Babase -- The Wiki

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Data Management

Status of Babase Datasets


Last Updated

Data Included

Group Membership and Life Events*

11 Aug 2023

Data through Jun 2023

Census backfill

6 Dec 2023

Complete for Alto's from Sep 1980 onward and for Hook's from May 1983 onward. Not begun for Lodge group and its fission products. Most other groups censuses have also been backfilled with the exception of Stud's group.

Demography note backfill

6 Dec 2023

Not begun for Lodge and its fission products. For other groups, complete from 1989-onward.

Sexual Cycles**

11 Aug 2023

Cycling data through Jun 2023; sexskins and repro notes through Dec 2022 and backfilled through 1997 (except for Joy's and Nzige's 1997 data, which throw a lot of errors)

Interaction Data

08 Feb 2024

Data through Dec 2023


2x/ every week

With a few exceptions, all data until ~(at most) 7 days previous to today. Exceptional cases have to wait for a quarterly update, the most recent of which added data through Dec 2023

Rankdates Table

23 May 2023

Data Through Mar 2023 (by dates assigned to obviously-adult immigrants and males > 7yrs, 5mos and residing in nonstudy groups updated through same quarter as demography and repro tables)

Ranks Table

Jun 2023

ALM/ADM through Dec 2022; ALF/ADF through Dec 2022

Min_Maxs view

11 Aug 2023

temp and rain data from Aug 1976 through Jun 2023

Digital Weather

11 Aug 2023

Meteorological data automatically collected by machine, through Jun 2023

Wounds and Pathologies

11 Aug 2023

tables and views beginning with wp_ through Jun 2023

Princeton babase_pending tables

6 Dec 2023

neonatals, subgroups, intergroup_encounters, hybridity_rawmorpho, deaths, dispersenotes, & corpse_info through Sep 2023

Duke babase_pending tables

08 Feb 2024

Predation_By, Predation_On, Human_Disturb through Dec 2023


Updated constantly, as needed

Tissues and extracted DNA's/RNA's that are or ever have been at Duke, Notre Dame, or the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig

Genetic Markers: msat_reactions

Apr 2018

Reaction info through plate 415

Genetic Markers: msat_results

Apr 2018

Results data through plate 415

Genetic Markers: Genotypes

Dec 2018

All finalized microsatellite genotypes through end of year 2018

Hormone Samples

(Not recorded)

Fecal samples through 21 Jun 2021

Hormone Preps and Results

14 Mar 2023

All lab work done through 06 Mar 2023. Estrogen: through 06 Mar 2023. Glucocorticoids: through 22 Dec 2022. Progesterone: through 27 Feb 2023. Testosterone: through 09 Oct 2019. Thyroid hormone: 24 Jun 2022.

Dataset status detail

Source Code

All of the Babase source code is freely available right here.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation for the supporting the collection of the majority of the data stored in the database; in the past decade in particular we acknowledge support from IBN 9985910, IBN 0322613, IBN 0322781, BCS 0323553, BCS 0323596, DEB 0846286, DEB 0846532 and DEB 0919200. We are also very grateful for support from the National Institute of Aging (R01AG034513-01 and P01AG031719) and the Princeton Center for the Demography of Aging (P30AG024361). We also thank the Chicago Zoological Society, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation and the National Geographic Society for support at various times over the years.

Building your own database

If you're interested in building a database of your own, we have some advice.

MyStartingPage (last edited 2024-10-04 16:53:26 by JakeGordon)

Wiki content based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0323553 and 0323596. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the wiki contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.