hulength_stddev | HUMERUSES.Hulength (computed) | The standard deviation of the humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the humerus length measurements taken during the darting. |
Huunadjusted_mean | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted humerus length measurements taken during the darting. |
Huunadjusted_stddev | HUMERUSES.Huunadjusted (computed) | The standard deviation of the unadjusted humerus length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted humerus length measurements taken during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the PCVS table.[278] Each row statistically summarizes the PCVS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.118. Query Defining the PCV_STATS View
SELECT pcvs.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS pcvsamps
, avg(pcvs.pcv) AS pcv_mean
, stddev(pcvs.pcv) AS pcv_stddev
FROM pcvs
GROUP BY pcvs.dartid;
Table 6.56. Columns in the PCV_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | PCVS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
PCVsamps | Computed | Number of PCVS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of PCV measurements taken during the darting. |
PCV_mean | PCVS.PCV (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the PCV measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the PCV measurements taken during the darting. |
PCV_stddev | PCVS.PCV (computed) | The standard deviation of the PCV measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the PCV measurements taken during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the TESTES_ARC table.[279] Each row statistically summarizes the TESTES_ARC rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.120. Query Defining the TESTES_ARC_STATS View
SELECT testesdartids.dartid AS dartid
, testesllength.testllengthsamps AS testllengthsamps
, testesllength.testllength_mean AS testllength_mean
, testesllength.testllength_stddev AS testllength_stddev
, testeslwidth.testlwidthsamps AS testlwidthsamps
, testeslwidth.testlwidth_mean AS testlwidth_mean
, testeslwidth.testlwidth_stddev AS testlwidth_stddev
, testesrlength.testrlengthsamps AS testrlengthsamps
, testesrlength.testrlength_mean AS testrlength_mean
, testesrlength.testrlength_stddev AS testrlength_stddev
, testesrwidth.testrwidthsamps AS testrwidthsamps
, testesrwidth.testrwidth_mean AS testrwidth_mean
, testesrwidth.testrwidth_stddev AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM (SELECT testes_arc.dartid
FROM testes_arc
GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
AS testesdartids
(SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS llengthdartid
, count(*) AS testllengthsamps
, avg(testes_arc.testlength) AS testllength_mean
, stddev(testes_arc.testlength) AS testllength_stddev
FROM testes_arc
WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'L'
AND testes_arc.testlength IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
AS testesllength
ON testesllength.llengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS lwidthdartid
, count(*) AS testlwidthsamps
, avg(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testlwidth_mean
, stddev(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testlwidth_stddev
FROM testes_arc
WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'L'
AND testes_arc.testwidth IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
AS testeslwidth
ON testeslwidth.lwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS rlengthdartid
, count(*) AS testrlengthsamps
, avg(testes_arc.testlength) AS testrlength_mean
, stddev(testes_arc.testlength) AS testrlength_stddev
FROM testes_arc
WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'R'
AND testes_arc.testlength IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
AS testesrlength
ON testesrlength.rlengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_arc.dartid AS rwidthdartid
, count(*) AS testrwidthsamps
, avg(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testrwidth_mean
, stddev(testes_arc.testwidth) AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM testes_arc
WHERE testes_arc.testside = 'R'
AND testes_arc.testwidth IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_arc.dartid)
AS testesrwidth
ON testesrwidth.rwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid;
Table 6.57. Columns in the TESTES_ARC_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | TESTES_ARC.Dartid (computed) | Identifier of the darting event. |
Testllengthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value
of L and a non-NULL
value -- the number of left testicle length
measurements taken during the darting.[a] |
Testllength_mean | TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testllength_stddev | TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) | The standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testlwidthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value
of L and a non-NULL
TESTES_ARC.Testwidth value
-- the number of left testicle width measurements
taken during the darting.[b] |
Testlwidth_mean | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testlwidth_stddev | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) | The standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrlengthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value
of R and a
non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testlength
value -- the number of right testicle length
measurements taken during the darting.[c] |
Testrlength_mean | TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrlength_stddev | TESTES_ARC.Testlength (computed) | The standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrwidthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_ARC rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_ARC.Testside value
of R and a
non-NULL TESTES_ARC.Testwidth value
-- the number of right testicle width measurements
taken during the darting.[d] |
Testrwidth_mean | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrwidth_stddev | TESTES_ARC.Testwidth (computed) | The standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
[a] [b] [c] [d] |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the TESTES_DIAM table.[280] Each row statistically summarizes the TESTES_DIAM rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.122. Query Defining the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View
SELECT testesdartids.dartid AS dartid
, testesllength.testllengthsamps AS testllengthsamps
, testesllength.testllength_mean AS testllength_mean
, testesllength.testllength_stddev AS testllength_stddev
, testeslwidth.testlwidthsamps AS testlwidthsamps
, testeslwidth.testlwidth_mean AS testlwidth_mean
, testeslwidth.testlwidth_stddev AS testlwidth_stddev
, testesrlength.testrlengthsamps AS testrlengthsamps
, testesrlength.testrlength_mean AS testrlength_mean
, testesrlength.testrlength_stddev AS testrlength_stddev
, testesrwidth.testrwidthsamps AS testrwidthsamps
, testesrwidth.testrwidth_mean AS testrwidth_mean
, testesrwidth.testrwidth_stddev AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM (SELECT testes_diam.dartid
FROM testes_diam
GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
AS testesdartids
(SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS llengthdartid
, count(*) AS testllengthsamps
, avg(testes_diam.testlength) AS testllength_mean
, stddev(testes_diam.testlength) AS testllength_stddev
FROM testes_diam
WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'L'
AND testes_diam.testlength IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
AS testesllength
ON testesllength.llengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS lwidthdartid
, count(*) AS testlwidthsamps
, avg(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testlwidth_mean
, stddev(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testlwidth_stddev
FROM testes_diam
WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'L'
AND testes_diam.testwidth IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
AS testeslwidth
ON testeslwidth.lwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS rlengthdartid
, count(*) AS testrlengthsamps
, avg(testes_diam.testlength) AS testrlength_mean
, stddev(testes_diam.testlength) AS testrlength_stddev
FROM testes_diam
WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'R'
AND testes_diam.testlength IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
AS testesrlength
ON testesrlength.rlengthdartid = testesdartids.dartid
(SELECT testes_diam.dartid AS rwidthdartid
, count(*) AS testrwidthsamps
, avg(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testrwidth_mean
, stddev(testes_diam.testwidth) AS testrwidth_stddev
FROM testes_diam
WHERE testes_diam.testside = 'R'
AND testes_diam.testwidth IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY testes_diam.dartid)
AS testesrwidth
ON testesrwidth.rwidthdartid = testesdartids.dartid;
Table 6.58. Columns in the TESTES_DIAM_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | TESTES_DIAM.Dartid (computed) | Identifier of the darting event. |
Testllengthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value
of L and a non-NULL
value -- the number of left testicle length
measurements taken during the darting.[a] |
Testllength_mean | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testllength_stddev | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) | The standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testlwidthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value
of L and a non-NULL
TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth value
-- the number of left testicle width measurements
taken during the darting.[b] |
Testlwidth_mean | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testlwidth_stddev | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) | The standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the left testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrlengthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value
of R and a
non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testlength
value -- the number of right testicle length
measurements taken during the darting.[c] |
Testrlength_mean | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrlength_stddev | TESTES_DIAM.Testlength (computed) | The standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle length measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrwidthsamps | Computed | Number of TESTES_DIAM rows having the
given Dartid value and also having a TESTES_DIAM.Testside value
of R and a
non-NULL TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth value
-- the number of right testicle width measurements
taken during the darting.[d] |
Testrwidth_mean | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
Testrwidth_stddev | TESTES_DIAM.Testwidth (computed) | The standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the right testicle width measurements taken during the darting. |
[a] [b] [c] [d] |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the ULNAS table.[281] Each row statistically summarizes the ULNAS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.124. Query Defining the ULNA_STATS View
SELECT ulnas.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS ulsamps
, avg(ulnas.ullength) AS ullength_mean
, stddev(ulnas.ullength) AS ullength_stddev
, avg(ulnas.ulunadjusted) AS ulunadjusted_mean
, stddev(ulnas.ulunadjusted) AS ulunadjusted_stddev
FROM ulnas
GROUP BY ulnas.dartid;
Table 6.59. Columns in the ULNA_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | ULNAS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
Ulsamps | Computed | Number of ULNAS rows having the given Dartid value -- the number of ulna length measurements taken during the darting. |
Ullength_mean | ULNAS.Ullength (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the ulna length measurements taken during the darting. |
Ullength_stddev | ULNAS.Ullength (computed) | The standard deviation of the ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the ulna length measurements taken during the darting. |
Ulunadjusted_mean | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the unadjusted ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the mean of the unadjusted ulna length measurements taken during the darting. |
Ulunadjusted_stddev | ULNAS.Ulunadjusted (computed) | The standard deviation of the unadjusted ulna length measurements related to the given Dartid -- the standard deviation of the unadjusted ulna length measurements taken during the darting. |
Contains one row for every unique Dartid value in the VAGINAL_PHS table.[282] Each row statistically summarizes the VAGINAL_PHS rows having the common Dartid value.
This view is useful when joined with the DARTINGS table on Dartid.
Figure 6.126. Query Defining the VAGINAL_PH_STATS View
SELECT vaginal_phs.dartid AS dartid
, count(*) AS vpsamps
, avg( AS vp_mean
, stddev( AS vp_stddev
FROM vaginal_phs
GROUP BY vaginal_phs.dartid;
Table 6.60. Columns in the VAGINAL_PH_STATS View
Column | From | Description |
Dartid | VAGINAL_PHS.Dartid | Identifier of the darting event. |
VPsamps | Computed | Number of VAGINAL_PHS rows having the given Dartid value — the number of vaginal pH measurements taken during the darting. |
VP_mean | VAGINAL_PHS.PH (computed) | The arithmetic mean of the vaginal pH measurements related to the given Dartid — the mean of the vaginal pH measurements taken during the darting. |
VP_stddev | VAGINAL_PHS.PH (computed) | The standard deviation of the vaginal pH measurements related to the given Dartid — the standard deviation of the vaginal pH measurements taken during the darting. |
[269] Note that when is no additional anesthetic administered there are no related ANESTHS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[270] Note that when no body temperature measurements are taken there are no related BODYTEMPS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[271] Note that when no chest circumference measurements are taken there are no related CHESTS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[272] Note that when no crown-to-rump measurements are taken there are no related CROWNRUMPS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[273] Note that even when no collected samples are recorded for a particular darting in DART_SAMPLES, there will still be a row for that darting in this view.
[274] Note that when no tooth observations are recorded there are no related TEETH rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[275] Note that when no tooth observations are recorded there are no related TEETH rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[276] Column names cannot begin with a digit so the letter
, for “site”, is used to
preface the name of each column.
[277] Note that when no humerus length measurements are taken there are no related HUMERUSES rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[278] Note that when no PCV measurements are taken there are no related PCVS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[279] Note that when no testes length or width measurements are taken there are no related TESTES_ARC rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[280] Note that when no testes length or width measurements are taken there are no related TESTES_DIAM rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[281] Note that when no ulna length measurements are taken there are no related ULNAS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.
[282] Note that when no vaginal pH measurements are taken there are no related VAGINAL_PHS rows and hence no row in this view for the given darting.