Table of Contents
The documentation of each view contains a short description of the purpose of the view, the query used to generate the view, a diagram of the Babase tables contained in the view, a table showing the columns contained in the view, and notes on the operations (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) allowed on the view. For further information on the columns' content see the documentation of each column in the table that is the source of the view's data.
Babase contains schemas that use views to
organize the Babase content. The views in these schemas refer
to tables or views within the babase
schema and
are not otherwise documented.
Attempts to update “computed columns”, columns that appear in the view but not in the underlying data tables, may be silently ignored. This is also sometimes true of actual data columns that are expected to automatically have their values assigned by Babase. Changes that are silently ignored produce no error message. The ignored changes are not made at the same time that changes to other columns are made.
The views are being changed as time permits so that there are no cases where errors are silently ignored.
The documentation of each view describes which columns can not be changed through the view.
The entity-relationship diagrams which document each view use the same key as this documents other entity-relationships diagrams. The key is show in Figure 2.1: “Key to the Babase Entity Relationship Diagrams”.
If you have trouble viewing the diagrams in your browser, you may wish to view them in PDF format. The diagrams are available in The Babase Pocket Reference (approx. 4.8MB) in PDF form.
There are two differences between the entity-relationship diagrams which document the views and those which show the relationship between the Babase tables. First, the ER diagrams of the tables are a complete reference, they show all of each table's columns. The ER diagrams of the views show only those columns used in the view. Second, the view ER diagrams follow the column names of each Babase table with parenthesis that contain the name each column takes in the view.[249]
[249] Those columns that are joined in the view appear twice in the view ER diagrams, once in each of the two underlying tables. These columns appear only once in the view, so both the name of both columns in the view ER diagrams are followed by parenthesis containing the same text -- the name the column has in the view.