These tables all record females' sexual cycle states on a day-by-day basis, and provide daily measures of the number of days each female has been in and will remain in the given state. REPSTATS provides the broad overview and the remainder of the tables supply detail on the days REPSTATS indicates that the females are cycling. The day-by-day nature of these tables makes it easy to correlate reproductive cycle information with other events.
CYCGAPDAYS is something of an exception, in that it records days during which females are not under observation (according to a very specific definition.) It is included in this section because it exists to aid reproductive state tracking.
A day-by-day record indicating which days a female is not under observation. The definition of “not under observation” is that of CYCGAPS, see that table for more information. Contains one row per female per day during which the female is not under regular, continuous, observation.
Because the CYCGAPDAYS table primary purpose is to support the Babase system in it's validation and automatic analysis of the sexual cycle data an individual's last CYCGAPDAYS date is after the the BIOGRAPH.Statdate, should observation of the individual cease and not resume. This allows for easy determination of where there are gaps in observation and where automatic Mdates, which may occur after the individual's Statdate, must be generated.
This table is automatically constructed from the CYCGAPS table. It may not be manually maintained.
The female that is not observed. The three-letter code that identifies the individual's row in the BIOGRAPH table. There will always be a row in BIOGRAPH for the individual identified here.
This column may not be NULL
The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.
A day-by-day record of the details of the females'
cycles -- whether menses-follicular, swelling-follicular,
ovulating, or luteal. Contains one row per female per day,
for those days in REPSTATS for
which the REPSTATS State is C
A female has rows in CYCSTATS whenever cycling; there are no CYCSTATS rows when a female is pregnant or lactating. Likewise there are no CYCSTATS rows when there are gaps in the observational record. (See CYCGAPS.) See the REPSTATS table for further detail as to exactly when a female is considered to be cycling, and for important cautions. See the description of the Din and Dr columns below for further information on how sexual cycles are recorded when there missing sexual cycle transition markers due to cessation of observation.
REPSTATS may show a female to be
cycling even when there are no rows in CYCSTATS for the
dates in question. This occurs when there are no CYCPOINTS during a period of observation. This
can only occur for females without a MATUREDATES.Mstatus of
when observation ceases before
the first observed sexual cycle transition event.
The system will issue a warning when REPSTATS indicates a female is cycling but there is no row in CYCSTATS for the day in question.
Females may become turgesent (have a Tdate) on the day
they are in menses (Mdate). As CYCSTATS has a 1 day
resolution and, essentially, these females are in menses for
less than a day, when this happens CYCSTATS will not show
any days in menses (State is M
for these cycles even though the cycle has an Mdate row in
Similarly, when there are less than 6 days between an
Mdate and the following Ddate a cycle will have no days in
the swelling-follicular state (State is
When the last date of a
(Swelling-follicular) cycle
state is not known[213], that is, a cycle has no Ddate due to
cessation of observation, death, delay in data entry, or
whatever other reason, two problems arise that will, unless
accounted for, adversely affect sexual cycling
analysis. First, the O
(Ovulating) state will not occur because the transition
between S
and the
state is determined by the
following Ddate[214], which does not exist. Second, because the
state cannot be
calculated, the S
state may
be erroneously lengthy; days when the female is actually in
the ovulating state may be marked with a
rather than an
and these rows will have
an incorrect Din (days into state) values.
Rather than omit the accurate
rows along with the
inaccurate, the Babase designers chose to include all
available data to accommodate those analysis that do not
distinguish between the S
(Swelling-follicular) state and the
(Ovulating) state. The
Babase user is expected to know the conditions under which
various data may be used.
In the case of an individual that has ceased cycling due to pathology or old age, and whose last cycle did not end in pregnancy, the final CYCSTATS rows will have a State of D and an unusually long duration, with the individual's date of death being the last day of the cycle.
The sum of Dins and Dr is always the total number of days the cycle spent in the state.
Babase does not populate this table automatically, although we would like it to do so. The rebuild_all_cycstats() or rebuild_cycstats() programs must be manually executed to ensure the content of this table corresponds with that of the rest of the database.
Users cannot directly manipulate the table's data.
Categorizes the period within the reproductive cycle. Legal values are:
Code | Mnemonic | Description |
Menses-follicular | the Mdate (onset of menses) to the day before the Tdate (turgesence onset) (inclusive of endpoints) |
Swelling-follicular | the Tdate through 6 days before the Ddate (deturgesence onset) (inclusive of endpoints) |
Ovulating | from 5 days before the Ddate through one day before the Ddate (inclusive of endpoints) |
Deturgesence | luteal -- from the Ddate through the day before the Mdate (inclusive of endpoints) |
The number of days since the state started. The first
day of the state has a value of 1
, the
next a value of 2
, etc.
This column is NULL
when the system cannot determine
when the state began. This happens when the cycle's starting
date occurs during a period when the individual is not under
regular observation. (See CYCGAPS.)
The number of days remaining in the state. The last
day of the state has a value of 0
, the
next to last day a value of 1
This column is NULL
when the system cannot determine
when the state ends. This occurs when the end of the cycle
was not observed, either because the individual is alive and
additional observations have not yet been entered into
Babase or due to cessation of regular observation. (See
CYCGAPS.) It also occurs
when the individual dies while cycling as it is not known
when the state would have ended.
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the sexual cycle
transition event that started the state. NULL
there is no such row. See REPSTATS.Dins for
further detail.
The Cpids value of CYCSTATS rows with a State of
(Ovulating) reference a
Tdate (Code of
) CYCPOINTS row, even though the Tdate is not
(usually) the first ovulation date. This is because the
Tdate, if it exists, if the Cpids is not NULL
, is the
sexual cycle transition event which precedes the
ovulation. The Dins column should be subtracted from the
Date column to find the first day of ovulation.
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the sexual cycle
transition event that ended the state. NULL
when there
is no such row. See REPSTATS.Dr for further detail.
The Cpide value of CYCSTATS rows with a State of
reference a Ddate (Code of
) CYCPOINTS row, even though the Ddate is not
the day after the last day of the swelling-follicular
state. This is because the Ddate, if it exists, if the
Cpide is not NULL
, is the sexual cycle transition event
which follows the swelling-follicular state. The Dr
column should be added to the Date column to find the last
day of the swelling-follicular state.
The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.
A day-by-day record of the number of days since the
previous Mdate/until the next Ddate. Contains one row per
female per day, for those days in REPSTATS for which the REPSTATS State is C
(cycling), for those days between the cycle's Mdate and Ddate,
inclusive of the Mdate but exclusive of the Ddate. This table
contains rows whenever there are rows on CYCSTATS. See the CYCSTATS
documentation for further details and the REPSTATS documentation for details and
When there is no prior Mdate, due to pregnancy,
menarche, or resumption of observation, the Dini column is NULL
. However, the
corresponding row in the REPSTATS table contains what may be
a relevant Din value.
In the case of an individual that has ceased cycling due to pathology or old age, that individual's final Mdate to Ddate interval will have a long duration, with the individual's date of death being the last day of the interval.
The sum of Dini and Dr is always the total number of days counting[215]from the cycle's Mdate up to[216] its Ddate.
Babase does not populate this table automatically, although we would like it to do so. The rebuild_all_mdintervals() or rebuild_mdintervals() programs must be manually executed to ensure the content of this table corresponds with that of the rest of the database.
Users cannot directly manipulate the table's data.
The row records the number of days until the cycle's Ddate/from the cycle's Mdate relative to this day.
The number of days into the interval. The first day
of the interval, the Mdate at the beginning of the
interval, has a value of 1
, the next
day a value of 2
, etc.
This column is NULL
when there is no Mdate at the
beginning of the interval. This occurs when the cycle is
the female's first cycle, as there is no menses to begin the
cycle, and likewise for the first cycle after pregnancy. The
cycle's Mdate is also unknown when it occurs during a period
when the individual is not under regular observation. (See
The number of days remaining in the interval -- days
to, but not including, the Ddate that ends the interval.
The last day of the interval, the day before the Ddate
that ends the interval, has a value of
, the day before that a value of
, etc.
This column is NULL
when there is no next Ddate,
either because the individual is alive and additional
observations have not yet been entered into Babase or due to
cessation of regular observation. (See CYCGAPS.) It can also occur when
an individual dies.
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the starting Mdate.
when there is no such row, when the interval occurs
at the beginning of a period of continuous observation
(see CYCGAPS), after a pregnancy, or at
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the ending Ddate.
when there is no such row, when the interval occurs
at the end of a period of continuous observation (see
CYCGAPS) or the point of cessation of
data entry.
The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.
A day-by-day record of the number of days since the
previous/until the next Mdate. Contains one row per female
per day, for those days in REPSTATS for which the REPSTATS State is C
(cycling). The Mdate-to-Mdate interval includes the Mdate at
the beginning of the interval but does not include the Mdate
at the end of the interval[217]. This table contains rows whenever there are
rows in CYCSTATS. See the CYCSTATS documentation for further details and the
REPSTATS documentation for details and
When there is no previous Mdate, due to pregnancy,
menarche, or resumption of observation, the Dini column is NULL
. However, the
corresponding row in the REPSTATS table contains what may be
a relevant Din value.
When there is no subsequent Mdate due to pregnancy,
death, interruption of observation, or cessation of data
entry, the Dr value is NULL
When there is no subsequent Mdate due to pregnancy what may be
a relevant Dr value can be found in the REPSTATS table.
In the case of an individual that has ceased cycling due to pathology or old age, that individual's final Mdate to Mdate interval will have a long duration, with the individual's date of death being the last day of the interval.
The sum of Dini and Dr is always the total number of days between Mdates.
Babase does not populate this table automatically, although we would like it to do so. The rebuild_all_mmintervals() or rebuild_mmintervals() programs must be manually executed to ensure the content of this table corresponds with that of the rest of the database.
Users cannot directly manipulate the table's data.
The number of days into the interval. The first day
of the interval, the Mdate at the beginning of the
interval, has a value of 1
, the next
day a value of 2
, etc.
This column is NULL
when there is no Mdate at the
beginning of the interval. This occurs when the cycle is
the female's first cycle, as there is no menses to begin the
cycle, and likewise for the first cycle after pregnancy. The
cycle's Mdate is also unknown when it occurs during a period
when the individual is not under regular observation. (See
The number of days remaining in the interval -- days
until the Mdate which follows the interval[218]. The last day of the interval, the day
before a Mdate that comprises the end of the interval, has
a value of 0
, the day before that a
value of 1
, etc.
This column is NULL
when there is no next Mdate,
either because the individual is alive and additional
observations have not yet been entered into Babase or due to
cessation of regular observation. (See CYCGAPS.) It can also occur when
an individual dies while cycling as it is not known when the
state would have ended.
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the earlier Mdate.
when there is no such row, when the interval occurs
at the beginning of a period of continuous observation
(see CYCGAPS), after a pregnancy, or at
The Cpid of the CYCPOINTS row recording the later Mdate.
when there is no such row, when the interval occurs
at the end of a period of continuous observation (see
CYCGAPS) or ends in pregnancy.
The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.
A day-by-day record indicating whether a female is pregnant, lactating, or cycling. Contains one row per female per day for every day during intervals of continuous observation from date of menarche through date of death (inclusive). When menarche is unobserved then REPSTATS rows begin on a beginning of observation date.[219] Likewise, the cessation or resumption of observation interrupts or resumes the contiguous series of the female's REPSTATS' dates. (See CYCGAPS.) While the individual is alive[220], and under observation, the last date is either the BIOGRAPH.Statdate or the last recorded sexual cycle endpoint, which ever is later. When the individual is not alive, but was under observation until death, the last date is the female's Statdate.
Because Babase generates REPSTATS rows ending, at minimum, with females' Statdates, the data entry staff should enter sexual cycle information (CYCPOINTS and CYCGAPS) for a time interval before entering demographic information (CENSUS, BIOGRAPH Statdate and Status) for that interval, otherwise Babase may continue a particular reproductive state to the Statdate when there are reproductive data to the contrary yet to be entered.
Babase assumes individuals are under continuous observation. If there is no record of a gap in observation (see CYCGAPS), the entire interval between the onset of menarche (Matured) and the first recorded sexual cycling event (CYCPOINTS) is included in the individual's first reproductive state interval in REPSTATS and possibly in CYCSTATS, MMINTERVALS, and MDINTERVALS as well.
Because of gaps in the observational record, some sexual
cycles may not be recorded, or may be partially recorded. In
these cases the Dins and Dr columns are NULL
. (See
The sum of Dins and Dr is always the total number of days spent in the state.[221]
Babase does not populate this table automatically, although we would like it to do so. The rebuild_all_repstats() or rebuild_repstats() programs must be manually executed to ensure the content of this table corresponds with that of the rest of the database.
Users cannot directly manipulate the table's data.
See CYCSTATS, MMINTERVALS, and MDINTERVALS for more fertility detail.
General reproductive state of the female on the given Date. The legal values are:
Code | Mnemonic | Description |
Cycling | From (including) the Tdate (turgesence onset) up to (but not including) the Ddate of the onset of pregnancy. |
Pregnant | From (including) the Ddate (deturgesence onset) up to (but not including) the end-of-pregnancy date, i.e., the date that the female experiences an infant birth, experiences a spontaneous abortion, or dies. |
Lactating | Postpartum amenorrhea. From (including) the end-of-pregnancy date to (but not including) the next Tdate. |
The above definition of pregnant means that on the conception date the mother is in a pregnant state, even though the conception date is a Ddate and the Ddate has a cycle (a Cid on CYCPOINTS).
REPSTATS does not keep track of whether a female's
cycles are “normal”; it simply forces
females into one of these three states. Individuals who
have ceased cycling or have irregular cycles due to
pathology or old age have a state of
, or possibly
if the last cycle
resulted in a pregnancy.
Any of the above states may start late or end early in the event of gaps in observation. (See CYCGAPS.)
The number of days since the state started. The first
day of the state has a value of 1
, the
next a value of 2
, etc.
This column is NULL
when the system cannot determine
when the state began. This occurs when the beginning of the
reproductive state occurs during a period when the
individual is not under regular observation (see CYCGAPS) or when an individual's
sexual maturity date is not also a Tdate (see MATUREDATES).
The number of days remaining in the state. The last
day of the state has a value of 0
, the
next to last day a value of 1
This column is NULL
when the system cannot determine
when the state ends. This occurs when the end of the
reproductive state was not observed, either because the
individual is alive and additional observations have not yet
been entered into Babase, or due to cessation of regular
observation. (See CYCGAPS.)
It also occurs when the individual dies, as it is not known
when the state would have ended.
The Pid of the
pregnancy associated with the state. This value must be
present when the State is P
(Pregnant) or L
(Lactating). There is also a Pid value for those
(Cycling) states that end
in pregnancy; this will apply to the majority of the
states, as the only other
way to exit the C
state is
death or cessation of observation.
The timestamp range during which this row's data are considered valid. See The Sys_Period Column for more information.
[213] A circumstance easily detected because Dr (days
remaining in state) is NULL
[214] See the information on the calculation of the
(Swelling, follicular)
and the O
states below.
[215] Starting with 1.
[216] but not including
[217] which is part of the next Mdate-toMdate interval
[218] And the presence of which ends the interval.
[219] For females with a MATUREDATES.Mstatus that is not
(On), this is the later of
MATUREDATES.Matured and the start of
observation according to CYCGAPS, as
[221] Or NULL
, when either column is NULL
, as adding a
to anything results in NULL