Social and Multiparty Interactions

ACTOR_ACTEES (Complete social interactions, INTERACT_DATA extended twice with PARTS)

Contains one row for every row in INTERACT_DATA. Each row contains a column for the actor and a column for the actee. The actor and actee are retrieved from the PARTS table, when there is no related parts row the actor or actee is NULL.

This view is somewhat useful for the maintenance and analysis of social interaction data.[262] It's primarily optimized for speed and so finds its best use when writing queries.


Figure 6.65. Query Defining the ACTOR_ACTEES View

SELECT interact_data.iid AS iid
     , interact_data.sid AS sid
     , interact_data.act AS act
     , AS date
     , interact_data.start AS start
     , interact_data.stop AS stop
     , AS observer
     , actor.partid AS actorid
     , COALESCE(actor.sname, '998'::CHAR(3)) AS actor
     , (SELECT actorms.grp
          FROM members AS actorms
          WHERE actorms.sname = actor.sname
                AND = AS actor_grp
     , actee.partid AS acteeid
     , COALESCE(actee.sname, '998'::CHAR(3)) AS actee
     , (SELECT acteems.grp
          FROM members AS acteems
          WHERE acteems.sname = actee.sname
                AND = AS actee_grp
     , interact_data.handwritten AS handwritten
     , interact_data.exact_date AS exact_date
  FROM interact_data
       LEFT OUTER JOIN parts AS actor
            ON (actor.iid = interact_data.iid AND actor.role = 'R')
       LEFT OUTER JOIN parts AS actee
            ON (actee.iid = interact_data.iid AND actee.role = 'E')

Figure 6.66. Entity Relationship Diagram of the ACTOR_ACTEES View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the ACTOR_ACTEES view is constructed.

Table 6.30. Columns in the ACTOR_ACTEES View

Column From Description
Iid INTERACT_DATA.Iid Identifier of the interaction.
Sid INTERACT_DATA.Sid Identifier of the sample, if any, during which the data was collected.
Act INTERACT_DATA.Act The kind of interaction.
Date INTERACT_DATA.Date The date of the interaction.
Start INTERACT_DATA.Start The time the interaction began.
Stop INTERACT_DATA.Stop The time the interaction ended.
Observer INTERACT_DATA.Observer The observer who recorded the interaction.
Actorid PARTS.Partid The Partid of the actor's PARTS row.
Actor PARTS.Sname The Sname of the actor in the interaction, when there is a PARTS row for the actor. Otherwise, the value 998.
Actor_Grp MEMBERS.Grp The Grp of the actor on the date of the interaction.
Acteeid PARTS.Partid The Partid of the actee's PARTS row.
Actee PARTS.Sname The Sname of the actee in the interaction, when there is a PARTS row for the actee. Otherwise, the value 998.
Actee_Grp MEMBERS.Grp The Grp of the actee on the date of the interaction.
Handwritten INTERACT_DATA.Handwritten Whether or not the interaction was recorded in handwritten records.
Exact_Date INTERACT_DATA.Exact_Date Whether this row's Date is the specific day that the interaction occurred (TRUE) or only the year and month of the interaction (FALSE).

Read-Only Columns

The Actor_Grp and Actee_Grp columns are computed. Attempts to put a value into these columns raise an error if the new value is not NULL or does not correspond to the computed value.


Best practice is to omit computed columns from inserts and updates.

Operations Allowed

The Actor and Actee columns must not be NULL or 998 when inserting into or updating this view.

When inserting or updating ACTOR_ACTEES the values of the Actor_Grp and Actee_Grp columns must either be NULL or match the group recorded for the individual for that day in MEMBERS, if such a row exists. Inserting and updating ACTOR_ACTEES cannot affect group membership.


It is usually a good idea to leave the computed columns unspecified (NULL) when maintaining social interactions using this view.


Inserting a row into ACTOR_ACTEES inserts a row into INTERACT_DATA and two rows, one for the actor and one for the actee, into PARTS, as expected.

To insert an actor without an actee (or vice versa) use a NULL value for the Actee (or Actor).


When entering a new social interaction it is usually a good idea to leave Iid unspecified (or specified as NULL). In this case Babase will compute a new Iid and use it appropriately in the new PARTS rows. Likewise the Actorid and Acteeid columns are usually best left NULL, in which case Babase will also create appropriate values.


Updating a row in ACTOR_ACTEES updates the underlying columns in INTERACT_DATA and PARTS, as expected.

An actor or actees PARTS row can be deleted or inserted by UPDATE of ACTOR_ACTEES. To insert an new PARTS row supply a Sname for the actor or actee where there was none. To delete a actor or or actee set the Sname to NULL.

When deleting an actor or actee either the corresponding Actorid/Acteeid value must be set to NULL, or the corresponding Actorid/Acteeid value must be unaltered.


The Actor and Actee cannot be switched with a update operation.[263] Delete the interaction and re-create it instead.


Deleting a row in ACTOR_ACTEES deletes the underlying row in INTERACT_DATA and the two underlying rows in PARTS, as expected.

INTERACT (INTERACT_DATA, with enhanced dates and times)

Contains one row for every row in INTERACT_DATA. There is no difference between this view and the INTERACT_DATA table, other than the view extends the INTERACT_DATA table with additional date and time columns that transform the corresponding INTERACT_DATA columns in useful and interesting ways, and the view is sorted by Iid.


Figure 6.67. Query Defining the INTERACT View

SELECT iid AS iid
     , interact_data.sid AS sid
     , interact_data.act AS act
     , acts.class AS class
     , AS date
     , julian( AS jdate
     , interact_data.start AS start
     , spm(interact_data.start) AS startspm
     , stop AS stop
     , spm(interact_data.stop) AS stopspm
     , AS observer
     , interact_data.handwritten AS handwritten
     , interact_data.exact_date AS exact_date
  FROM interact_data
       JOIN acts
            ON (acts.act = interact_data.act)

Figure 6.68. Entity Relationship Diagram of the INTERACT View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the INTERACT view is constructed.

Table 6.31. Columns in the INTERACT View

Column From Description
Iid INTERACT_DATA.Iid Identifier of the interaction.
Sid INTERACT_DATA.Sid Identifier of the point observation collection, if any, during which the data was collected.
Act INTERACT_DATA.Act The kind of interaction.
Date INTERACT_DATA.Date The date of the interaction.
Jdate INTERACT_DATA.Date (computed) The date of the interaction, in Julian date form.
Start INTERACT_DATA.Start The time the interaction began.
Startspm INTERACT_DATA.Start (computed) The time the interaction begin (Start), represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.
Stop INTERACT_DATA.Stop The time the interaction ended.
Stopspm INTERACT_DATA.Stop (computed) The time the interaction ended (Stop), represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.
Observer INTERACT_DATA.Observer The observer who recorded the interaction.
Handwritten INTERACT_DATA.Handwritten Whether or not the interaction was recorded in handwritten records.
Exact_Date INTERACT_DATA.Exact_Date Whether this row's Date is the specific day that the interaction occurred (TRUE) or only the year and month of the interaction (FALSE).

Read-Only Columns


Any modifications to the Jdate, Startspm, or Stopspm columns are silently ignored.

Operations Allowed


Inserting a row into INTERACT inserts a row into INTERACT_DATA, as expected.


Updating a row in INTERACT updates the underlying columns in INTERACT_DATA, as expected.


Deleting a row in INTERACT deletes the underlying row in INTERACT_DATA.


Contains one row for every row in the INTERACT view. There is no difference between this view and the INTERACT view, other than that this view is sorted by Iid.


Figure 6.69. Query Defining the INTERACT_SORTED View

SELECT iid AS iid
     , interact_data.sid AS sid
     , interact_data.act AS act
     , acts.class AS class
     , AS date
     , julian( AS jdate
     , interact_data.start AS start
     , spm(interact_data.start) AS startspm
     , interact_data.stop AS stop
     , spm(interact_data.stop) AS stopspm
     , AS observer
     , interact_data.handwritten AS handwritten
     , interact_data.exact_date AS exact_date
  FROM interact_data
       JOIN acts
            ON (acts.act = interact_data.act)
  ORDER BY iid

Figure 6.70. Entity Relationship Diagram of the INTERACT_SORTED View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the INTERACT_SORTED view is constructed.

Table 6.32. Columns in the INTERACT_SORTED View

Column From Description
Iid INTERACT_DATA.Iid Identifier of the interaction.
Sid INTERACT_DATA.Sid Identifier of the point observation collection, if any, during which the data was collected.
Act INTERACT_DATA.Act The kind of interaction.
Date INTERACT_DATA.Date The date of the interaction.
Jdate INTERACT_DATA.Date (computed) The date of the interaction, in Julian date form.
Start INTERACT_DATA.Start The time the interaction began.
Startspm INTERACT_DATA.Start (computed) The time the interaction begin (Start), represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.
Stop INTERACT_DATA.Stop The time the interaction ended.
Stopspm INTERACT_DATA.Stop (computed) The time the interaction ended (Stop), represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.
Observer INTERACT_DATA.Observer The observer who recorded the interaction.
Handwritten INTERACT_DATA.Handwritten Whether or not the interaction was recorded in handwritten records.
Exact_Date INTERACT_DATA.Exact_Date Whether this row's Date is the specific day that the interaction occurred (TRUE) or only the year and month of the interaction (FALSE).

Operations Allowed

The operations allowed are as described in the INTERACT view.

MPI_EVENTS (Dyadic social interactions that comprise multiparty interaction collections, MPIS joined with MPI_DATA extended twice with MPI_PARTS)

Contains one row for every row in MPI_DATA. Each row contains a column for the actor and a column for the actee. The actor and actee are retrieved from the MPI_PARTS table, when there is no related parts row the actor or actee is NULL. The MPIS table supplies the date of the interaction and there are further self-joins to the MPI_DATA, MPIACTS, and MPI_PARTS tables to compute help request circumstances and outcome.

This view is useful for the analysis of multiparty interaction data.[264].


Figure 6.71. Query Defining the MPI_EVENTS View

SELECT mpis.mpiid AS mpiid
     , AS date
     , mpis.context_type AS context_type
     , mpis.context AS context
     , mpi_data.mpidid AS mpidid
     , mpi_data.seq AS seq
     , mpi_data.mpiact AS mpiact
     , actor.mpipid AS actorid
     , actor.sname AS actor
     , actor.unksname AS unkactor
     , actee.mpipid AS acteeid
     , actee.sname AS actee
     , actee.unksname AS unkactee
                          FROM mpiacts
                          WHERE mpiacts.mpiact = mpi_data.mpiact
                                AND mpiacts.kind = 'H')
              EXISTS(SELECT 1
                FROM mpi_data AS request
                   , mpiacts
                   , mpi_parts AS requestor
                   , mpi_parts AS requestee
                WHERE request.mpiid = mpi_data.mpiid
                      AND request.seq < mpi_data.seq
                      AND mpiacts.mpiact = request.mpiact
                      AND mpiacts.kind = 'R'
                      AND requestor.mpidid = request.mpidid
                      AND requestor.role = 'R'
                      AND requestor.sname = actee.sname
                      AND requestee.mpidid = request.mpidid
                      AND requestee.role = 'E'
                      AND requestee.sname = actor.sname)
       END AS solicited
         FROM mpi_data AS initial,
         WHERE initial.mpiid = mpi_data.mpiid
               AND initial.seq = 1
               AND mpiacts.mpiact = initial.mpiact
               AND mpiacts.decided)
       AS decided
     , mpi_data.helped AS helped
     , AS active
  FROM mpis
       LEFT OUTER JOIN mpi_data ON (mpis.mpiid = mpi_data.mpiid)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN mpi_parts AS actor
            ON (actor.mpidid = mpi_data.mpidid AND actor.role = 'R')
       LEFT OUTER JOIN mpi_parts AS actee
            ON (actee.mpidid = mpi_data.mpidid AND actee.role = 'E')

Figure 6.72. Entity Relationship Diagram of the MPI_EVENTS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the MPI_EVENTS view is constructed.

Table 6.33. Columns in the MPI_EVENTS View

Column From Description
Mpiid MPIS.Mpiid Identifier of the multiparty interaction collection.
Date MPIS.Date The date of the multiparty interaction collection.
Context_type MPIS.Context_type The context type of the multiparty interaction collection.
Context MPIS.MPIS-Context Text describing the context of the multiparty interaction collection.
Mpidid MPI_DATA.Mpidid Identifier of the dyadic interaction.
Seq MPI_DATA.Seq Number that orders the dyadic interaction in time within the multiparty interaction collection. The first dyadic interaction has a Seq value of 1, the second a Seq value of 2, etc. Identical Seq values indicate interactions which occurred simutainously.
Mpiact MPI_DATA.MPIAct The kind of dyadic interaction.
Actorid MPI_PARTS.Mpipid The Mpipid of the actor's MPI_PARTS row.
Actor MPI_PARTS.Sname The Sname of the actor in the interaction.
Unkactor MPI_PARTS.Unksname The PARTUNKS.Unksname code which denotes why the actor is unknown.
Acteeid MPI_PARTS.Mpipid The Mpipid of the actee's MPI_PARTS row.
Actee MPI_PARTS.Sname The Sname of the actee in the interaction.
Unkactee MPI_PARTS.Unksname The PARTUNKS.Unksname code which denotes why the actee is unknown.
Solicited Computed A boolean: TRUE or FALSE, or NULL. NULL when the act is not an act of help (MPIACTS.MPIAct is FALSE). Whether or not the help given was solicited with a request for help -- whether MPIACTS.Kind is R, from a previous (having a smaller MPI_DATA.Seq) MPI act's MPI_DATA.MPIAct value where the actor and actee match. For more details see the Figure 6.71.
Decided Computed A boolean: TRUE or FALSE. Whether or not the result of the MPI was decided when the event took place -- obtained from the MPIACTS.Decided value of the MPI_DATA.MPIAct of the first (MPI_DATA.Seq = 1) interaction of the MPI.
Helped MPI_DATA.Helped Whether or not help was given in response to the request for help. NULL when the event is not a request for help.
Active MPI_DATA.Active Whether the help given was active or passive. NULL when the event is not a request for help or no help was forthcoming.

Operations Allowed


Attempts to change the computed columns, Solicited and Decided, are silently ignored.


It is usually a good idea to leave the computed columns, as well as the automatically assigned ID columns, unspecified (NULL) when maintaining social interactions using this view.


Inserting a row into MPI_EVENTs inserts a row into MPI_DATA and two rows, one for the actor and one for the actee, into MPI_PARTS, as expected. It also may insert a row into the MPIS table.


The presence or absence of a Mpiid value determines whether or not a MPIS row is created. When Mpiid is NULL (or the column is not specified) a new MPIS row is created. When a non-NULL value is supplied the given Mpiid identifies the existing multiparty interaction collection, a MPIS row, to which the new dyadic interaction is added.


The value of the Date, Context_type, and MPIS-Context columns are ignored when the supplied Mpiid identifies an existing MPIS row.


The PostgreSQL nextval() function cannot be part of an INSERT expression which assigns a value to this view's Mpiid or Mpidid columns.


When entering a new social interaction it is usually a good idea to leave Mpidid unspecified (or specified as NULL). In this case Babase will compute a new Mpiid and use it appropriately in the new MPI_PARTS rows. Likewise the Actorid and Acteeid columns are usually best left NULL, in which case Babase will also create appropriate values.


Updating a row in MPI_EVENTS updates the underlying columns in MPIS, MPI_DATA, and MPI_PARTS as expected.


Because updates to the database occur one table at a time, and because Babase does not allow an interaction to have the same individual as both the actor and actee, it is impossible to switch the Actor and Actee with a update operation. Delete the interaction and re-create it instead.


Deleting a row in MPI_EVENTS deletes the underlying row in MPI_DATA and the two underlying rows in MPI_PARTS, as expected. The underlying MPIS row is deleted when the last related MPI_DATA row is deleted.

POINTS (POINT_DATA, with enhanced times)

Contains one row for every row in POINT_DATA. There is no difference between this view and the POINT_DATA table, other than the view contains additional columns that may be useful derivatives of the Ptime column.


Use this view instead of the POINT_DATA table.


Figure 6.73. Query Defining the POINTS View

SELECT pntid AS pntid
     , sid AS sid
     , activity AS activity
     , posture AS posture
     , foodcode AS foodcode
     , ptime AS ptime
     , spm(ptime) AS ptimespm
  FROM point_data

Figure 6.74. Entity Relationship Diagram of the POINTS View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the POINTS view is constructed.

Table 6.34. Columns in the POINTS View

Column From Description
Pntid POINT_DATA.Pntid Identifier of the point observation.
Sid POINT_DATA.Sid Identifier of the sample during which the data was collected.
Activity POINT_DATA.Activity The kind of activity the focal was engaged in.
Posture POINT_DATA.Posture The posture of the focal.
Foodcode POINT_DATA.Foodcode The food eaten, if any.
Ptime POINT_DATA.Ptime The time the observation was recorded, with a precision of 1 second.
Ptimespm POINT_DATA.Ptime (computed) The time the point observation was recorded (Ptime) represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.

Read-Only Columns

The Ptimespm column is computed. Attempts to put a value into the Ptimespm column raise an error if the new value is not NULL or does not correspond to the computed value.


Best practice is to omit computed columns from inserts and updates.

Operations Allowed


Inserting a row into POINTS inserts a row into POINT_DATA, as expected.


Updating a row in POINTS updates the underlying columns in POINT_DATA, as expected.


Deleting a row in POINTS deletes the underlying row in POINT_DATA.


Contains one row for every row in POINTS. There is no difference between this view and the POINTS view, other than this view is sorted by Sid, and within that by Ptime.


Figure 6.75. Query Defining the POINTS_SORTED View

SELECT pntid AS pntid
     , sid AS sid
     , activity AS activity
     , posture AS posture
     , foodcode AS foodcode
     , ptime AS ptime
     , ptimespm AS ptimespm
  FROM points
  ORDER BY sid, ptime

Figure 6.76. Entity Relationship Diagram of the POINTS_SORTED View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the POINTS_SORTED view is constructed.

Table 6.35. Columns in the POINTS_SORTED View

Column From Description
Pntid POINT_DATA.Pntid Identifier of the point observation.
Sid POINT_DATA.Sid Identifier of the sample during which the data was collected.
Activity POINT_DATA.Activity The kind of activity the focal was engaged in.
Posture POINT_DATA.Posture The posture of the focal.
Foodcode POINT_DATA.Foodcode The food eaten, if any.
Ptime POINT_DATA.Ptime The time the observation was recorded, with a precision of 1 second.
Ptimespm POINT_DATA.Ptime (computed) The time the point observation was recorded (Ptime) represented as the number of seconds past midnight. This is useful for computing and analyzing time intervals outside of the PostgreSQL environment.

Operations Allowed

The operations allowed are as described in the POINTS view.

SAMPLES_GOFF (SAMPLES, with the Group OF the Focal)

Contains one row for every row in SAMPLES. This row is identical to the SAMPLES table except that it has an additional column Grp_of_focal which contains the group of the focal on the sampling date.[265]


Figure 6.77. Query Defining the SAMPLES_GOFF View

SELECT samples.sid AS sid
     , AS date
     , samples.stime AS stime
     , AS observer
     , samples.stype AS stype
     , samples.grp AS grp
     , samples.sname AS sname
     , samples.mins AS mins
     , samples.minsis AS minsis
     , samples.programid AS programid
     , samples.setupid AS setupid
     , samples.collection_system AS collection_system
     , members.grp AS grp_of_focal
  FROM members, samples
  WHERE members.sname = samples.sname
        AND = CAST( AS DATE)

Figure 6.78. Entity Relationship Diagram of the SAMPLES_GOFF View

If we could we would display here the diagram showing how the SAMPLES_GOFF view is constructed.

Table 6.36. Columns in the SAMPLES_GOFF View

Column From Description
Sid SAMPLES.Sid Identifier of the sample.
Date SAMPLES.Date Date of sample collection.
STime SAMPLES.Stime Time of sample collection.
Observer SAMPLES.Observer Observer who collected the sample.
SType SAMPLES.SType A code indicating the nature of the focal individual and the data collection procedure used.
Grp SAMPLES.Grp The group the observation team sampled.
Sname SAMPLES.Sname Identifier of sampled individual.
Mins SAMPLES.Mins Sample duration in minutes, from start to finish.
Minsis SAMPLES.Minsis Number of minutes of sample data.
Programid SAMPLES.Programid Identifer of the software ("program", if any) used with this row's Collection_System to collect the focal sample.
Setupid SAMPLES.Setupid The configuration file (if any) used by this row's Programid to collect this sample's data.
Collection_System SAMPLES.Collection_System The device or hardware configuration used to collect the sample.
Grp_of_focal MEMBERS.Grp The group of the sampled individual.

Operations Allowed

Only SELECT is allowed on SAMPLES_GOFF. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not allowed.

[262] Babase should contain one and exactly one actor and one and exactly one actee for every interaction. The ACTOR_ACTEES view does left outer joins of the INTERACT_DATA table with the PARTS table so that invalid data can still be maintained in the event the stated relationships do not exist. To ignore invalid data, e.g. for purposes of analysis, write a query that does regular joins instead of the left outer joins used by the view.

[263] This restriction is leftover from implementation limitations in older versions of PostgreSQL and could now be removed if so desired.

[264] Babase should contain one and exactly one actor and one and exactly one actee for every interaction. The MPI_EVENTS view does left outer joins of the MPI_DATA table with the MPI_PARTS table so that invalid data can be observed in the event the stated relationships do not exist. To ignore invalid data, e.g. for purposes of analysis, write a query that does regular joins instead of the left outer joins used by the view.

[265] This is expected to be the group that is sampled, but you never know.

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